Want to good sleep? Here are 8 things it’s better to avoid before sleep

The right amount of good, peaceful sleep is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to it, our circulatory and digestive systems work better, we learn easier, we are more concentrated and we smile more often. Sleep is also a great way to keep young and beautiful skin for a long time. People who are often sleepy can not only easily notice the characteristic signs of fatigue in the form of "bags" and bruises under the eyes, but also appearing much earlier than those who care about sleep, signs of aging. The right amount of sleep is not everything, however, so that it is healthy, you also need to ensure its proper hygiene. Here are 8 things that can negatively affect sleep.

1. Blue light

Blue light emitted by our smartphones, tablets, computer monitors, TV sets or very fashionable LED lighting, which due to its energy saving often becomes not only an element of lighting, but also a decoration of our apartments. Unfortunately, this kind of light is deadly to our sleep. It is a signal for the brain that the day is getting up and intensive work should be started. It also, like no other, limits the production of melatonin, without which healthy sleep is simply impossible. Therefore, if you have trouble falling asleep, your sleep is too short and you often wake up in the middle of the night, it is worth paying attention to what your life looks like an hour before going to bed. If you give up watching TV at this time, turn off computers and tablets, put smartphones aside and turn off modern LED lighting, you will see that the quality of your sleep will improve significantly and with it your health, beauty and well-being.

2. Chocolate

Chocolate is also hot, which we often drink on a cold winter evening, wrapped in a soft warm blanket, although it seems to be the best thing that could soothe us after a busy day, it can effectively make us fall asleep. Cocoa contains theobromine and caffeine, which stimulates our body, thanks to which our heart is stimulated to work, and properly nourished and oxygenated body gains energy. That is why desserts and chocolate drinks are better left after dessert, in the evening they can disrupt the circadian rhythm of our body and make it difficult to fall asleep.

3. Spicy and greasy

Eating heavy, greasy and spicy meals just before bedtime can cause that even the proverbial counting of rams will not help us fall asleep. Spicy foods increase body temperature and increase pressure, and can also be a reason for heartburn and indigestion. Fat, on the other hand, causes bloating and makes us feel heavy and uncomfortable in our own body. No wonder then that after such a dinner it will be difficult for us to fall asleep. We must also remember that metabolism during sleep significantly slows down and it will be very difficult for us to deal with a fatty, heavy or spicy meal. Digestive problems can awake us from sleep and make it difficult to fall asleep again, as a result in the morning we will feel very tired. So choose supper meals for dinners and remember that you should not eat immediately before bedtime, our body needs about 2-3 hours to digest a meal and it will be better if you do it before you go to bed.

4. Alcohol

Alcohol, although it seems to be a drink that makes it easier to fall asleep, can effectively disturb our sleep and make us wake up tired instead of resting. Alcohol disturbs the sleep phase, so after drinking it, we often wake up at night and it is difficult for us to fall asleep again. It is also alcohol that is responsible for shortening our sleep, which is why after a splashing party we often wake up early in the morning despite tremendous fatigue. So it's better to give up your evening drink and get a good night's sleep.

5. Stress

Stress is one of the main causes of insomnia. When emotions take over in our body, large amounts of adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol are produced, blood pressure increases, heart speeds up, glucose increases, our body is mobilized and fully prepared for fighting, which, as you can hardly guess, there is nothing in common with healthy, peaceful sleep. Therefore, before going to bed all problems, emotions and worries should be put aside and although it can be difficult to properly relax and calm down. Let's go for a walk, listen to music, let us have a relaxing bath, or let's talk about something nice with our loved ones, it will certainly allow us to have a healthy and good sleep.

6. Too cold and too warm

If your bedroom is too warm or too cold, you will certainly not sleep well. Inadequate air temperature, especially in rooms where we sleep, is the cause of insomnia. The problem may be falling asleep, waking up frequently at night, or very short sleep. During sleep, our body temperature naturally decreases, so if the bedroom is too cold or too warm, the sleep rhythm will be disturbed by trying to adapt our body to the conditions around it and maintain its optimal temperature. The temperature in the bedroom should be tailored to your individual needs as much as possible, but it should not be below 18 ° C or above 21 ° C. A few minutes before bedtime, it is also good to open the window and let in some fresh air.

