Professional help for hand skin

Hands are our showcase, they are beautiful give us confidence, but unfortunately they also reveal our age. The thin skin of the hands is aging fairly quickly, therefore, if we do not properly care for it, this age will be to our disadvantage. 

Today on my blog about what aesthetic medicine treatments can help us take care of our hands.

Our hands work hard every day, performing thousands of activities that we often do not even think about, help us in everyday functioning. Unfortunately, however, they do not have an easy life, exposed to direct contact with sunlight, wind, frost, dry air, moisture and various types of detergents, they feel their harmful effects on their skin very quickly.

Thin and delicate

Hands have very thin fatty tissue, and their skin has almost no sebaceous glands, which makes them almost without a protective layer. The skin of our hands is therefore very delicate, and if left without our help, it easily dries and irritations. 

If we do not care for it, we will soon notice the first wrinkles and discolorations on it. Unfortunately, in daily care, we often forget that our hands also need our support.

What does hand skin doesn’t like?

When washing your hands, remember that the water should not be too warm or too cold, and give up heavily perfumed and colored soaps. Also, don't forget that your hands should not be wet after washing, you should always gently dry them. It is also better to avoid the use of dryers that promote drying of the skin of the hands, of course, if we have such an opportunity. Hands do not like to be neglected, so it is very important to moisturize them carefully, you need to do it several times a day and always after contact with water. 

Hand cream should also nourish them and help rebuild damaged protective layer. Thin hand skin does not like wind, frost and excessive sun exposure, so it is very important to guarantee its proper protection. In summer, we really need a light cream with a UV filter. 

Our hands also do not like contact with detergents. Let's try to use protective gloves or special cosmetics called invisible gloves during home cleaning.

How to help damaged hands

Careful care and minimizing the contact of the skin of the hands with harmful external factors will certainly make our hands look beautiful and young. Home cosmetic treatment is not everything to cope with the effects of our neglect, effects of excessive skin exposure to the sun or simply slow down the aging process of our hands, professional help is needed. 

The wide range of treatments offered by aesthetic medicine allows us not only to rejuvenate our hands, but also to nourish, moisturize, stimulate regenerative processes, get rid of unsightly discolorations and so-called age spots.

Forever Young BBL Phototherapy

A very effective and safe way to deal with discoloration that appeared on our hands is the innovative ForeverYoung BBL ™ (Broad Band Light) therapy. Light of the specified wavelength emitted during the treatment destroys darker pigmentation cells. Later, these dead cells escape to the surface of the skin, and peel leave it brighter and rejuvenated. 

This is not the end, however, Forever Young BBL Phototherapy, stimulating fibroblasts to produce new collagen, clearly improves the elasticity of the skin of the hands and perfectly smoothes it. 

Remember, however, that this is a gradual process and to get rid of completely unsightly stains from our hands, it is necessary to perform a series of such treatments. Outstanding specialists will take care of you at REVIVE CLINIC ™, who will carefully assess the condition of your skin and plan the therapy so that you can get the best results.

SkinPen Microneedling

When, as a result of sunlight, frequent contact with water, detergents, dry and cool air, or simply as a result of progressing aging processes, fine wrinkles appear on our hands, SkinPen Microneedling therapy is a good solution. The SkinPen used during the procedure makes thousands of tiny "holes" on our skin surrounded by healthy tissue, which accelerates healing, activates the formation of new collagen. SkinPen Microneedling makes the skin firm, fine wrinkles are smoothed and the visibility of discoloration is reduced. The first effects can be seen a few days after the procedure, and with each subsequent day they will be more and more visible, remember that the process of collagen reconstruction lasts about 4-6 months. 

The specialist always decides how many treatments you need, at the REVIVE CLINIC ™, during the consultation, the specialist will examine your hands thoroughly, talk about your health, tell you about the procedure and plan individual therapy for you.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Platelet Rich Plasma is our personal "elixir of youth", it is a concentrate of platelets suspended in a small amount of plasma, obtained by centrifugation of blood previously collected from us. 

