Protect skin against melanoma

Melanoma - the most dangerous of skin cancers. In the world each year there are over 130,000 new cases and unfortunately this number is growing every year. What's worse, very often patients report to the doctor too late, i.e. when the disease is already very advanced and the chances of recovery are very low. Meanwhile, early melanoma is completely curable. That is why I would like to draw your attention to how dangerous melanoma can be for each of us and how we can minimize the risk of developing this type of skin cancer. 

Melanoma is characterized by great aggressiveness, and at an advanced stage, when we are dealing with numerous metastases, its treatment is very difficult and unfortunately often ineffective. It is derived from pigmented cells - melanocytes, and although in most cases it is recognized on the skin, it also happens to occur on mucous membranes or inside the eyeball, i.e. wherever melanocytes are found.

When does the risk increase?

Melanoma does not apply only to the elderly. More and more cases are reported in women and men after 20 years of age. Very often, this disease is the result of sunburns during childhood. In the increased risk group there are also people with fair skin, blue, gray or green eyes and light blond or red hair. All those who have on their skin numerous pigmentation changes and so-called atypical, i.e. those that differ in shape and pigmentation. People who are related to someone who has had this type of cancer are also more likely to get sick. Above all, however, the risk of developing skin melanoma increases as a result of excessive skin exposure to UV radiation.

It is better to prevent

"Prevention is better than cure" these simple, but very wise words probably everyone knows, unfortunately not everyone can comply with them. That is why it is so important to build awareness among all people, both those who are at risk and those who are theoretically less at risk of falling ill. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that many diseases that ended prematurely could be avoided, sometimes just simply start with yourself. This is also the case with melanoma. So we should give up the solarium and avoid excessive sun exposure. However, do not exaggerate and do not hide at home as soon as we see that the weather is beautiful outside, we need the sun very much. The point is that we give up sunbathing or long walks when it shines most intensively. It is also very important to protect our skin, i.e. creams with high filters that we should use every day. Remember that the sun acts on our skin even when the weather does not indicate it, even 80% of radiation harmful to us can penetrate the clouds. You must also be aware of the fact that no cream will protect you 100%, it is not enough to apply it to the skin 1 throughout the day to keep the cosmetic working, such a procedure must be repeated every few hours.

It is also very important to wear glasses equipped with special filters and umbrellas, baseball caps and hats, which on sunny days also have a very important protective function. Take care of the youngest, don't forget that the sunburn they will experience as children can contribute to future illness.

Watch and react. Melanoma usually develops from changes that are already on our skin, very rarely occurs where it is completely smooth. Because most often, because in 90% of cases it is located on the surface of the skin, changes that disturb us can be seen even with the naked eye. So a very important element of prevention is the so-called self-examination. Try to regularly look at your skin, and if anything catches your attention, e.g. a change in the color or shape of the birthmark, as well as the sudden appearance of several new pigmented lesions, immediately report to a specialist who will look at everything very carefully and, if necessary, order additional will test and make the right diagnosis. Don't be afraid, early melanoma is treatable.


This time it is not a collection of vitamins necessary for your health. Under these letters is a very important rule in the melanoma detection process. If you know and remember her, it will be much easier for you to observe your body. From now on you will know what to look for and what changes can be worrying.

"A" like Asymmetry, any suspected change with an asymmetrical, uneven shape that is significantly different from "ordinary" moles is suspected.

"B" like Borders, the edges of changes that should cause our anxiety, and certainly make us visit a dermatologist are jagged, uneven, with various types of swelling.

"C" as color, that is, all changes in color and uneven distribution of the dye visible on the birthmark.

"D" like Diameter and Dynamics, i.e. the dynamics of morphological changes and the diameter of the change, if it exceeds 6 mm, should arouse our interest and be viewed by a dermatologist.

"E" as Evolution, i.e. any change that quickly changes its shape, color, diameter, and also begins to protrude above the surface of the skin.

Remember also that any discomfort you feel in the place where the birthmark is found, e.g. itching, burning, pain or bleeding are also an indication for urgent visit to the doctor and further diagnostics.

Melanoma attacks without warning and unfortunately also very quietly kills. Ailments that impede our functioning or are such a clear discomfort for us that they begin to cause anxiety, unfortunately they appear when the disease is already at an advanced stage and the prognosis is bad. Very often, however, before this happens, a lot of time must pass, therefore our so-called oncological alertness. Pay attention to what your birthmarks look like, even if in your eyes they are just harmless peppers, watch them carefully and consult any disturbing change with a specialist. However, self-examination is not everything, once a year your skin should be thoroughly examined by a dermatologist, and if you are at risk, this check-up should take place every six months. Remember also about protection against sun rays and in no case do not use the solarium. Melanoma is a cancer that, despite the progress of medicine, is still killing a lot of patients, but remember that each of us can change that.