7. Coffee and tea

Both coffee and tea contain substances that stimulate our body and effectively make it difficult to fall asleep (caffeine and theine). Therefore, a few hours before bedtime it is better to give them up, instead, you can drink herbal tea such as lemon balm or chamomile or just water. Also remember not to overdo it with drinks just before bedtime, thus reducing the risk of waking up at night to use the toilet.

8. Exercises

Physical activity is very important for both our health and beauty, but it's better to give up intensive training just before bedtime. Warmed up and stimulated to work, the body will need more time to calm down, which will certainly make it difficult for us to fall asleep, while fatigue will disturb sleep phases, causing frequent waking up at night. Such exercises are best done at least two hours before bedtime, then you can opt for relaxation exercises that will not burden your body.

Sleep is something very important to us, strengthens our body, supports it in the fight against diseases and cares for our beauty better than popular cosmetics. So let's give up things that can disturb him and get a good night's sleep.

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Take care of the teeth

Seems to be the simplest activities, often cause us many difficulties. It would seem that there is nothing simpler than caring for and proper dental hygiene. It is enough to brush them thoroughly at least twice a day, regularly check their condition at the dentist and everything should be fine. Unfortunately, it turns out that these activities require us not only regularity, but also accuracy. So how should we care for our teeth properly?

Time counts

It is not enough to simply brush your teeth, you need to spend enough time on it. Dentists recommend that this activity be performed at least twice a day and preferably after each large meal, i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, do not start brushing your teeth immediately after eating a meal, it is best to wait about 30 minutes. Half an hour is the time our saliva needs so that it can neutralize the acidic pH in the mouth. Brushing teeth should not last less than two - three minutes, it is the time that will allow us to get to all surfaces of our teeth and thoroughly clean them. After brushing your teeth, it is good to rinse your mouth with a special liquid, it will inhibit the growth of bacteria even for another 6-7 hours.

Good means thoroughly

Correct brushing of teeth is above all accuracy. Therefore, it is best to wash them looking in the mirror so as not to overlook hard-to-reach corners. It is necessary to brush your teeth thoroughly on each side, remembering also about the line bordering the gums, it is there that the most dangerous stone collects. It should be remembered that places where it is difficult for our toothbrush to reach, are at the same time areas where it is easiest to keep food residues and grow bacteria that promote decay.

The toothbrush won't get everywehere

Very often, tooth defects are visible in places where one tooth is in contact with another. All this because even the best brushes are unable to reach the gaps between the teeth, where a lot of dirt accumulates. Then dental floss come to the rescue. We should always use them before brushing teeth, they will get rid of food residues from interdental spaces, reducing the risk of tooth decay

Not just teeth

Bacteria and food debris accumulate not only on the teeth, a lot of pathogenic microorganisms also live on our language. They are one of the causes of bad breath and developing infections within the mouth. Therefore, daily oral care should also include cleaning the tongue. Then it will be easier for us to protect ourselves against the development of bacterial and fungal infections, and the risk of caries will also decrease. Some brushes are equipped with special rubber finishes designed for cleaning the tongue, but if we do not have such a brush, we can use special scrapers.

Do not irritate

Good dental hygiene also means maintaining good condition of the enamel that protects teeth. We should also be careful not to irritate or injure the gums. Brushing damage is very often the first step towards infection. Therefore, it is best to opt for a brush with soft bristles and a small head. If you decide to use a medium-hard brush, you must be careful not to hurt your gums and damage the enamel when cleaning your teeth.

