Why do we need a good healthy sleep?
I would like to tell you today about the importance of sleep for our body.
People who sleep longer, get sick less often, it is easier for them to maintain a good figure and beautiful appearance. Sleep also supports endocrine, brain and heart function. To function properly, young children need about 16 hours of sleep, adolescents 10 and adults between 26 and 64 years old between 7 and 9 hours. On the other hand, people over 65 years old will need about 8 hours.
Sleep takes up 1/3 of our life to help our body, but it's worth spending this time on healthy rest.
The brain works and rests
During deep sleep, our brain stops being active, this is the time it devotes to regeneration and purification from toxins. However, during the so-called REM phase works at high speed, processing and recording all information that came to him during the day. This happens 4-5 times during the night and absorbs about 25% of our sleep.
A dream for health
Chronic lack of sleep disturbs endocrine metabolism and impairs metabolism. There are problems with maintaining normal blood glucose levels. We become insulin resistant and therefore susceptible to obesity and diabetes.
Lack of sleep disrupts the work of the heart and blood vessels, which is why people who do not sleep are exposed to cardiovascular disease.
"Collected" nights also affect our emotions, we become aggressive and angry or sad and depressed. As a result, we are more susceptible to anxiety and depression.
Sleep for beauty
During sleep, the skin of the face should rest from make-up, oxygenate and calm down. This is the time when it intensively regenerates, its blood circulation improves and it gets rid of toxins accumulated during the day faster. It's best if we go to bed before midnight.
Around 12 PM the skin reaches the best permeability, then the ingredients of the cosmetics are absorbed intensively and their action brings the best results. Chronic lack of sleep causes our body to produce more cortisol, a stress hormone that weakens collagen synthesis in excessive amounts. The skin loses its firmness and wrinkles appear faster.
What to do to sleep well?
Healthy sleep should be regular, so it is very important to work out a constant rhythm of the day. Try to lie down and wake up at the same time whenever possible. Before falling asleep, make sure you relax and calm down, thanks to which your sleep will be calm and intense. Healthy eating habits are also important. In the evening give up hard and spicy dishes. Eat suppers 2-3 hours before bedtime. You can afford 6 hours before going to bed for your last coffee or other caffeine-containing drink.
For a healthy sleep, you should not be disturbed by noise and artificial light, especially blue emitted by smartphones, tablets or ebook readers. It involuntarily increases the alertness of the brain and stops the production of melatonin - the hormone responsible for the rhythm of sleep. You will sleep better if you devote at least a dozen minutes to physical activity during the day. Although it can be difficult, it is also worth giving up the sleep-disrupting sleep option on your smartphone. It would be perfect for your body if you could not use the alarm clock at all.
Unfortunately, we are increasingly extending our daily activities at the expense of sleep, and unfortunately a big mistake already two sleepless nights adversely affect the skin, brain function and mental and physical condition.