The platelet rich plasma separated in this way is a preparation containing active thrombocytes that release growth factors. These, in turn, stimulate the proliferation and division of epidermal cells, activate microcirculation, stimulate DNA synthesis and stimulate fibroblasts to produce collagen. 

Platelet rich plasma accelerates skin regeneration processes, thanks to which new healthy cells are created faster, wrinkles are smoothed and our skin looks much younger. 

Skin injection with platelet rich plasma is a very natural and safe procedure that does not cause allergic reactions. 

Remember, however, that despite its enormous effectiveness, to obtain satisfactory results, you may need to perform a series of treatments. However, this is always decided by the specialist, which is why consultation with a specialist is necessary before starting therapy. 

You also need to know that the procedure is not painless, so if you so wish, before it is performed, your hands will be anesthetized with a special cream.

You have to take care of your hands throughout the year, so remember to properly care for and protect them. It is also worth using the professional help of specialists, a whole range of treatments await you at REVIVE CLINIC ™ that will help you take care of your hands and improve their appearance.

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Vitamin C to guard our beauty

We probably all know about the existence of vitamin C, we've heard about it countless times, we perfectly remember that it works great when we start to feel that "something undresses us" and we must quickly get back into shape. However, we do not all know that it also protects our beauty and helps us to remain young for a long time. Today on the blog with unusual properties, ordinary vitamin, that is, whether thanks to vitamin C you can improve your appearance and delay aging.

Vitamin C is probably the most known and the most popular vitamin today. It was first extracted from paprika, and it was done in 1928 by Albert Szent -Görgyi, a Hungarian biochemist, for which he later received the Nobel Prize. 

Vitamin C is necessary for us to live, thanks to her our body can function properly, it helps us stay healthy, supports the fight against many diseases and cares about our beauty.

The skin needs support

The skin is our largest organ, whose basic role is to protect internal tissues and organs against harmful external factors. It is a kind of shield that protects us against threats coming from the external environment. 

That is why it is the most visible signs of fatigue, diseases and the first effects of aging. After all, nothing lasts forever, unfortunately our skin loses its "extraordinary power" over time and it is becoming increasingly difficult to play its protective role. 

So it needs support and provide the necessary ingredients so that it can still function properly. One of them is the heroine of today's entry - vitamin C.

Reduces the visibility of discoloration

Discoloration, i.e. deposits of melanin - the dark pigment of our skin, appear as a result of UV radiation, hormonal disorders, progressing aging processes, or as a side effect of using certain drugs. They look unsightly and unfortunately make us look older. 

Vitamin C not only has a positive effect on skin regeneration, clearly rejuvenating it, but also reduces the production of melanin, due to which discoloration becomes less visible, and the skin acquires an even healthy color.

Accelerates wound healing and reduces inflammation

Vitamin C reduces inflammation, soothes irritations and taking part in collagen production also has a very important role in wound healing. That is why problems related to wound healing are the most characteristic symptom of vitamin C deficiency. 

It also improves the protective functions of the skin, which allows it to cope with various infections faster and reduce discomfort, e.g. itching, burning, excessive dryness and redness of the epidermis.

Strengthens blood vessels

Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, which is particularly important for people struggling with the so-called skin capillaries. The redness of the skin or the spider veins visible on its surface appears when the blood vessels expand under the influence of a stimulus, e.g. a sudden change in temperature, spicy dishes or strong emotions and are unable to return to their original size. The problem may appear as a result of hormonal disorders, poor diet, chronic stress, the use of certain drugs, as an effect of aging or a predisposition recorded in our genes.

How to supply the right amount of vitamin C?

The demand for vitamin C is the highest among all vitamins, while our body cannot synthesize it by itself, which is why it is important to provide vitamin C in the right amount and quality.

Of course, the best way is a proper diet rich in vegetables and fruits. Vitamin C can be found, among others, in rosehips, blackcurrant, kiwi, strawberries, oranges, lemons, peppers, parsley, brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach and green beans. However, not always using a well-balanced diet, we are able to provide as much vitamin C as our body needs it, then support is needed. 