Bacterial habitat

A toothbrush can also be a breeding ground for a huge amount of bacteria, so it is mandatory not only to wash and rinse it thoroughly after each brushing, but also to regularly replace it with a new one. The brush should not be used for more than 2-3 months. Always replace the brush whose bristles are already distorted and split, even if you used them for a shorter period. A used brush is a real paradise for microorganisms.

Gums like a massage

Healthy gums reduce the risk of many diseases, including periodontitis, so if you want to keep them in good shape, it's worth spending 1-2 days a week and performing a massage with a soft brush and a few drops of tea oil, or use a rinse prepared with 5-7 drops of oil added to a glass of warm water. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, you will alleviate existing infections and protect your gums against the effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

Terrible stone

The stone that accumulates around the teeth can cause the gum to move away from the tooth, which in turn paves the way for bacteria that can penetrate exposed places and lead to the development of serious infections and even tooth loss. Tartar also causes demineralization of tooth enamel and the development of caries, as well as inflammation of the gums and periodontium. Therefore, it is very important to regularly remove it in the dentist's office.

Dental hygiene allows us not only to maintain a healthy and beautiful appearance of our teeth, but also to limit infections. It is not a procedure that requires special sacrifices and sacrifices from us, one should follow a few simple rules and remember about regular dental check-ups.

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Why stress is fattening?

When stressful situations occur in our lives, we often start eating, usually unhealthy and very calorie meals. Sooner or later so "eating stress" will make us chubby sides or "tire" hated by everyone. These are situations in which a lot of stress is not able to translate, a compressed stomach makes them eat "reasonably" and although at first their weight "flies" downwards, soon they will also start to gain kilos.

Why is stress fat? Today on my blog I read about why stress is not sociable

Stressed body

Many of us associate stress only with situations that for some reason disrupt the normal rhythm of our lives, e.g. loss of a job, difficult exam, interview, quarrel with someone connecting or waiting for some information that affects our further life. Meanwhile, our body reacts in a similar way when we get sick, sleep too little, eat a little, and even when we exercise too hard and for too long, although in these cases you can not feel mental stress.

It starts with cortisol

A large amount of cortisol-stress hormone is released in a stressed body. When our body is functioning properly, the largest amount of cortisol is produced in the morning just after waking up. Then he gives us the so-called kick and mobilize to action for the rest of the day, then its level gradually decreases so that we can sleep peacefully in the evening. When the increase in cortisol levels is associated with chronic stress, and our body is constantly preparing to fight, we eventually have to suffer the consequences, one of them is just gaining weight.

Fight or run

Stress causes that our body immediately prepares for fight or flight and this is where cortisol plays its role. It is thanks to him that the level of glucose increases, which is designed to strengthen the strength of our muscles, narrow the blood vessels and increase blood pressure. During this time, the immune system is inhibited and the ability to analyze and logical thinking decreases. Stress causes that our body sets itself the goal of preparing us to act by providing the right dose of energy, we must have the strength to fight or escape from the enemy.

Illusory beginnings

Initially, due to stress hormone accumulated in our body fat is broken down so as to provide us with the right dose of energy as soon as possible. During this time, our appetite also usually decreases. Therefore, when we are dealing with strong stress, we do not even want our favorite dishes. It can also be a moment when our weight "falls". Unfortunately, in a stressful situation, the body is much less able to burn calories, and released in response to increasing glucose levels, large amounts of insulin cause fat storage. What is worse, the sensitivity of our tissues to insulin is weakened, which in turn can lead to the formation of hyperinsulinism and promote the accumulation of fat tissue while hindering its burning.

A moment of peace

As soon as the stressful situation passes, the appetite returns to normal, and sometimes even increases significantly, unfortunately at the same time our energy demand decreases, and its surplus is deposited in the form of belly and belly.

Cortisol tire

Increased cortisol levels are conducive to the development of so-called abdominal obesity, and all because the adipose tissue located on our torso has more cortisol receptors, which causes the accumulation of adipose tissue in this region. The constantly high insulin level that blocks its burning doesn't help us either.