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Rosacea – how can you get it good?

Rosacea appears on the face, causes redness, spider veins, the formation of small lumps or purulent pimples. The disease is genetically determined and affects mature people, unfortunately mostly choosing women.

Its causes are not yet fully understood, but it is known that the factors causing erythema may be hormonal, vasomotor or endocrine disorders. As a reason for the disease, doctors also mention gastrointestinal disorders, yeast infection or microscopic mite - demodicosis.

Time is important

Rosacea should be diagnosed by a specialist - a dermatologist. We should be worried by the intense redness of the face, the feeling of warmth and burning that appears. Treatment of the disease requires time, regularity and self-denial. However, it is much easier to fight with it if we start therapy at its initial stage.

Changing habits

Rosacea is very capricious, which is why many factors exacerbate it. People suffering from this ailment should avoid, among others: drinking strong tea, alcohol, spicy and hot dishes as well as skin exposure to frost, sun and wind. Symptoms of the disease are also aggravated by strong emotions and intense physical exercise.


Skin care with rosacea is a big challenge. Thanks to it, we can significantly improve the appearance of diseased skin and facilitate treatment. The most important thing is to avoid irritating cosmetics containing alcohol, menthol and fragrances. Choose those for allergic and sensitive skin. Regular cleansing of the face is very important, it will remove excess fat, bacteria and microbes from the skin. To avoid irritation, give up peeling and washing the skin with water straight from the tap. Sun protection is also extremely important. Be sure to use preparations with a filter no smaller than SPF 15.

I need a specialist

Rosacea treatment usually involves the use of antibiotic therapy. However, at REVIVE CLINIC I recommend starting the fight against the disease from Forever Young BBL phototherapy, thanks to which, before we get rid of the symptoms, we will destroy the cause of their occurrence. An intense light source, emitted during the procedure, deep into the patient's skin, hits precisely the smallest blood vessels without damaging the surrounding tissue. BBL Phototherapy is a delicate and non-invasive procedure, but to bring the expected results it should be repeated about 5 times, maintaining the monthly intervals between treatments.

Remember that the skin after the treatment is very sensitive to UV radiation, so it is extremely important to use creams with a high filter and not expose it to the sun.

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Psoriasis cannot be infected

Psoriasis is a disease which, because of too low social awareness, often causes exclusion. Meanwhile, psoriasis is not contagious and does not pose a threat to the environment of a sick person, so it should not cause fear or be a reason for rejection. Unfortunately, this is still happening very often, which is why I think it is worth getting to know her better and understand how important our support is for people who are struggling with it. Today on my blog about what psoriasis actually is, how it manifests itself and who it concerns.
Psoriasis, once confused with leprosy, nowadays considered an autoimmune disease, is a chronic disease characterized by periods of remission followed by exacerbations of the disease. Due to the fact that there are several types of this disease, the course can be very diverse and, unfortunately, if it manifests itself, it remains with the patient for life.

Psoriasis is one of the most common skin conditions with a typical symptom of scaly patches. It can affect anyone, but much more often than children suffer from adults, and it affects both women and men. Unfortunately, it is a disease that not only affects the patient's external appearance, but also very difficult his daily functioning, and what is worse is also the cause of mental disorders.

Too fast and bad

The skin of a healthy person needs about 28 days to regenerate, in people with psoriasis, the skin cells divide about 7 times faster, i.e. the process of their complete replacement takes about 4 days. It is excessive production of the epidermis that leads to the formation of lesions in people affected by psoriasis.

What's behind it?

Unfortunately, it is still difficult to answer this question unambiguously, genes and the immune system are blamed here, which for unknown reasons, instead of protecting us, turns against us, and chronic inflammation arises within the skin. There are also a number of factors that trigger psoriasis, increase its symptoms, or accelerate its recurrence. Belong to them:

  • Infections, streptococcal infections are the most dangerous, but other bacteria, viruses and fungi can also trigger it. Particular attention should be paid to throat, ear and bronchial infections. These types of infections can lead to the first signs of drip psoriasis, most often diagnosed in children.
  • Injuries, very often the symptoms of psoriasis appear or intensify as a result of mechanical damage to the skin, then we are talking about the Koebner phenomenon.
  • Stress is also recognized as a factor that can activate psoriasis, cause its first symptoms, aggravate existing or reduce remission.
  • Drugs, it happens that psoriasis increases as a result of taking certain medications, e.g. used to treat depression (containing lithium carbonate), beta-blockers, improper treatment with corticosteroids, and even some of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

It also happens that psoriasis is caused, accelerated by relapse or exacerbation of symptoms by other factors, e.g. hormonal disorders, poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption or smoking.