The choice of supplements with vitamin C is really big and although it may seem very simple to buy the right one, it is worth knowing that not every form of vitamin C guarantees its proper absorption in our body. For this to happen, you need liposomes, or microscopic bubbles formed from phospholipids.

Thanks to advanced liposomal technology, precisely designed liposomes have become the highest quality carriers with high stability. The vitamin C enclosed in them is protected against the harmful effects of external factors such as low pH, which occurs in the digestive tract, gastric juice or digestive enzymes. The structural similarity of liposomes to biological membranes found in the human body enables high bioavailability and effective penetration of active substances, e.g. vitamin C, into the cells, i.e. the destination. The use of liposomal vitamin C also allows you to maintain its appropriate, high concentration much longer than in the case of vitamin C administered in a traditional form.

At REVIVE CLINIC ™ we propose the intravenous route therapy with Vit. C as the fastest way to deliver vital fluids, vitamins, electrolytes, and medications to the body, to restore optimum hydration and support the immune system.
IV fluid is absorbed directly into the bloodstream with 100% absorption compared with approximately 50-60% or less for oral intake. 

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The art of slimming

Every week we usually start a new super diet that will help us eliminate the "tire" and restore the firmness of our body. Sometimes, however, despite the strong will, "something" goes wrong and it turns out that neither diet nor exercise have no effect. Read about how to properly go about slimming and get to know the treatment that will help you reduce body fat and take care of your body.

Everyone is different

Very often, we find a new "miracle diet" by searching websites, slimming groups, newspapers or other sources of information. Unfortunately, we must realize that each of us is different and very often a diet that has brought excellent results to our friend, despite great determination, it will not help us. There are many factors that determine whether it will be effective. Therefore, a good dietitian, before presenting us with a ready menu for the next few weeks or months, will first give us a substantial list of tests that we should do.

First of all research

As I have already mentioned, the dietitian should first ask us to do very important research when composing the diet. Such a list will certainly include as basic as morphology and urine testing, which will allow the specialist to make an initial assessment of the state of our body. It is also very important to determine the level of cholesterol and triglycerides, i.e. lipid profile, assessment of the state of our liver by assessing the activity of aspartate aminotransferase enzymes - AST and alanine aminotransferase - ALT and the exclusion or confirmation of inflammation developing in our body using the OB test - Biernacki's test. The specialist should also have the TSH level determined. If the result is outside or above the upper limits, further assessment of thyroid function will be required. You must also check your blood glucose level before composing your diet. Incorrect indications should be the beginning of further diagnostics for insulin resistance or diabetes. However, this is not all, it's just a few basic studies, you have to remember that in order to have a clear picture of our body, a dietitian usually orders much more. You may also find that you will need to implement pharmacological treatment in addition to following a proper diet.

Tailor-made diet

In addition to the tests that the dietitian will order, it is very important to analyze the needs of our body. We must remember that a person who leads an active lifestyle has a completely different energy demand than a person who has very little movement during the day. This need should also be adapted to our age, sex, height, weight, type of work performed and our individual metabolic rate. 

By losing weight, we usually reduce the amount of calories our body needs. It is very important to do this reasonably too large restrictions can not only contribute to the formation of so-called yo-yo effect, but also seriously threaten our health. 

It is also important to remember about products that will help us to meet the body's demand for nutrients necessary for proper functioning. Therefore, the choice of a diet suitable for us should be handed over to a dietitian.

Intensive exercises are not for everyone

Very often, wanting to quickly lose excess weight, we suddenly replace a sedentary lifestyle with intense physical exercise. However, it is worth remembering that training should be adapted to our capabilities and health. Too intensive exercise is a lot of stress for the body, which is why, unfortunately, very often they bring more harm than good.

It's also good to think about the variety of workouts. A properly composed plan should include both exercises that will help you burn fat as well as those that will shape your figure. Try to change exercises every few weeks and increase their intensity gradually. It will be best if a specialist will help you in choosing the right form of activity and creating your individual exercise plan. Remember also that regularity and successive pursuit of a goal is very important. Only then will the planned exercises bring the expected results.