Chronic stress

If the stress that accompanies us is chronic, the level of cortisol remains high in our body at all times, so we still have elevated glucose levels and the pancreas mobilized to work produces huge amounts of insulin. What's more, continuous life under stress makes the body constantly prepared for battle eventually lose strength. Inhibiting the immune system means that we are more likely to get infections of all kinds. To rebuild energy lost in constant readiness, we increase the consumption of highly processed, caloric meals, at the same time in response to the accompanying fatigue, reducing our physical activity. Stressed body, however, constantly strives to secure the right amount of energy that it can use at the time of danger, which is why it constantly accumulates it in the form of fat tissue.

Our body similarly reacts to both a typical stressful situation and excessive exercise, starving or insufficient sleep, each of these situations starts an avalanche of chemical reactions, which each time leads to the storage of energy in the form of fat. So if we want to maintain a perfect figure or lose some weight, we must remember to do it sensibly, maintaining moderation and regularity. Sudden introduction of intensive exercises or drastic reduction of consumed meals very often brings the opposite effect to the intended one.

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Excessive sweating – a shame problem

Hyperhidrosis is a very embarrassing and shameful condition. It can makes people struggling with their give up social contacts, close themselves in, and sometimes even get depressed. When this problem affects the hands, even a simple handshake causes enormous stress and shame, and often results in difficulties at school and later also at work. Sometimes the problem is so great that sweat literally drips from the hands and feet or flows with a guard around our body. Hyperhidrosis can really make life difficult and prevent normal daily functioning among people.

What is the cause of excessive sweating, who is affected by this condition, and are there ways to deal with it? You can read about it in my post today.

Why are we sweating?

Our body may have up to 5 million sweat glands, their task is to generate sweat and participate in thermoregulation. This function is mainly occupied by ecrine glands, which secrete an odorless transparent liquid consisting mostly of water. It helps to control our body temperature and protects against overheating. There are the most ecrine glands on our body, they are primarily on the hands, feet, forehead, cheeks and armpits. In turn, apocrine glands are located in the axillary pits, around the genitals and around the navel and nipples. Their secretions are cloudy, sticky and have a slightly yellow color. The substances contained in it are decomposed under the influence of batteries residing on our skin, as a result of which the secretion acquires an intense and not very pleasant smell.

Not just thermoregulation

Sweat is created not only when we are dealing with high ambient temperature. It can also be our body's response to various types of emotions, stress, hormonal disorders or physical exertion.

When the glands work too intensively

Excessive sweating is often a disease in itself, then it occurs most often symmetrically, i.e. it affects the left and right sides of our body to the same extent. Hyperactivity of the sweat glands makes sick people sweat a few times more than healthy people, regardless of their emotions or temperature. Most often this ailment covers our feet, hands, armpits and face, and it is characteristic that it does not occur during sleep. We say then that we are dealing with focal hyperhidrosis. Genes are the most common cause of this type of ailment. So if our parents or grandparents struggled with her, it may turn out that she will not miss us either. The first unpleasant symptoms most often occur already in childhood or adolescence, usually before the age of 25. When hyperhidrosis covers our entire body and also occurs at night, it usually coexists with other diseases. It affects people struggling with some cancers, tuberculosis, infections with high temperature or severe weakness of the body, endocrine disorders, peripheral nervous system diseases or cardiovascular diseases. Then, most often, the problem of excessive sweating disappears with the cure of the disease, which was accompanied by one of its symptoms. It also happens that hyperhidrosis is a side effect of using some medications and stops with the end of therapy.

