What happens to the skin during menopause?

For many women, menopause is a very difficult period in life, therefore, even if you do not have this topic today, you may be struggling with the same problems in a few dozen years or so. However, if you think that the road to this is far away, read and share knowledge with your beloved mommy. Perhaps these are the problems they have to face today, help them in this difficult period, for whom, if not for our mothers, should be looked after not only from holidays, but all 365 days of the year.

During menopause, a real revolution begins once again in the female body. Unfortunately, it is associated with many difficulties, both those that will affect you physically, and those that will have an adverse effect on your psyche.

Hot flashes, depression, sleepless nights, problems with memory and concentration, blending with sweat, cold chills, palpitations or weight gain are just some of them, certainly some of you could significantly expand this list. All this begins to happen when the production of eggs and female hormones gradually stops in your ovaries. Inevitably, changes that take place in your body are also associated with complete loss of fertility. Unfortunately, many women mistakenly perceive this as a loss of femininity, which of course has a huge impact on their mental state. The changes in appearance that are associated with menopause are also a problem, this is a period that also affects the condition of your skin, then it begins to age faster, becomes dry, loses elasticity and firmness, and worse, it also has a tendency to appear all sorts of changes and diseases.

Today, a bit about what happens to your skin during menopause and how to help it get through this difficult period.

What is this really about?

Of course, hormones are behind everything, during menopause, when their level changes, the body begins to function completely differently. Skin problems and a clearly increasing rate of aging are primarily the fault of decreasing estrogen levels. The dynamics of cell division in all layers of the skin also decreases significantly, which in turn leads to their thinning and even disappearance. The synthesis of collagen, elastin, lipids, glycosaminoglycans and hyaluronic acid is also disturbed. The activity of fibroblasts, which produce much less collagen, elastin and ceramides, is also reduced. All this makes the skin dry and thin like tissue paper, its tension and elasticity decreases, it is more easily irritated, and on the surface eggs, discoloration furrows and wrinkles begin to appear. Disappearing adipose tissue, in turn, causes that the facial features change, then we say that its oval is disturbed. On the other hand, estrogen deficiency with a constant androgen level results in the appearance of excessive hair growth. In turn, disturbances in the functioning of melanocytes, and thus the production of melanin, make the skin lose its color, become as if transparent, and on its surface are visible brown discoloration. The problem is also a significant weakening of blood vessels, which during menopause more easily "break", forming a network of spider veins on the skin.

Dry and delicate

Hormonal disorders occurring in the women's body during menopause lead to changes in the skin's structure. It becomes dry and very delicate, which means that the processes related to aging gain momentum. Dear Lord, one thing is certain, we will not win with the passage of time, we can only alleviate the symptoms that are unpleasant for you and cause discomfort. Remember that the basis here is proper care, which, if it is done carefully before you enter the menopause, will mitigate its effects on your skin. Well-groomed skin ages much nicer, which makes the changes that time leaves on your face easier to love and perceive as part of your personal charm.

Under special supervision

Thin skin, practically devoid of a protective layer, is much more exposed to the harmful effects of UV rays. Wrinkles and discoloration appear more easily on it, which is why protecting it is a very important element of proper skin care during menopause. Filter cream should therefore become a must-have item for your beautician. It should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck, neckline and hands, whose skin also feels the effects of menopause and, like the face, is exposed to sunlight every day. Remember also that your skin is exposed to UV radiation not only on sunny summer days, but throughout the year, even when the sky is tightly covered with clouds, to protect it, use cosmetics with a filter no less than SPF20 every day.

We clean but very gently

Careful cleansing of the skin is the basis of its care, it should be done every morning and evening. Remember to take care of make-up removal before leaving to sleep, leave makeup on delicate, thin skin, they will cause irritation, accelerate the formation of wrinkles and skin infections. You must remember that your skin is devoid of a lipid coat that protects it, so it is very important to choose cosmetics to its individual requirements and age. You should completely give up the use of water for washing your face, it will further dry and irritate your skin. Under no circumstances should you use antibacterial soaps, foams and gels, as well as cosmetics containing alcohol, dyes and fragrances. Decide on preparations in the form of milk or liquid, which will also have moisturizing properties.