A good sleep for everything

For slimming too. During sleep, our body regenerates, so if we do not sleep, we will disturb its normal functioning - we will simply disrupt it. In a sleepless body, hormonal management is disturbed. 

It is then that too much cortisol is released, which slows down our metabolism, while increasing our body's need for calories. The level of ghrelin, the hormone that makes us hunger, and the level of appetite-inhibiting leptin called satiety hormone increases. Therefore, when we are sleepy, we usually have a huge appetite. Most often, then, we eat calories, quickly satisfying the energy needs of our body, high-processed food products, and unfortunately we gain weight.

Body Slimming treatments

A perfect complement to a properly selected diet and individually composed training plan is a procedure that will help us eliminate body fat, reduce cellulite visibility, and clearly smooth and firm our body. 

ICOONE Laser is the most modern technology combining the work of massage heads, LED light energy and diode laser. During the procedure, the laser penetrates deep into the tissues and reaches fat cells, heats them and breaks them down. In turn, LED light stimulates fibroblasts, causing the production of collagen and elastin to increase, improves microcirculation, accelerates cell metabolism and affects the opening of pores, located in the cell membrane, enabling the release of released fat into the lymphatic system. The therapy perfectly shapes the figure and clearly improves the appearance of the skin, but in order for the effects to be most satisfactory, a series of treatments is needed. 

A specialist should always decide how many sessions you need them. That is why at REVIVE CLINIC ™

we make sure that every patient is treated individually and all treatments are tailored to his needs and health.

REVIVE CLINIC™ offers the best body slimming programs, based on Dr Chris Gojdz years of experience in aesthetic medicine, which can transform your body, ridding it of unwanted stubborn fat and achieve visibly improvement in skin elasticity. 

To address reduction of fat tissue, patients have a choice of non-invasive treatments such as combination of CRYO T SHOCK + ICOONE Laser + Body Wrap which gives you the best results. It’s gradually reduce fat tissue. These treatments are very comfortable and have no downtime. 

This can sound overwhelming however, not all this is done in one visit. This is a gradual process that takes time but at REVIVE CLINIC™ we will be here to help guide you every step of the way with your own personalized treatment plan!

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How to get out double chin

Double chin also called the second chin is usually associated with obese people. Unfortunately, however, this is a condition that often affects slim people, often even those who lead an active lifestyle. Today on the blog about where a double chin comes from and how we can get rid of it.

Double chin is a problem that affects both women and men. It usually arises when we gain too many extra kilos. It happens, however, that it appears despite the right weight and active lifestyle.

Such is your beauty

We can simply inherit the tendency to form a double chin from our loved ones. If we noticed the second chin in our mother, father or grandmother or grandfather, unfortunately it may turn out that we too will tend to accumulate fat in this place.


A double chin is also a condition that often affects the elderly. When our skin begins to age, it loses its proper tension, is less moisturized and definitely less supple. Over time, it becomes loose, flaccid and begins to "hang", very often creating just the so-called second beard

Do not slouch

Bad posture is another factor that can promote the formation of a double chin. If we often slouch, bow our head, or walk as if we want to hide it in our arms, our muscles around the neck and chin are getting weaker, the skin sagging and falling, and adipose tissue develops much easier.

How do you make your bed ...

this will be your chin :). Bad position during sleep, unfortunately, can also affect the condition of our muscles and skin firmness, and thus be responsible for the formation of the "second chin". Sleeping with your head high on the pillow and sometimes even a few is unfavorable. Big and soft pillows should be replaced with thinner, harder ones, preferably specially profiled, then the muscles around the chin will stay in good condition for longer.

Avoid the sun and sun beds

Too long exposure of the skin to the sun or the use of solarium, unfortunately, does not have a positive effect on the condition of our skin. Exposed to too frequent contact with UV rays, it ages much faster, loses firmness, elasticity, becomes thinner and less hydrated. As a result, we notice that our chin begins to "hang".