How to fight with sweating

It all depends on the severity and whether it occurs as a disease, is a symptom of another dominant disease, or a side effect of the drugs used. If the correct diagnosis has already been made, we begin to look for methods that will help us reduce the onerous symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

Anti-blockers and antiperspirants

Antiperspirant is usually the first weapon we use to start our fight against excessive sweating. This is by far the cheapest and completely non-invasive method that we can and should try. It is also proposed by most dermatologists as the first stage of treatment. In the composition of most antiperspirants we find aluminum chloride, which, when combined with sweat, closes sweat glands. Unfortunately, its concentration is often too low for people with excessive sweating. Then recommended preparations in which the concentration of aluminum chloride is much higher. Blockers respond to this demand, and they act like antiperspirants. In combination with water, they form a plug that closes the mouths of sweat glands and thus limit the secretion of sweat. However, such a plug is much deeper than the one resulting from the antiperspirant, which is why it inhibits sweat secretion more effectively and for longer. Blockers should only be used a few times a week, always on clean and dry skin. It's best to apply them after the evening toilet before going to bed. A dermatologist will assist you in choosing the right preparation for your condition. Blockers used to treat hyperhidrosis have different forms and different concentrations of aluminum chloride. Therefore, it is very important to adapt them to the individual needs of the patient and to use them skilfully. It is worth knowing that blockers not used in accordance with the doctor's instructions may cause inflammation and irritation.


Electrotherapeutic treatment due to which sweat gland activity and sweat secretion are reduced. Iontophoresis is a painless procedure, the patient can only feel a slight tingling sensation. To reduce sweating, it is necessary to perform a series of about 15 treatments, initially carried out each day. Later, patients undergo surgery to maintain the effect.


Botox associated mainly with filling wrinkles or lip augmentation is also an effective method that allows you to eliminate the problem of hyperhidrosis for a long time. Botox injected in small amounts inhibits acetylcholine secretion, blocking sweat glands. The effect of the treatment is noticeable very quickly, because after a few days and it lasts up to 12 months. Later the procedure should be repeated.

Permanent treatment of hyperhidrosis is already associated with a slightly greater interference in the body, e.g. laser therapy is becoming more and more popular here. The treatment involves sweat glands reduction in the armpit area. A specialist should always qualify for it, who should know the patient's state of health and then decide on the possibility of performing the procedure. If all treatments have already been used and the problem of hyperhidrosis still exists, the possibility of surgery is considered. It involves the removal of tissue along with the sweat glands. Due to the risk of complications, surgical methods to treat hyperhidrosis are used as a last resort.

We support home treatment

Home remedies probably will not eliminate the problem of hyperhidrosis 100 percent, but they can alleviate its symptoms and support the therapeutic methods used during treatment.

Herbal baths

The best results are obtained by bathing in a decoction of oak bark, you can soak your hands and feet in it, or prepare a larger amount of infusion and pour into the tub. It is important that the bath you prepare is neither too cold nor too hot. For bathing the feet and hands, it is enough to prepare a decoction of three tablespoons of oak bark. Pour them with two glasses of water and cook for about 10-15 minutes. When the infusion has cooled down, simply strain it and start a 30-minute bath. It's best if you use this treatment every day, then you will notice faster that your hands and feet are improving. Oak bark not only refreshes the skin and soothes irritations, but also reduces perspiration. It also has antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties, which are very important in the case of excessive sweating, thanks to which it reduces the risk of inflammation. Sage decoction baths also have a good effect, which reduces hyperhidrosis and has anti-inflammatory effects on the skin; birch bark, which causes a decrease in the activity of sweat glands, nettle and chamomile, which also have a sweat-reducing, antiseptic, refreshing and soothing effect on skin irritations. After each bath, it is very important to dry the body thoroughly so that moisture does not accumulate in any of its corners.

Outfit matters

Underwear or clothes made of artificial materials will, unfortunately, exacerbate the problem, making it even worse by limiting air access, they will create an ideal environment for all harmful microorganisms. Feeling "at home", they will light up on our skin for good, causing various infections and the release of an unpleasant smell from sweaty areas of our body. Therefore, it is very important to choose not only the right underwear, but also clothes. They can not restrain our movements, tightly adhere to the body and above all limit the access of air. Let's choose clothes made of natural materials and change them as often as necessary.