Try enzymatic peels

As a result of hormonal disorders, skin regeneration processes are also slowed down, which is why peeling is also a very important element of care during this period. Performed regularly 1-2 times a week, it will clean the skin of dead epidermis accumulated on its surface, in addition oxygenates and stimulates its renewal. Remember, however, that such a peeling should be delicate, not damage or irritate thin, unprotected skin. Therefore, choose enzyme peels for mature skin. The enzymes contained in them exfoliate the epidermis without the need for friction, they also have the ability to penetrate deep into the skin, which in turn allows them to remove impurities accumulated deep in the pores. Remember, however, that the effects will not be visible immediately, this procedure must be performed systematically.

Choose the right cream

It is very important to choose the right cream for your age and skin type. During menopause, the skin needs really solid hydration and nutrition. There are also different cosmetics that you should use day and night. During the day, your skin needs primarily moisturizing and sun protection, while at night, it should support its regenerative processes, providing it with the necessary nutrients.

Creams intended for skin, which during the menopause begins to age due to disorders in the hormonal economy, increasingly contain phytoestrogens, i.e. compounds derived from plants that resemble natural female hormones - estrogens. Thanks to them, the skin will gain firmness and density more quickly, it will become more tense and moisturized, its color will also improve. Mature skin also needs creams that intensively not only oil it, but also moisturize it, replenish the missing ingredients, restore the protective lipid layer and retain moisture. in skin cells. Vegetable oils such as evening primrose, avocado, flax or blackcurrant are perfect here. The creams should also contain ceramides, squalene, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, coenzyme Q10, fruit acids and, of course, filters protecting the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.

Power of masks

For the fact that the masks have a very good effect, you do not need to convince anyone, it is best to apply them to the skin immediately after peeling with an enzymatic peeling. Thoroughly purified, it will better absorb all valuable values. Masks, like other cosmetics, should be selected for the type of skin and the problems that affect it. You can support your skin by using masks that are highly moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, brightening and even strengthening delicate blood vessels. At home, you can prepare a pea mask to improve firmness and color. Just about 1/3 cup peas mash well and add 2 tablespoons of cream. A reliable component of homemade masks is avocado rich in vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, which perfectly not only nourishes but also moisturizes the skin, you can add two teaspoons of lemon juice to it, which will have a brightening effect and two spoons of honey, which will enhance the moisturizing effect and nutrition. You can prepare an anti-wrinkle mask with half orange juice, 2 tablespoons ground cottage cheese and 2 tablespoons sunflower oil. Peaked skin will help peach mask, mix it into a paste, add egg yolk, a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of flour.

Stop the time with the hands of a specialist

Menopause is a time when your appearance changes quickly enough that in some cases home skin care methods become inadequate. Then it is worth going to the aesthetic medicine office and take advantage of many treatments that will help you regenerate, moisturize and nourish the skin, restoring its radiant healthy appearance. I am thinking, for example, of mesotherapy and platelet rich plasma injection or volumetric surgery modeling the oval of your face, by filling the defects formed with time, hyaluronic acid or fat taken from another part of the body.


Rosacea, often confused with ordinary acne, is something completely different. It may manifest as changes in the form of pustules, redness, chronic conjunctivitis or the so-called cauliflower nose. These changes often intensify during menopause. Therefore, you must remember that rosacea is a chronic disease and any symptoms that disturb you should be consulted as soon as possible with a dermatologist who will analyze your case and order therapy. The skin affected by rosacea requires special care, which is why the cosmetics you use cannot contain fragrances of dyes or alcohol, all of which can irritate the skin. Choose only those intended for sensitive skin, it will be best if you decide on professional pharmacy cosmetics. Under no circumstances can you subject your skin to friction and strong peeling, as this could worsen its condition and aggravate the changes. Avoid spicy foods, alcohol, sun exposure and sudden temperature changes. It is also worth using the knowledge and experience of a good aesthetic medicine specialist. 


Pigmented lesions, called discolorations, occur when the production of melanin, the dark pigment of the skin and iris of the eyes, is disturbed. Factors activating this type of changes may be some medications, excessive exposure to the sun, acne, hypoadrenalism, liver disease, genetic predisposition or just hormonal changes, such as those that you face during menopause. So you must remember to provide your skin with permanent protection when using cosmetics with a high UV filter. Exfoliation of the skin is also a very important element of care, but pay attention to its special delicacy during this period and choose delicate enzyme peels. Using them twice a week will remove dead skin and gently reduce discoloration. It is worth applying dermocosmetic on well-cleansed skin, containing bleaching substances and regulating melanin production. You can also prepare a homemade mask, e.g. from grated green cucumber, two teaspoons of lemon juice and yogurt. However, you must know that home remedies, although very helpful, will not cope with discoloration. If you want to get rid of them or significantly reduce them, I encourage you to take advantage of aesthetic medicine treatments.