Remember about skin care

The neck skin needs our attention badly, loves to be massaged and moisturized, along with the passing of time it also needs treatments that will allow it to maintain adequate hydration and maintain smoothness, firmness and elasticity. 

So if we want it to look beautiful, young as long as possible and not give in to the law of gravity, we should carefully clean it every day, removing impurities, dead skin and the remains of colored cosmetics from it, and moisturizing it properly. From time to time, it is worth applying a delicate firming peeling, while doing a stimulating massage to regenerate the skin. This will certainly reduce the risk of a second chin appearing.

And if the chin has already appeared?

The double chin, once it appears, unfortunately gets very attached to us and it is not so easy to get rid of it. We can try to fight him, including physical activity in our daily duties. We should also try to minimize the factors that promote the formation of a "second chin". Let's stop slouching, raise our head high up, forget about large fluffy cushions, protect the skin against UV rays and do not forget about its careful care. The double chin that has already appeared will probably not disappear completely, but maybe in this way we will be able to reduce it a bit.

Homemade ways

Anyone who wants to reduce the visibility of a double chin should start by changing their eating habits, enrich their diet with nutrients valuable for our body, give up fatty and heavy dishes, limit stimulants and remember about the regularity of meals consumed. You can also try out simple exercises that will strengthen your muscles and improve skin condition. Straighten up, stretch your head up firmly so that you feel your neck tighten and with gentle slow movements turn your head once left and right. Try to keep the neck tightly extended for 3-5 minutes, at the same time tightening its muscles and gently pushing the chin forward. Good results are also brought by the exercise in which the lips should be engaged, pull out the lower lip several times so that it covers the upper, or lower it so as to expose the gums. If you find time for such exercises and proper care every day, the condition of your skin will certainly improve, and the fight with a double chin will be easier and more effective.

Professional help

Unfortunately, it happens that even regular exercise, a well-composed diet and careful care do not bring results. Most often this happens when we are dealing with a "second chin", which appears due to our genetic predisposition, then it is very difficult to get rid of it at home. 

However, we can use the help of a specialist. At REVIVE CLINIC™, we offer our patients proprietary programs that help improve the condition of the skin, face oval and eliminate excessive amounts of fat from the chin area. If the changes in the appearance of your face are not very big, an effective treatment that will restore her features will be CRYO T SHOCK. During therapy, specialist freezing subcutaneous tissues and precisely tighten the skin. This is today one of the most modern non-invasive procedures, the effects of which can be compared to those obtained during treatments using a scalpel.

Also Myolift MD as a microcurrent face lift procedure can be used to stimulate muscle and lift the skin.

If the problem is more serious, chin liposuction may be necessary. 

Beloved, remember that each of us is different, not always a solution that brings good results to one person will be just as effective for another, so it is very important to contact your problem with someone who will advise you on a solution sewn on according to your needs.

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Not only a men’s case

Androgenetic alopecia also called male pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss. It affects over 70% of men, and although we rarely think about women when talking about it, it is also responsible for hair loss in nearly 40% of women. Today on our blog about what is androgenetic alopecia and how to deal with it effectively.

Androgenic, means what?

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss, the problem occurs when our hair follicles overreact to androgens - male hormones. Dihydrotestosterone, a testosterone derivative, is responsible for the weakening of hair follicles and hair growth disorder. Acting on androgen receptors of the hair follicles, they lead to their miniaturization and, as a result, to significant weakening and hair loss. It is estimated that nearly 95% of all diagnosed cases of baldness are androgenetic alopecia.

Unwanted decline

There may be many causes of alopecia, it may be related to our lifestyle, poor diet, occur as a symptom of a disease, or a reaction to some medications. Predisposition to androgenetic alopecia, however, most often we receive inheritance from our loved ones. So if our parents and grandparents struggled with excessive hair loss, there is a high probability that the same problem will also affect us.

Male and female symptoms of androgenetic alopecia

Symptoms of male pattern baldness most often appear in very young 20-30 years old people, although it happens that they are already visible in adolescents. In the case of men, we can easily see the shifting of the hairline. We see their forehead getting higher and so-called bend. This is not the end of the hair, however, also begin to thin on top of the head, and then these areas merge into one substantial "baldness".