In the treatment of hyperhidrosis, hygiene and healthy nutrition are also very important. You should eliminate from your menu, above all, various types of stimulants and spicy dishes, oily diet should be replaced by easily digestible with a high content of fiber. It is also worth giving up eating garlic, onions and leeks, which can increase the unpleasant smell of sweat.

Remember, if your problem is hyperhidrosis, you must start your way to fight it by visiting a specialist. The first step should always be the correct diagnosis. If the problem you are experiencing is related to some other disease, you must start therapy to cure it. On the other hand, if hyperhidrosis is a disease in itself, the least invasive methods are used to reduce its unpleasant symptoms.

Read more www.reviveclinic.com

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The enemy of his own body

Recently, there is more and more talk about autoimmune diseases, there are over 100, and scientists are still recognizing new ones. People known from the world of media admit to them, saying openly about their struggles and the long path they had to go before they were given the right diagnosis and treatment began.

Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases often lasts for years. However, their symptoms can make life very difficult and sometimes even be a real threat to it. That is why today it is the diseases resulting from autoaggression that will be the subject of my entry.

Something must have changed ...

A properly functioning immune system is designed to protect our body against invasion of pathogens and react when our own cells are damaged for some reason and function improperly. It is thanks to him that we fight off diseases, and in the place of damaged tissues new ones can form. If the immune system stopped working, even a runny nose or cut would be a lethal threat to us. The problem arises when this highly specialized system begins to go crazy and get out of control. Then the enemy that needs to be fought are completely healthy cells for him. Our body becomes a victim of its own immune system, which instead of defending it, begins to attack. Unfortunately, it is still not entirely clear why this is happening. Most often, the causes of the occurrence of autoimmune diseases are found in the genes, it is also said that the factors responsible for the occurrence of autoimmune stress are severe stress, some drugs and bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

It's not hypochondria. It's self-aggression

People suffering from autoimmune disease often struggle with its troublesome symptoms for many years before they hear the correct diagnosis and start treatment. Sent from doctor to doctor, they are often treated a bit with a grain of salt and very often compared to people suffering from a mental disorder called hypochondria. This is because autoimmune diseases are unfortunately extremely difficult to diagnose. They give a number of non-specific symptoms, suggesting the occurrence of a wide variety of diseases. However, this is not the end of putting the correct diagnosis additionally hindered by the fact that the same disease in two different patients can manifest itself completely different, effectively puzzling the doctor. Therefore, very often patients, after excluding many diseases that could be indicated by the symptoms they report, end up in the psychiatrist's office, where anxiety neurosis, depression or just hypochondria are misdiagnosed. The wrong diagnosis is also the implementation of incorrect treatment, which, unfortunately, sooner or later must make itself felt and affect health.

What should get our attention?

There are a lot of diseases resulting from autoimmune diseases, there are even more varied symptoms. Therefore, it is impossible to name a few that will become a clue to make a diagnosis. Our attention should be drawn by continuous or wave-like weakness and fatigue, not even after a long rest. The disease may also be suggested by a sudden change in body weight while maintaining the same diet. Autoimmune diseases are also manifested through various skin lesions, arthralgia, arrhythmias, dry mucous membranes and skin, headaches and dizziness, food allergies, dry eye syndrome, so-called brain fog and even panic attacks and depression. We must be aware that autoimmune diseases can affect every part of our body. Unfortunately, so far we do not have tests that could lead us to any of this huge pool of diseases. The observed symptoms very often occur with periods of exacerbation and remission, and the onset of the disease can be very slow, almost imperceptible to the patient or rapid. An additional difficulty is the fact that diseases resulting from autoimmune dislikes loneliness, which is why they often occur with other co-existing autoimmune diseases. That is why a very thorough interview with the patient is a very important element that begins the path to proper diagnosis. Both the professional approach of the doctor and the openness of the patient, who should tell about all even incompatible symptoms, plays a huge role here.