Please remember that menopause can cause a lot of problems and unfortunately you can't deal with all of them on your own. Today, however, there are many effective methods that will help you eliminate or significantly reduce the unpleasant symptoms that accompany it. Do not try to fight everyone on your own at all costs, sometimes it is really better to use the professional help of a doctor. Also take care of the right diet and find time for daily physical activity.

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Food means

It matters - unfortunately, we often forget about it, we use various types of creams, masks and cosmetic procedures, and the condition of our skin still leaves much to be desired. Why is this happening?

Nutritional errors are increasingly guilty. We work a lot, we have little time, so we eat on the run choosing highly processed products. Our body gets less and less necessary for the proper functioning of vitamins and minerals. Of course, the diet will not improve all the imperfections of our skin, but if it goes hand in hand with proper care can significantly improve its condition.

So what to eat to keep your young and healthy appearance as long as possible?

Vitamins of all ages

The skin needs them at every stage of our lives, so it is very important to compose a daily diet so that the most important ones for its healthy appearance are not missing on our plates.

Provitamin A (ß carotene)

It provides an adequate level of hydration, prevents keratosis, promotes regeneration, firms, improves color and strengthens protection against the harmful effects of sunlight, and thanks to the antioxidant effect delays the effects of aging. You will find it, e.g. in carrots, sweet potatoes, peppers, pumpkins, melons, apricots, peaches and green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, parsley and lettuce. Sources of vitamin A are also broccoli, butter, egg yolks, salmon, eel, sardines and blue cheese.

Another carotenoid - the natural pigment lycopene - is also a very strong antioxidant. Thanks to it, the skin retains its density and youth for longer. It also strengthens the natural protective barrier against UV rays. You will find it primarily in tomatoes, but also in watermelon, red grapefruit and rosehips. Because lycopene is fat-soluble, its bioavailability will be higher if we supply it to the body in the company of e.g. oil or olive oil. Our body will better absorb it in processed form, e.g. in the form of a sauce or soup with the addition of olive oil, juices and concentrates.

Vitamin E

Also called the vitamin of youth, it will avoid the formation of calluses, accelerate the healing of pimples and seborrheic dermatitis, strengthen blood vessels, make it more elastic, moisturize and additionally protect the skin against free radicals and damage caused by excessive sun exposure. You will find it in nuts, almonds, corn, eggs, vegetable oils, green leaf vegetables, avocados, buckwheat, oatmeal and cereal sprouts. Remember that natural vitamin E is best absorbed for us, so it's better to take care of a diet that will help you supplement it rather than reaching for artificial supplementation.

Vitamin C

It improves skin regeneration processes, accelerates wound healing, makes scars elastic, helping to fight stretch marks, strengthens and seals blood vessels, it also has an important role in the collagen formation process. Its deficiencies can contribute to the formation of acne, broken capillaries and the formation of spider veins. Its sources are strawberries, blackcurrant, mango, kiwi, oranges, lemons, rosehips, tomatoes, new potatoes, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.

B vitamins

They improve blood circulation, give the skin a healthy color, protect against the formation of unsightly bites, accelerate regenerative processes, protect against harmful external factors, reduce fatigue and affect the proper functioning of sebaceous glands. So that they do not run out of our body, remember to eat dried fruit, bananas, avocados, spinach, whole grains, cheese, lean meat, fish and nuts.

Vitamin K

Its deficiency is often seen in the form of bursting vessels and bruises under the eyes. Vitamin K is necessary in the process of proper blood clotting, supports the condition of blood vessels, thanks to which the skin becomes well supplied with blood and oxygenated. You will improve the appearance of your skin if you take care of its proper level in the body. Your menu should include: broccoli, turnips, spinach, cucumbers, lettuce, avocados, potatoes, eggs and dairy products.

Healthy fat

It is also very important to provide the body with unsaturated fatty acids. Thanks to them, you will reduce skin problems associated with excessive drying. Their correct amount in the diet is especially important for people with dry skin problems and suffering from psoriasis.

Therefore, even if you are losing weight, do not give up fats, choose the good ones, eat fatty sea fish, nuts and pumpkin seeds. Instead, use salads and linseed oils as an addition to salads and salads.

The skin needs minerals

Minerals, like vitamins, are very important for the body, support the work of each of its cells. If they are at the right level, our skin will also be in good condition, and thus retain its youth and beautiful appearance for longer.