In women, the first symptoms may appear, as in the case of men, in very young girls, most often thinning hair and pronounced weakness are visible. Women notice the so-called lumens and widening and irregular parting in the middle of the head.

How to deal with it?

First of all, it is important to make the correct diagnosis, although androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss, but unfortunately there are others. 

Therefore, although its symptoms are quite characteristic (especially in men), if we notice that there is less and less hair on our head, it is worth first to see a specialist. If it turns out that we are dealing with androgenetic alopecia and we will be prescribed pharmacological therapy, we should remember that it should always be carried out under the constant supervision of a specialist. 

There are two prescription medicines available on the market. One of them stimulates hair growth by widening the scalp blood vessels (thanks to which hair follicles get more nutrients). The second, however, inhibits the production of DHT (5-α-dihydrotestosterone), limiting the miniaturization of hair follicles and inhibiting the baldness process. Importantly, this drug can only be used by men.

Help in the hands of a specialist

Aesthetic medicine treatments are also a very good method of dealing with androgenetic alopecia, which are highly effective regardless of the patient's gender.

Mesotherapy and PRP

Scalp mesotherapy is a treatment during which nutrients are administered directly into the scalp that cause new, stronger hair to grow, and inhibit their dying and falling out. Injecting the scalp with platelet rich plasma obtained by centrifuging the patient's previously collected blood also has excellent effects. Platelet rich plasma separated in this way is a preparation containing active thrombocytes, releasing growth factors which strengthens the hair extremely effectively, but also reduces hair loss and stimulates the growth of new ones that are much stronger.

And if the hair has already fallen out?

If baldness has already appeared on your head, and your dream is to regain the lush hair, the modern FUE transplantation method (folliculat unit extraction) is an effective solution. The treatment allows the collection of individual hair follicles without the use of a scalpel, the follicles are taken with a tool with a diameter of 0.8 to 1.0 mm and implanted in a place that requires reconstruction. The use of such small blades makes the treatment very invasive and, unlike older hair transplant methods, it leaves no visible traces of the surgery.

Beloved today, baldness can be managed effectively if excessive hair loss is the cause of your complexes and leads to increasing psychological problems, or you just want to enjoy a lush mane again, it is worth consulting a specialist and finding the best solution for you together.

Combination therapy for hair loss is important for the success of treatment of male and female to achieve hair regrowth without surgery.

REVIVE CLINIC™ offers HAIR REVIVE LIFT™ - the best Hair Loss programs, based on Dr Chris Gojdz years of experience in treating hair loss for both men and women.

Hair Loss Treatment Options Include:

  • Hair Loss Mesotherapy
  • PRP Hair Loss
  • LED Hair Loss Therapy
  • Hair “Botox”
  • Vitamins IV Therapy for Hair Loss
  • Drug Therapy

This can sound overwhelming however, not all this is done in one visit. This is a gradual process that takes time but at REVIVE CLINIC™ we will be here to help guide you every step of the way with your own personalized treatment plan!

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Get away from an excessive hair

Excessive hair is an aesthetic problem, which unfortunately is very often a direct cause of serious psychological problems. We most often associate it with hirsutism, i.e. male hair occurring in women, which, although not directly life threatening, can effectively hinder everyday functioning. 

Excessive hair, however, is not only a female problem, it is also very common for men who, like women, have too much hair making their lives more troublesome. Today on my blog about how to get rid of unwanted hair.

Excessive hair is a problem that affects both sexes, unwanted hair appears, among others, on the face, chin, back, chest, abdomen, arms, hands or the inside of the thigh, causing discomfort, becoming a cause of shame, or hindering proper hygiene.

Where did these hair come from?

There are many reasons for the occurrence of excessive hair, in women we usually deal with the so-called hirsutism, that is, beard appearing in places typical for men. 

Most often we locate them around the upper lip, chin, neck, temples, nipples, chest, back, stomach and inside of the thighs. The hair in these areas is stiff, thick and dark, so it is very easy to notice, but unfortunately it is extremely difficult to hide. 

