The weather has not spoiled us lately, the wind, rain and low temperatures came far too quickly. The effect of such a change in weather are colds, which many people now complain about. Clogged noses, bloodshot tired eyes, scratching throats, coughing and high temperature, typical symptoms that knock us off our feet and take away all our energy.
How to get on your feet quickly? Today on my blog a few home, natural ways to deal with colds.
1. Stay at home
This is the first and most important rule, if you feel you have a cold, stay home. As our grandmothers said, every cold must be properly "poured out" and "sweated". A sick body should not be exposed to constant temperature changes, so the best place for us for the next few days will be the bed and the "friend" of the warm quilt. Thanks to this, it will certainly be easier to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, avoid dangerous complications and get to our feet faster. It is really not worth leaving the house at this time, it does not make much sense to go to work when we have a cold, not only does our physical and intellectual fitness decrease, but we also become a real threat to other employees who will probably soon feel that " something undresses them. "
2.Garlic + honey + lemon
The wonderful properties of garlic are certainly known to our grandmothers, who with his help healed various types of infections.
Garlic copes well with pathogenic microorganisms, it is said to be a natural antibiotic, but in addition to bacteria, it also fights viruses and fungi that attack us. However, we must remember that it is best to consume it raw, after heat treatment it loses a lot of its beneficial properties. Therefore, when we have a cold, we can confidently grate it and put it on sandwiches, brick effect :).
Of course, this natural "real" honey combats harmful bacteria and viruses, has anti-inflammatory properties and helps us to get rid of persistent cough. However, this is not the end, honey provides our body with large amounts of vitamins and minerals it needs, thanks to which it effectively strengthens our immunity. Lime honey was used for my cold at home, but raspberry, acacia, buckwheat and multifloral are well-known in the case of infection.
Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, which for years has been considered an excellent agent supporting the treatment of viral infections. In recent years, although opinions on this subject are divided, it does not hurt to try, vitamin C certainly will not hurt us, and maybe help.
How to prepare a cold syrup? Just a few (3-4) cloves of garlic (choose Polish), freshly squeezed lemon juice and slightly less than half (about 1/3) of a glass of honey. Garlic squeeze through a special press or grate on a grater and grind thoroughly, then mix it with lemon and honey. During a cold, it is enough if we drink 2-3 tablespoons of this natural syrup every day. We can also use it to strengthen our body prophylactically, then we only need one tablespoon a day.
3. Ginger tea
Ginger has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, fights bacteria and viruses, helps lower temperature, relieves sore throat, relaxes secretions and has expectorant effects. Ginger also works great as a means of strengthening our immunity, thanks to which we recover faster and we are less susceptible to further illnesses. Make yourself a tea with ginger and lemon and see what the effects of this treatment will be. Slice about 2 cm ginger root into thin slices or grate on a grater, pour hot water and brew together with tea, then add lemon juice and a little honey to it. Drink warm tea 2 times a day and warm up in bed properly, in this way you will certainly quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms of a cold and reduce the time of illness.
4. Infusion of cistus
Cistus is a very effective medicine for colds, it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, it deals with viruses, bacteria and fungi very quickly, and it also perfectly increases the resistance of our body. All this thanks to polyphenols, whose purge contains a lot, thanks to which it effectively eliminates the action of free radicals. Cistus relieves a sore throat, clears nose and sinuses and relieves cough, is an excellent natural medicine that helps us quickly return to full form. It is also a good idea to drink the infusion of cistus as a preventive measure during periods when diseases affect us more often than usual. Pour a teaspoon of purge with hot water, cover and let it brew for a few minutes, then all you have to do is strain the brew and it's ready. You can enrich its taste and properties by adding some lemon juice to it and sweetening it with honey.
5. Turmeric + cinnamon + honey + milk
It is a mix of unique ingredients with truly wonderful properties, thanks to which you can quickly get rid of cold symptoms that bother you. Turmeric very quickly eliminates inflammation, is considered an effective natural drug that destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi and clearly improves the condition of our body. Turmeric allows you to quickly get rid of a sore throat, clears the nose and relieves coughing. Cinnamon works great in respiratory infections, has anti-inflammatory properties and, like turmeric, stimulates our immune system. If you want to try this unique mixture, mix a teaspoon of turmeric and cinnamon with warm milk (1 cup) and a tablespoon of honey, you can add a little ginger or a teaspoon of ground cardamom, which also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling of the mucous membranes, making it easier for us breathing and perfectly soothes coughing. Be sure to season your drink with a little black pepper, which increases the absorption of curcumin. It is enough to drink such a drink once a day, remembering to keep it warm.
There are many more home remedies for colds, you probably have your proven and favorite ones. When using them, do not forget that each body reacts to the ingredients they contain differently, so take into account any possible allergic reactions, and if you feel really bad, better see a doctor. Home remedies may not be enough for you, and there is really no joke about illness.