Copper and iron

Copper is an extremely important mineral for the preservation of beautiful skin, it has antibacterial, nourishing and what is very important delaying the effects of aging. It participates in the process of skin creation and regeneration, increasing collagen and elastin production. It is also a powerful antioxidant and protects against the harmful effects of free radicals. Its sources are e.g. legumes, nuts, buckwheat, egg yolks, seafood, wheat grains, sesame seeds and cacao beans. In addition, it supports the absorption and proper use of iron in the body, which in turn makes the skin properly supplied with blood and nourished. However, its deficiency leads to anemia, as a result of which the skin becomes pale dry and rough. You will find iron, e.g. in whole grains, seafood, nuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, cocoa, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, parsley and legumes.


Smoothes and softens the skin. Its deficiency can cause inflammation and intensify allergic reactions. So let's take care of the right amount of dairy products in your diet.


Supports skin prone to acne and excessive dryness. Dried fruits, avocados, bananas, tomatoes, potatoes and green leafy vegetables will provide it.


If it is not enough, the skin will become rough, dry and begin to peel. On the knees and elbows, on the other hand, we notice dark, callous epidermis. Iodine can be found in sea fish, cabbage, spinach, asparagus and tomatoes. Remember, however, that its excess can intensify acne lesions.


Supports delicate skin with capillaries, elasticizing and strengthening blood vessels, and participating in collagen biosynthesis, improves its elasticity and elasticity. By controlling the work of the sebaceous glands, it reduces sebum production by acting anti-acne. Its source is carrots, beets, cucumbers, garlic, bran and buckwheat. It's also worth replacing ordinary black tea with horsetail tea.


It is one of the most important micronutrients present in our body. It helps the skin maintain a healthy color, prevents the formation of blackheads and pimples, accelerates the healing process, and by taking part in the processing of fatty acids, collagen and elastin synthesis supports its regeneration and delays aging. Its sources are lean poultry meat, oysters, hard cheese, milk, egg yolks, sea fish, nuts, whole grains and legumes.

Remember to irrigate

Water is necessary for the proper functioning of our entire body, despite the fact that it has no nutritional value. Responsible for transporting nutrients to cells and excretion of waste products and toxins. The lack of it can not only cause dryness and unhealthy appearance of the skin, but also disrupt the work of other organs and seriously threaten life. Of course, still mineral water is the best. However, part of your daily requirement for it can be replaced with herbal and fruit teas and fresh fruit or vegetable juices.

As you can see, what is on our plate is also an important element supporting the daily care of our skin. Remember, however, that just like using cosmetics and applying cosmetic procedures, you should also use common sense and moderation.

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Stop hair loss

Hair loss or alopecia is a problem that affects people of all ages and although it mostly affects men, unfortunately it does not bypass women. The baldness process can last up to several years, then we observe how our hair gradually weakens, becomes thinner, and finally disappears completely. It happens, however, that it progresses much faster then during everyday cosmetic and styling procedures we notice considerable hair loss. In men, baldness is most often manifested by the receding hairline on the temples and forehead, i.e. curves, while in women the symptom is intense thinning of hair beginning in the middle of the head.

Today, a little about what is the most common cause of baldness and can you stop hair loss?

Why are we losing hair?

Alopecia recorded in the genes - i.e. androgenic, although it really concerns the hormonal changes taking place in our body, most often we get them inherited from our grandparents and parents. Don't worry, however, inheriting this ailment is not always the rule.

  • Stress - chronic stress weakens our body, which, unfortunately, also affects our hair. It is he who can cause the inhibition of hair growth and damage their structure, which unfortunately is manifested by gradual weakness and loss.
  • A bad diet - the form our hair is in, also depends largely on what we eat. If our diet is low in vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, we are exposed to baldness, among others. Healthy hair needs a proper daily dose of iron, vitamin A, beta-carotene, zinc, copper, silicon and magnesium. So make sure that your plate does not run out of products that will secure their proper level in the body.
  • Thyroid disease - alopecia is very often one of the symptoms of the malfunction of this small gland and occurs with both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
  • Hormonal disorders - excessive hair loss often accompanies hormonal disorders. It affects women in the perinatal period or during menopause, and even when using hormonal contraception.
  • Scalp diseases - seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, dandruff and mycosis are very often responsible for the weakening of the hair roots, which in turn leads to baldness.
  • Chemotherapy - hair loss is one of the side effects of chemotherapy, fortunately it is temporary and after the treatment the hair grows back, often much stronger and denser.

Hair loss can also be caused by some very high fever infections, medications, and even too cold air.