The skin condition also changes with the changing seasons. In the winter, when we stay in heated rooms, the skin dries faster and the symptoms of psoriasis get worse, while in the summer, when the skin has more contact with the sun, the lesions decrease and sometimes even completely disappear.

Different types, different symptoms

Plaque psoriasis is most common, red plaques appearing on the skin, covered with white scales and clearly demarcated lesions from healthy skin. Plaques often occur symmetrically, and the most characteristic places where they appear are knees, elbows, the sacrum and the scalp. Patients also often complain of persistent itching, skin pruritus in places where lesions appear. In turn, drip psoriasis takes the form of small red, scaly, drop-like lesions that are most commonly located on the torso, limbs, and top of the head. This type of psoriasis is most common in children and adolescents. Pustular psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of small pustules filled with pus very often surrounded by erythema. Changes can occur all over the body, but most often they occur on the limbs. Inverted psoriasis occurs in the form of smooth red patches that appear mainly in the folds and folds of the skin, e.g. in the bends of the elbows, under the knees, under the breasts or in the groin. The affected skin is very delicate and prone to irritation, which is why inflammation often occurs in this form of the disease. Nail psoriasis, on the other hand, usually occurs with another type of psoriasis, although of course there are also cases when it is its only form. Patients notice indentations on the nails and psoriatic papules located under the plate and softened horn masses. The nails turn yellow or white, do not adhere to the ground, delaminate, and fall off in the acute course of the disease. The most severe form of psoriasis is psoriatic erythroderma. The changes occur all over the body, they are accompanied by persistent itching and pain, and the affected skin can go down with entire patches. The disease can be life-threatening, fortunately it is very rare.

How to care for sick skin?

Because the causes of the disease have not been fully understood, there is no drug that can cure psoriasis. The therapy is therefore only symptomatic and its task is to reduce the discomfort. Psoriasis treatment is also appropriate skin care, which, in combination with the preparations recommended by the doctor, can extend the period of remission. It is very important to use cosmetics designed for sensitive skin. It is necessary to constantly clean it, moisturize it and soothe irritation and itching. Cosmetics containing light ichthyol are often recommended, they help regulate the multiplication of skin cells and significantly reduce irritation, relieve itching, and thanks to their antibacterial and antiviral properties reduce the risk of infection. For skin care of people suffering from psoriasis, it is also recommended to use emollients that effectively protect the skin against water loss. It is also extremely important to use preparations that gently exfoliate the epidermis, e.g. those containing urea are recommended. It is absolutely necessary to give up soaps and replace them with foams, gels or emulsions without soap specially formulated for delicate skin. Cosmetics containing allergenic fragrances and dyes that may further irritate and dry the skin are also unsuitable. It should also be remembered that suffering from psoriasis, we can not afford to give up proper care, even during remission. If we properly care for our skin and follow the doctor's recommendations, we will significantly extend the asymptomatic period of the disease and make its recurrence more gentle.

In the treatment of psoriasis, phototherapy is also very often used, benefiting from the beneficial effects of UVA and UVB radiation. However, it should be remembered that not everyone can undergo this form of treatment, so it is very important that the doctor decides about it, who will also adapt the treatments to the individual needs of the patient and will constantly monitor the progress of treatment. In severe cases of psoriasis, it may be necessary to undergo biological therapy.

Psoriasis, although not infectious disease, unfortunately very often, is the cause of embarrassment and withdrawal from the lives of those affected. It happens that it leads to severe depression, which unfortunately leads to the resignation from treatment, intensifies the symptoms of the disease and threatens the patient's life. That is why it is very important not only to quickly start proper treatment, but also to spread information about psoriasis so that people in the patient's immediate environment can support him and help him go through a hard time when the symptoms of the disease are worse.

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How to stay away from the cold

The weather has not spoiled us lately, the wind, rain and low temperatures came far too quickly. The effect of such a change in weather are colds, which many people now complain about. Clogged noses, bloodshot tired eyes, scratching throats, coughing and high temperature, typical symptoms that knock us off our feet and take away all our energy.


