Check why you should drink beetroot juice

Beetroot ... although some people associate it neither with modern cuisine nor with modern lifestyles, today with some step it returns to favors and guests even at very dry parties. In elegant restaurants beetroot carpaccio is often served, they are added to various salads, meats and even desserts. Of course, not everyone likes beets, there are probably people among us that even the best chef will not be able to taste beets. Beetroot, whatever it may be, will always be a beetroot for them :).

Therefore, today I will not convince you to its taste or give you great recipes that could change your view of beetroot. Instead, I will tell you about the health properties of this ordinary juice, but how you will see the extraordinary beetroot yourself.

Here are 8 reasons to drink beetroot juice

1. Supports the treatment of anemia

Not once have you heard from your grandmothers or mothers that beetroot is the best for "weak" blood. All this, of course, true beetroot thanks to the high content of vitamins and minerals will not only strengthen your body, but also significantly affect the hematopoietic processes, among other things due to the content of cobalt and copper regulating the formation of red blood cells, which will also help iron absorption.

2. Lowers blood pressure

Beet juice, thanks to the content of nitrates, which increase the concentration of pressure regulating nitric oxide, can be helpful in the treatment of hypertension. By lowering blood pressure, beet juice also reduces the risk of threats directly related to hypertension, e.g. heart attack, stroke or atherosclerosis.

3. Increases physical performance

Regular drinking of beetroot juice means that we have more energy, and our physical performance also increases. Thanks to this, we stay in good shape longer and get tired more slowly. Here, in addition to the vitamins and minerals that beet provides us, the abovementioned nitrates and nitric oxide play a role. By expanding the blood vessels, they improve the efficiency of the heart, at the same time making our muscles need much less oxygen during exercise. It all makes the body's endurance increase. This is probably why beetroot juice is very popular among people who train intensively and regularly, to whom such a healthy "kick" and "natural doping" are useful every day.

4. Purifies the liver

The liver performs a lot of extremely important functions in our body, including a filter that protects us from the harmful effects of toxins, neutralizing them and facilitating their excretion. Unfortunately, overloaded ceases to work properly, which unpleasant effects are felt by our entire body. So let's know that from time to time she also needs cleansing. Beetroot juice, rich in antioxidants and fiber, supports it, effectively neutralizing the effects of free radicals and improving body cleansing. Betaine in beetroot, which helps our liver get rid of dangerous toxins, also plays a role here, thus facilitating its daily work.

5. Helps to overcome diseases

The betanine dye contained in beet helps our body deal with bacteria and, together with other antioxidants, supports the immune system and helps to avoid so-called oxidative stress. Thanks to this, beetroot juice can also reduce the risk of civilization diseases (e.g. diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, allergies, cancer)

6. Slows down skin aging

Beet juice is a natural anti-aging product, it is a wealth of strong antioxidants that protect our skin against free radicals, allowing us to enjoy its beautiful and healthy appearance for longer. What's more, beets improve the flow of oxygen in our body, counteract anemia and provide us with numerous nutrients, thus also improving the condition of our skin. The beets also contain lycopene, which improves skin firmness and elasticity, and protects it from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

7. Improves brain function

Beets improve blood flow in our body and along with it also oxygen and nutrients. Thanks to this, our brain also works better. Our concentration and learning ability improve, we become more creative and our brain stays fully functional for longer.

8. Takes care of our eyesight

Lutein contained in beets protects our eyes against the harmful effects of free radicals and UV radiation, thus avoiding dangerous photodamage, infection, dryness or excessive watering of the eyes. Lutein also improves visual acuity and reduces the risk of glaucoma and cataracts. It also works well for people who spend hours at the computer and their eyes are clearly tired.

Well, we pull out juicers and blenders and make fresh beetroot juice. You can enrich it with any vegetables and fruits. It is delicious with apple, carrot, celery, pineapple and even ginger. So everything depends on your imagination and taste preferences. 