Unfortunately, even if we are lucky and we get to a doctor who will undertake to find the perpetrator of our malaise or troublesome skin symptoms, we will face a large series of various types of tests. Starting from the simplest ones like morphology and urine through the more complicated ones e.g. for the presence of antibodies, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and sometimes even biopsy and histopathological examinations.

Diagnosis and what's next

Unfortunately, because it is still unknown what the real reason is that our immune system suddenly, instead of protecting us, begins to turn against us, and there is no drug that could reverse such action. Therapy that lasts most often until the end of the patient's life consists primarily in reducing symptoms and controlling the autoimmune process. However, early recognition of the disease is very important here, the chance to maintain long-term control over it largely depends on what stage of treatment was started. Various symptoms cause, however, that the treatment of each person should be tailored very individually. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the patient's health and disease progression so as to choose the best possible therapy at each stage. It is also very important to support pharmacological treatment by changing the lifestyle and using a well-balanced diet meeting the body's needs. Supplementation supplementing vitamin and mineral deficiencies very often associated with this type of disease is also significant here. Remember, however, that the use of supplements should always be decided by a doctor. Patients should also give up smoking and drinking alcohol, these are drugs that many specialists put on the list of disease activating factors. Stress and lack of sleep are also an enemy of people suffering from autoimmune diseases. That is why it is very important to find a moment for a large portion of relaxation and to sleep well each day.

When the skin is ill

Autoimmune diseases can affect any cell in our body, impairing the functioning of the organs involved. Some of them also affect our appearance and although the aesthetic side is perhaps not a priority in the treatment of this type of disease, alleviating skin symptoms can bring great relief, while improving the patient's mental well-being. Patients often complain of persistent dryness and peeling of the skin, hyperpigmentation, cellulite, hair loss, nail weakness, various types of rashes, unsightly looking spider veins or excessive hair. Sometimes, skin problems are one of the main symptoms of an autoimmune disease. This happens when, for example, psoriasis is manifested by the appearance of red and scaly spots on the elbows, knees or scalp; alopecia areata, when the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing large hair loss locally; vitiligo manifesting as white patches on the skin as a result of its depigmentation; scleroderma, with local thickening and ulceration of the skin or systemic lupus erythematosus, when one of the symptoms of the disease is the appearance of red butterfly-shaped erythema on the face. Properly selected treatment in many cases reduces the symptoms of the disease visible on our body, but it is always necessary to support therapy by proper care and avoidance of harmful irritants, both those contained in cosmetics and food, as well as those associated with weather conditions.

Aesthetic medicine, safe or not?

Everyone would like to have healthy and beautiful skin, which is why, in addition to daily care, we often decide to embellish it using the benefits of aesthetic medicine. In the case of autoimmune diseases, however, it is very difficult to predict the body's response, which is why most of the described procedures describe them as a contraindication to carry them out. This does not mean, however, that you can't help people struggling with this type of disease by eliminating or significantly reducing the marks that the disease has left on their body. Very often, treatments with the use of laser are performed, which help to even out skin tone, reduce the visibility of scars and discolorations and, by accelerating the regeneration process, make it look healthier. Good effects are also achieved by filling or injecting the skin with e.g. hyaluronic acid preparations, which will smooth, moisturize, improve the face oval and fill wrinkles. Mesotherapy can also be a helpful procedure in the treatment of excessive hair loss in the course of alopecia areata. In turn, in the case of psoriasis, carboxytherapy is successfully used, i.e. a procedure using the therapeutic effect of carbon dioxide. It increases the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the treated area, which causes calming down the lesions.

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8 reasons why you should eat dark chocolate

Almost everyone likes chocolate, but not everyone knows that it can have a positive effect on health. Meanwhile, eating small amounts of chocolate can not only give pleasure, but also bring many benefits.

Today he would like to say what good dark chocolate gives us. Remember, however, that it must be good quality chocolate and the content of real cocoa should exceed 75%. Under no circumstances should chocolate be treated as a medicinal product by you, and you will not be able to eat it without end. It is important to use common sense and moderation, and here are 8 reasons why you should afford a little delicious pleasure.