How to get on your feet quickly? Today on my blog a few home, natural ways to deal with colds.

1. Stay at home

This is the first and most important rule, if you feel you have a cold, stay home. As our grandmothers said, every cold must be properly "poured out" and "sweated". A sick body should not be exposed to constant temperature changes, so the best place for us for the next few days will be the bed and the "friend" of the warm quilt. Thanks to this, it will certainly be easier to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, avoid dangerous complications and get to our feet faster. It is really not worth leaving the house at this time, it does not make much sense to go to work when we have a cold, not only does our physical and intellectual fitness decrease, but we also become a real threat to other employees who will probably soon feel that " something undresses them. "

2.Garlic + honey + lemon

The wonderful properties of garlic are certainly known to our grandmothers, who with his help healed various types of infections.

Garlic copes well with pathogenic microorganisms, it is said to be a natural antibiotic, but in addition to bacteria, it also fights viruses and fungi that attack us. However, we must remember that it is best to consume it raw, after heat treatment it loses a lot of its beneficial properties. Therefore, when we have a cold, we can confidently grate it and put it on sandwiches, brick effect :).

Of course, this natural "real" honey combats harmful bacteria and viruses, has anti-inflammatory properties and helps us to get rid of persistent cough. However, this is not the end, honey provides our body with large amounts of vitamins and minerals it needs, thanks to which it effectively strengthens our immunity. Lime honey was used for my cold at home, but raspberry, acacia, buckwheat and multifloral are well-known in the case of infection.

Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, which for years has been considered an excellent agent supporting the treatment of viral infections. In recent years, although opinions on this subject are divided, it does not hurt to try, vitamin C certainly will not hurt us, and maybe help.

How to prepare a cold syrup? Just a few (3-4) cloves of garlic (choose Polish), freshly squeezed lemon juice and slightly less than half (about 1/3) of a glass of honey. Garlic squeeze through a special press or grate on a grater and grind thoroughly, then mix it with lemon and honey. During a cold, it is enough if we drink 2-3 tablespoons of this natural syrup every day. We can also use it to strengthen our body prophylactically, then we only need one tablespoon a day.

3. Ginger tea

Ginger has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, fights bacteria and viruses, helps lower temperature, relieves sore throat, relaxes secretions and has expectorant effects. Ginger also works great as a means of strengthening our immunity, thanks to which we recover faster and we are less susceptible to further illnesses. Make yourself a tea with ginger and lemon and see what the effects of this treatment will be. Slice about 2 cm ginger root into thin slices or grate on a grater, pour hot water and brew together with tea, then add lemon juice and a little honey to it. Drink warm tea 2 times a day and warm up in bed properly, in this way you will certainly quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms of a cold and reduce the time of illness.

4. Infusion of cistus

Cistus is a very effective medicine for colds, it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, it deals with viruses, bacteria and fungi very quickly, and it also perfectly increases the resistance of our body. All this thanks to polyphenols, whose purge contains a lot, thanks to which it effectively eliminates the action of free radicals. Cistus relieves a sore throat, clears nose and sinuses and relieves cough, is an excellent natural medicine that helps us quickly return to full form. It is also a good idea to drink the infusion of cistus as a preventive measure during periods when diseases affect us more often than usual. Pour a teaspoon of purge with hot water, cover and let it brew for a few minutes, then all you have to do is strain the brew and it's ready. You can enrich its taste and properties by adding some lemon juice to it and sweetening it with honey.

5. Turmeric + cinnamon + honey + milk

It is a mix of unique ingredients with truly wonderful properties, thanks to which you can quickly get rid of cold symptoms that bother you. Turmeric very quickly eliminates inflammation, is considered an effective natural drug that destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi and clearly improves the condition of our body. Turmeric allows you to quickly get rid of a sore throat, clears the nose and relieves coughing. Cinnamon works great in respiratory infections, has anti-inflammatory properties and, like turmeric, stimulates our immune system. If you want to try this unique mixture, mix a teaspoon of turmeric and cinnamon with warm milk (1 cup) and a tablespoon of honey, you can add a little ginger or a teaspoon of ground cardamom, which also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling of the mucous membranes, making it easier for us breathing and perfectly soothes coughing. Be sure to season your drink with a little black pepper, which increases the absorption of curcumin. It is enough to drink such a drink once a day, remembering to keep it warm.