So they can easily hinder functioning in society, reduce comfort of life, and even become a cause of anxiety and depression. Hirsutism is a problem that occurs when we are dealing with a hormonal disorder, so it can appear both during puberty and menopause, it also happens that women notice the appearance of unwanted hair during pregnancy or as a side effect of some drugs, e.g. in hormone therapy or steroid treatment. 

Hirsutism is often a symptom accompanying thyroid disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenal disease, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and obesity. Sometimes, however, this ailment is recorded in our genes and then hirsutism is not associated with any disease. 

Excessive hair, as I have already mentioned, does not bypass men, it is with us that hypertrichosis occurs more often than women, i.e. excessive hair appearing all over the body (very rarely) or only in some of its areas. 

Hypertrichosis, unlike hirsutism, has no hormonal background. It can be a congenital disease and then its causes should be seen in the genes or acquired appearing, e.g. as a side effect of some drugs, or the effect of malnutrition. Most often, however, men inherit the predisposition to excessive hair from their ancestors, then it is said that "such their beauty", although they usually think that excessive hair does not add beauty to them.

Diagnosis first

As you can see, excessive hair growth may occur as a symptom of irregularities in the functioning of our body, so treatment should always be started with the correct diagnosis. Therefore, it is worth going to an endocrinologist and, in the case of women, also a gynecologist and perform tests ordered by specialists, thanks to which it will be possible to identify or exclude a disease that causes excessive growth of unwanted hair. Very often, implementing the right therapy and changing your lifestyle can reduce unwanted symptoms.


Temporary relief

Unfortunately, it also happens that excessive body hair does not go away or does not decrease satisfactorily even with the treatment recommended by the specialist.

Very often we also encounter excessive hair growth, which is not accompanied by any health problems, and then drug treatment is not applicable. In this case, people struggling with this condition, most often get rid of unwanted hair with the help of generally available hair removal preparations, mechanical depilatories, shavers or simply carefully removing the hair with the help of tweezers. Thanks to these methods, we can enjoy smooth skin, but unfortunately for a short time, hair removed in this way grows back (sometimes very quickly) and the problem begins again.

Hair removal

Hair removal is the temporary removal of unnecessary hair, we can do it yourself at home or in beauty salons. Epilation, in turn, is a treatment whose purpose is to remove unwanted hair permanently. To achieve the desired effect, however, it is not enough to perform one treatment, we must prepare for the whole series of them. Epilation is a treatment that you will not do yourself at home, you need specialized equipment and an experienced specialist who will not only carry out the procedure, but also determine the necessary amount and spacing between them.

Can you get rid of unwanted hair permanently?

For patients who report this problem to REVIVE CLINIC™, after conducting a detailed interview that will allow for the exclusion of any diseases, I suggest performing a series of waxing or laser/ Forever Bare BBL hair removal treatments. Thanks to properly prepared laser/BBL therapy, we can significantly reduce excessive hair growth and even eliminate it completely. At REVIVE CLINIC™ we have the most effective and modern device that can not only very quickly, but also safely remove unwanted hair permanently. 

Melanin is a natural dye that is responsible, among other things, for the color of our hair. If we have dark hair - there is a lot of it, and analogously, if our hair is light, it means that the concentration of melanin is low. Precise adjustment of parameters of Forever Bare BBL not only increases the effectiveness of the procedure, but also excludes the risk of burns.

Remember, however, that even the most modern device must be operated by an experienced specialist, only then it is possible to achieve satisfactory results while maintaining safety. In REVIVE CLINIC™ you will certainly be looked after by experts who, before proceeding with the first treatment, will conduct a detailed interview with you and carefully examine the places to be treated. 

This is very important, because only a professional and individual approach to the patient allows you to correctly assess the problem and plan the appropriate therapy. You must be aware that in order to get rid of unnecessary hair, you need to perform several treatments, and the number and intervals between them should be decided by a doctor who will assess the severity of symptoms and the effects achieved over time.

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