1. Improves heart function

Dark chocolate consumed in moderate amounts, of course, has a beneficial effect on our heart. All this thanks to plant flavonoids found in cocoa. They, as strong antioxidants, eliminate the action of free radicals and positively affect the state of the circulatory system. They improve flexibility, strengthen and seal blood vessels, lower cholesterol and regulate blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, each procedure carries the risk of exacerbating symptoms and causing an unexpected body reaction. We also have to reckon with the fact that the skin of a person struggling with an autoimmune disease may respond more slowly to the treatment than the skin of a healthy person. Remember also that every interference in your body should be preceded by a medical consultation. Try to choose offices where qualified specialists will know how to approach your problem. Autoimmune diseases require not only very careful interference with the body, but also a very individual approach to the patient. It is also extremely important to make sure that there is a period of remission during the planned surgery because active autoimmune disease is unfortunately a contraindication to aesthetic medicine treatments.

2. Improves brain function

Flavon compounds contained in dark chocolate improve blood flow in our body while improving brain oxygenation. Thanks to this, we learn more easily and remember more, our concentration and ability to think creatively also improves. Regular consumption of chocolate can also delay the deterioration of our brain function as we age. Dark chocolate can therefore reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and stroke.

3. Slows down the aging process

Strong antioxidants contained in cocoa eliminate the effects of dangerous free radicals, protecting collagen and elastin fibers from damage. Thanks to this, the skin stays longer, smooth, firm and elastic. Wrinkle visibility is also reduced and skin tone is improved. Cocoa contained in dark chocolate also supports its protective functions, reducing, among others, its susceptibility to harmful effects of UV rays. Just eating dark chocolate will not replace sunscreen in the form of cosmetics with filters.

4. Improves digestion

Dark chocolate improves metabolism, gives a feeling of satiety and stimulates the production of digestive enzymes responsible for the absorption and digestion of fats. Therefore, after a difficult meal, it is good to eat a small amount of dark chocolate. Thanks to this, we stimulate the digestive processes of our body.

5. Improves mood

Chocolate causes our body to release happiness hormones. Therefore, very often, when we have a bad mood or are nervous, we intuitively reach for chocolate. It affects the rhythm of our sleep and makes us feel relaxed and satisfied. Remember, however, that the best to improve the mood will be dark chocolate consumed in small quantities. If we eat too much, we will have stomach problems instead of good humor.

6. Has a positive effect on eyes

Bitter chocolate, thanks to the high content of antioxidants, protects the organ of vision against the damaging effects of free radicals. Flavonoids, which also positively affect blood flow to the brain, improve its effect on stimuli and accelerate the reaction. In turn, increasing blood flow to the retina increases visual performance. Vitamin A, which is also found in dark chocolate, is very important for our eyes. Thanks to it, the contrast of vision improves significantly even in very adverse conditions. Vitamin A is also necessary for the production of mucus and tears, which are designed to protect the eye.

7. Does not cause rapid increase in glucose level

Bitter chocolate has a low glycemic index, which means that blood glucose levels rise slowly after consumption. Eaten from time to time a small amount of dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa and without added sugar, it is often recommended by doctors and nutritionists even for people suffering from diabetes and insulin resistance. It is also increasingly said that dark chocolate can reduce the risk of insulin resistance. Let's remember, however, that it must always be accompanied by a proper healthy diet.

8. Improves libido

Chocolate improves mood and blood circulation, while improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients to all cells of our body. Thanks to it, we not only feel happy, but also our body works better. Better circulation improves not only our fitness, but also sexual sensations. Chocolate also seduces us with its extraordinary taste and smell, stimulates the senses and helps create a unique atmosphere.

Bitter chocolate can certainly not be an alternative to a healthy and balanced diet, and its excessive consumption can unfortunately only harm us. Consumed in moderation, however, will be a delicious and healthy dessert. Enjoy your meal 🙂

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