How to help your hair and fight against hair loss?


If you want to have healthy and beautiful hair, you must remember about proper care. Try to choose shampoos that contain the least amount of chemicals and fragrances that irritate the hair and scalp. At least once a week, perform a gentle peeling that will cleanse the scalp of sebum, residues of styling cosmetics and dust. Try to regularly use strengthening, nourishing, regenerating and, if necessary, moisturizing masks that will make your hair look healthy and be less prone to falling out. If you don't have to, try not to use hair dryers, let the hair dry automatically, warm air adversely affects both the structure of the hair and the scalp. However, if you decide to color, choose organic products that will not be an additional burden for your hair.

Go to a specialist

When baldness becomes a problem, home remedies for hair will certainly not be enough. Then it is worth taking advantage of the benefits of aesthetic medicine and opt for mesotherapy, for example. It is a procedure that involves injecting scalp with substances that stimulate hair growth and inhibit the baldness process. Vitamin cocktails, amino acids and micronutrients injected under the skin will additionally renew and regenerate thin hair. So you can enjoy beautiful and healthy hair. A very effective method of combating excessive hair loss is injecting the scalp with platelet rich plasma obtained from the patient's blood. Thanks to it, hair bulbs are stimulated and after a few months we can see the appearance of new, often stronger hair. However, to achieve the desired effect, one treatment is not enough. There should be several of them, initially at three-week intervals. Then the break may be longer.

Remember, if the hair so far suddenly begins to fall out, become greasy or notice a lot of dandruff on your clothes, you should go to a specialist doctor who will examine your scalp thoroughly, order appropriate treatment or refer you for further diagnostics.

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Sleep peacefully

Why do we need a good healthy sleep?

I would like to tell you today about the importance of sleep for our body.

People who sleep longer, get sick less often, it is easier for them to maintain a good figure and beautiful appearance. Sleep also supports endocrine, brain and heart function. To function properly, young children need about 16 hours of sleep, adolescents 10 and adults between 26 and 64 years old between 7 and 9 hours. On the other hand, people over 65 years old will need about 8 hours.

Sleep takes up 1/3 of our life to help our body, but it's worth spending this time on healthy rest.

The brain works and rests

During deep sleep, our brain stops being active, this is the time it devotes to regeneration and purification from toxins. However, during the so-called REM phase works at high speed, processing and recording all information that came to him during the day. This happens 4-5 times during the night and absorbs about 25% of our sleep.

A dream for health

Chronic lack of sleep disturbs endocrine metabolism and impairs metabolism. There are problems with maintaining normal blood glucose levels. We become insulin resistant and therefore susceptible to obesity and diabetes.

Lack of sleep disrupts the work of the heart and blood vessels, which is why people who do not sleep are exposed to cardiovascular disease.

"Collected" nights also affect our emotions, we become aggressive and angry or sad and depressed. As a result, we are more susceptible to anxiety and depression.

Sleep for beauty

During sleep, the skin of the face should rest from make-up, oxygenate and calm down. This is the time when it intensively regenerates, its blood circulation improves and it gets rid of toxins accumulated during the day faster. It's best if we go to bed before midnight.

Around 12 PM the skin reaches the best permeability, then the ingredients of the cosmetics are absorbed intensively and their action brings the best results. Chronic lack of sleep causes our body to produce more cortisol, a stress hormone that weakens collagen synthesis in excessive amounts. The skin loses its firmness and wrinkles appear faster.

What to do to sleep well?

Healthy sleep should be regular, so it is very important to work out a constant rhythm of the day. Try to lie down and wake up at the same time whenever possible. Before falling asleep, make sure you relax and calm down, thanks to which your sleep will be calm and intense. Healthy eating habits are also important. In the evening give up hard and spicy dishes. Eat suppers 2-3 hours before bedtime. You can afford 6 hours before going to bed for your last coffee or other caffeine-containing drink.

For a healthy sleep, you should not be disturbed by noise and artificial light, especially blue emitted by smartphones, tablets or ebook readers. It involuntarily increases the alertness of the brain and stops the production of melatonin - the hormone responsible for the rhythm of sleep. You will sleep better if you devote at least a dozen minutes to physical activity during the day. Although it can be difficult, it is also worth giving up the sleep-disrupting sleep option on your smartphone. It would be perfect for your body if you could not use the alarm clock at all.

Unfortunately, we are increasingly extending our daily activities at the expense of sleep, and unfortunately a big mistake already two sleepless nights adversely affect the skin, brain function and mental and physical condition.

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