There are many more home remedies for colds, you probably have your proven and favorite ones. When using them, do not forget that each body reacts to the ingredients they contain differently, so take into account any possible allergic reactions, and if you feel really bad, better see a doctor. Home remedies may not be enough for you, and there is really no joke about illness.

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How to improve digestion?

More and more people suffer from digestive system diseases, mainly they suffer from indigestion, heartburn, stomach aches, constipation and diarrhea. Most often, the cause of these ailments is a bad diet, all you have to do is eat something heavy so that our digestive system refuses to obey us. It is therefore worth getting to know and include in the diet food products that can alleviate and even prevent digestive problems.

1. Fermented products

Such as yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, pickled cucumbers, cabbage and beets contain a lot of beneficial bacteria - probiotics. They beneficially change the composition of the intestinal flora, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, support digestion, the immune system and increase resistance to infection. Probiotics are also helpful in combating diarrhea caused by antibiotic therapy, relieve symptoms of indigestion, constipation, bloating and effectively support therapy in irritable bowel syndrome.

2. Whole grain products

There are many reasons why whole grains should be eaten. One of them is probably that the grains are an excellent source of insoluble fiber, thanks to which intestinal motility improves, constipation and unpleasant symptoms associated with hemorrhoids disappear faster. Insoluble dietary fiber is also great at cleansing the body of toxins and by-products of metabolism, and prevents colon cancer. The sources of fiber are primarily whole grains, such as pasta, bread, brown rice, seeds, nuts, as well as zucchini, celery, onions, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, raisins, grapes and dark green leafy vegetables.

3. Oatmeal

It's a rich source of water-soluble fiber, that's why when added to water or milk they turn into a slurry. Products containing soluble fiber are recommended for anyone who has a problem with irregular bowel movements. We are talking about both constipation and diarrhea, fiber perfectly affects the work of the digestive system, cleanses the intestines and restores regularity of bowel movements. It is also perfect for people who want to lose a few unnecessary kilograms, because fiber swelling under the influence of water keeps the feeling of satiety for a long time. In addition, fiber regulates blood cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition to oatmeal, you'll also find it in oatmeal, peas, lentils, apples, strawberries, oranges, beans, cucumbers, nuts and flax seeds.

4. Fish

Fish is a healthy addition to any diet. It is believed that they are rich in protein valuable for our body, and contained in fish such as salmon, tuna or mackerel omega-3 fatty acids, protect against cardiovascular diseases, reduce the level of triglycerides in the body, slow down the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels and regulate blood pressure. In addition, eating fish has a beneficial effect on the state of the large intestine, protecting it against inflammation and cancer.

5. Ginger

Ginger is great at alleviating stomach problems. It is widely used as a natural remedy in the treatment of nausea and diarrhea. He is also very good at eliminating the symptoms of motion sickness and reducing nausea and vomiting caused by pregnancy and chemotherapy.

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How to back to form after child birth

Today, a topic that many ladies are sleepless and it is not about how to lose a few extra kilos that they got pregnant. I would like to focus on what makes you afraid of returning to sex after birth, and after caesarean section you are afraid that the scar formed after surgery will forever blemish your body. Read about how to care for a body injured during delivery and intimate places so that they regain good appearance and form as soon as possible.

Regardless of whether you gave birth by forces of nature or by caesarean section, the wounds that arose need not only time, but also your support and proper care, so that they can heal properly.

Crotch under tender care

No part of the female body feels the effects of natural delivery as severe as the perineum. Today, fortunately, cutting it is rare and is used in really demanding situations, but it does not change the fact that it is clearly strained and irritated and when it breaks, it can cause a lot of discomfort, even if it did not require the intervention of a doctor and the assumption stitches. Therefore, to get rid of unpleasant ailments as soon as possible, it is necessary to take care of proper hygiene and support the processes associated with the healing of damaged places.

Dry, painfully unpleasant

Very often after delivery, and later also during lactation, women struggle with the unpleasant feeling of dryness in the vagina. All are guilty of hormones, because it is then that there is a decrease in estrogen levels and an increase in prolactin, which means that women not only decrease libido, but also vaginal dryness. This condition causes discomfort, pain during intercourse and increases the risk of intimate infections.

