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Teleangiectasias more commonly known as spiders arise under the influence of various external and internal stimuli. Correctly working capillaries contract and expand. Sometimes, however, this mechanism is disturbed, then they are permanently expanded and become visible.

This condition is much more common in women. Spiders can appear anywhere, but the legs and face are the most-liked.

Today, however, we will focus on the face. I will tell you a bit about why the capillaries burst, how we can prevent it and whether the cosmetics will help to eliminate them.

Spiders as a result of passing time ...

With age, the skin becomes thinner and the capillaries weaker and less flexible, the mechanism of their action is no longer as efficient as in young people. Thus, permanently extended become more visible.

Genetic predisposition

Very often we get spider veins after our loved ones, so if your moms or grandmothers had delicate capillary skin, this problem will probably also affect you.

Or maybe it's hormones?

Hormonal disorders also contribute to the formation of spider veins, e.g. during adolescence, pregnancy, delivery or menopause. Hormonal contraception may also have a similar effect.

Diet also matters

If you have delicate skin and a tendency to form spiders, give up alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods. Under their influence, the blood vessels expand, which may cause an exacerbation of symptoms. The diet should contain products rich in vitamin C, which will seal blood vessels. You will find it, among others, in blackcurrant, citrus fruits, strawberries, spinach tomatoes and brussels sprouts. Vitamin B6, which strengthens the immune system and stimulates cell production, is also important, it is found in milk, eggs, brown rice, hazelnuts and walnuts. Blood vessels perfectly strengthen and seal vitamin K, its natural source is avocado, cabbage, broccoli and lettuce. The diet supporting the capillary skin should also contain products containing selenium, which will help regenerate the capillaries, zinc that will eliminate inflammation, copper and vitamin E, which, by strengthening, will eliminate further damage.

Quit smoking

Nicotine weakens the walls of blood vessels and accelerates the effects, making the spider veins more visible. Remember that you are also exposed as passive smokers to the harmful effects of nicotine.

Harmful radiation

For capillary skin is harmful both solar radiation and that that we meet in solariums. That is why it is best to give up artificial tanning.

It is also very important to use sunscreen creams with a minimum of 15 SPF, and in the case of greater sun exposure a minimum of 30 SPF. Remember, over 80% of UV radiation penetrates the clouds, which is why the skin should also be protected on a cloudy day.

It is bad either way

Capillary skin really doesn't like wind and rapid temperature changes. Cold should therefore be protected by using specially designed fat creams. Also remember that after returning from a winter walk, do not immediately enter a very warm room, the skin should get used to the temperature change. Also give up the sauna, hot baths, too hot drinks and meals, they cause excessive expansion of the vessels, which may result in the appearance of spider veins.

Difficult art of care

A very important element of care is make-up removal. The remains of colored cosmetics left overnight irritate the skin. It is best to use micellar fluids for purification. Give up soap and skin cleansing with tap water, thermal water is the best choice. If the peeling is an enzymatic one that will gently remove dead skin, accelerate regeneration, cleanse the pores, improve the color and sensitize the skin to the effects of nutritional cosmetics. During the day, it is best to use protective creams and at night choose those that will support regeneration, soothe irritations and strengthen capillaries.

Cream cream is not equal

Choose cosmetics that do not contain fragrances, fruit acids, alcohol or abrasive particles. A very important component of creams is vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, constricts and seals capillaries, vitamin K, sealing vessels and anti-inflammatory vitamin PP. It is good if the cosmetics also contain the strengthening effect of vitamin C and reducing the permeability of blood vessels routine. Allantoin or panthenol will have a soothing effect. Aloe vera extract will also work great, which will improve microcirculation, strengthen capillaries and moisturize the skin. Ginkgo biloba extract making the blood vessels walls more elastic, reducing redness of the mountain arnica extract or well-known chestnut extract anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling and reducing the fragility of the vessels is also very good. The cosmetics may also contain vegetable oils, e.g. evening primrose or rose, they have anti-inflammatory and astringent effects on blood vessels.

And if the capillaries are already visible?

Unfortunately, even the best cosmetics will not remove existing spiders. To get rid of them, I suggest at my REVIVE CLINIC Forever Young BBL phoyotherapy, which eliminates dilated capillaries from the upper layers of the skin. During the treatment, the energy released from the light changes into heat, which destroys the vessels. Laser therapy visibly restores the skin's natural color and eliminates spider veins. 

So head up, we can do it together!