Hyaluronic acid not only in anti-aging cosmetics

Most of us associate hyaluronic acid with cosmetics that we use every day to care for our face and fillers used in aesthetic medicine offices to smooth wrinkles, emphasize cheeks or gently enlarge lips. He makes sure that our skin is properly moisturized, restores its firmness and elasticity, making it look beautiful and young, and because it naturally occurs in our body, it does not cause irritation and can be safely used in most cases. However, it is worth knowing that hyaluronic acid in the small molecule form also plays a significant role in the care and regeneration of intimate places during the puerperium. It is he who, thanks to its unique structure, creates a protective gel coating that supports natural regenerative and defense mechanisms. The barrier created with its help separates the damaged tissue from adverse external factors, prevents the development of pathogenic bacterial flora and protects against re-injury. Hyaluronic acid makes the skin elastic, restores its natural humidity and significantly accelerates the healing processes of intimate places, significantly reducing pain. However, this is not the end of hyaluronic acid by increasing the blood supply and hydration of the vaginal mucosa normalizes the pH, thus reducing the risk of urogenital infections and eliminating discomfort during sexual intercourse. The safe preparation containing the unique formula of small molecule hyaluronic acid are products, which are in the form of vaginal globules or topical gel. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the hyaluronic acid molecules contained in them are up to several times smaller than those found in other such products, which allows them to operate in deeper layers of the skin, increasing efficiency and speed of action.

The beneficial therapeutic effect of hyaluronic acid in obstetrics and gynecology has been confirmed in numerous clinical studies and consumer tests. Preparations containing low molecular weight hyaluronic acid are perfect not only for the care and regeneration of intimate places after delivery, but also for relieving discomfort caused by dryness and irritation, e.g. in the perimenopausal period, as well as accelerating wound healing after gynecological procedures.

Souvenir after cesarean section

Very often women giving birth by caesarean section are concerned about what their body will look like when the wound heals. Today, fortunately, the procedure is performed in such a way that the scar is as short as possible and the lowest positioned, thanks to which it is often difficult to see it even in scant underwear. The fact is, however, that there is always a trace of the so-called the emperor remains. The external and internal factors as well as the manner of caring for the healing scar determine what it will be like. Some are really hard to see, while others overwhelm looking very unsightly and - what's worse - often cause discomfort and pain.

What will your scar be like?

What will be the final appearance of the scar after cesarean section is influenced by several factors that you will not always have an influence on. A lot depends on how the operation was carried out, how the cut was made and the sutures applied, unfortunately, your genetic predisposition also affects the appearance of the scar. This does not mean, however, that in this case you are doomed to an ugly hypertrophic scar. The most important thing is to remember that under no circumstances should you leave her alone. It will depend a lot on you and how you will look after her.

The wound must heal

Care for the scar should be started when the wound has healed, nothing should be filtered and the incision must be covered with epithelium. If you start at this point, your scar will heal faster, become elastic and, most importantly, aesthetic. But this is not the end. Proper and started care early enough will also reduce unpleasant discomforts during healing, e.g. itching or pulling sensations in the area where the wound is located. Until quite recently, women after cesarean section were recommended to use ointments based on vitamin E or sea onion extract, which, by reducing inflammation within the damaged tank, gave the skin a lightening effect. Unfortunately, their effectiveness in applying to large scars was unsatisfactory, they worked best in the treatment of small, shallow and very fresh scars. An additional disadvantage was the way they were used, they had to be applied to the skin several times a day. These types of preparations also did not work in the treatment of so-called keloids and hypertrophic scars.

Silicone scar treatment

Although the first silicone preparations appeared already in the 1980s, at the beginning they were treated with quite a lot of reserve. Fortunately, the situation has changed and today they are considered a very effective therapeutic method to improve the appearance of scars. Silicone patches specially developed for effective scar treatment are available on the market. The silicone used in them not only softens and smoothes the skin, but also creates a thin protective film invisible to the naked eye on its surface, protects it from external factors and loss of moisture. It also reduces the amount and changes the arrangement of collagen fibers forming a scar. All this helps to obtain more favorable conditions for the proper healing of the scar, significantly improving its appearance. Preparations based on silicone can be used from the 3rd week after cesarean section. It is very important to wear them around the clock, taking off only during the necessary hygiene procedures. A great convenience is the possibility of any cutting and adapting to the size of the scar. The effectiveness of silicone patches is confirmed by as much as 95% of patients who as a result of their action indicate lightening, smoothing and reducing scars. Remember, however, that one patch will certainly not work miracles, so it is very important to use them regularly according to the instructions for use for about 3 months.

The best results from aesthetic medicine at REVIVE CLINIC you can achieve after SkinPen Micronnedling with PRP – read more


Dear Ladies, keep your head back to shape after giving birth it doesn't have to be a bane that you will remember for a long time, but it all depends on how you take care of your body.

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