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9 benefits in one glass of water

Our body consists mostly of water, it accounts for about 60-70 percent of the body weight of an adult human and up to 85 percent of the body of a newborn baby. However, with the passage of time and the aging process, these values are gradually decreasing. Water is necessary for us to live at every stage, without it we would not be able to function, every cell of our body needs it.

However, we are not able to produce it ourselves in sufficient quantities, so every day we should drink about 1.5-2 liters of water, while remembering that when it gets hot outside or if we lose more fluid, drinking it e.g. during intense exercise , the demand for water is increasing. Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and the elderly also need more water. It is best to drink it in small portions so that our body is constantly properly hydrated.

Today on my blog about why water is so important for both our health and beauty.

1. Cleanses the body of toxins

Drinking the right amount of water helps remove from our body by-products of metabolism, some of them are really very toxic compounds, which if not for water could lead to serious diseases and even be life-threatening, poisoning our body and destroying its organs. Blood and lymph are mostly made of water, thanks to which they can freely circulate inside our body and cleanse it of toxins. It is thanks to water that harmful metabolic products are captured even from the remotest corners of our body and later excreted out with the help of the lungs, liver, skin and kidneys. All these organs would not be able to function efficiently without proper hydration.

2. Regulates body temperature

The normal body temperature for a healthy adult is 36.6 ° C. For our health, both hypothermia and overheating of the body are dangerous, which in extreme cases can even be life threatening to us. That is why our body tries to maintain it at a constant optimal level for itself. Thermoregulation processes could not have happened if it were not for water. Water absorbs heat and for a long time can keep it evenly spreading throughout the body. In steaming, it protects us from overheating. Thanks to it, our body does not experience violent temperature jumps.

3. Supports body nutrition

Although water alone does not provide us with all the building components necessary for life, it is, however, an extremely important element of proper nutrition. It is thanks to her that all the necessary nutrients and oxygen are distributed to every cell of our body. What's more, water, by cleansing the body of toxins and deposits, also facilitates their absorption.

4. Reduces hunger and promotes weight loss

If you happen to feel hunger between meals, instead of reaching for various, often unfortunately not very healthy and calorie snacks, try to drink water. A glass of clean water will definitely reduce the feeling of hunger. Very often, we confuse desire with the desire to "bite through something", so when soon after eating a meal we start to feel hungry, it can simply be a mistakenly received signal that informs us about the need to replenish our body's missing water.

So instead of reaching for "something to eat", drink a glass of clean unsweetened water. In turn, nutritionists often advise to drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before a meal, it will give us a feeling of satiety and reduce the amount of food consumed.

5. Makes digestion easier

Water is necessary in the digestion process, thanks to which it is possible to crush food and transport, dissolve and absorb nutrients. It facilitates metabolism and helps to excrete by-products formed in this process. It also improves intestinal peristalsis, thanks to which deposits that are dangerous to our health are not deposited in them and it makes us suffer from constipation much less often.

6. Improves brain function

Our brain mostly consists of water, thanks to which it works better, is nourished and oxygenated, it also supports the conduction of nerve impulses. Water improves our concentration and clarity of thinking, we learn faster and we remember more. The lack of it, however, very quickly "lazifies" the brain, makes it difficult for us to concentrate and absorb knowledge, we are unable to focus on the activity. Our mental performance drops significantly.

7. Protects

Water, found in all body fluids, protects our digestive tract, spinal cord and eyeball, provides joint mobility and supports muscle work, improves their elasticity and reduces the risk of injury and at the same time increases their efficiency.

8. Improves skin condition

Providing our body with the right amount of water every day has a very beneficial effect on our skin. It makes the regenerative processes run more efficiently and the skin is more nourished, oxygenated and moisturized. It becomes flexible and smooth, and thanks to the efficient cleansing of the body of toxins, it also acquires a healthy color, radiant appearance and is easier to deal with acne and other such changes. Unfortunately, water will not replace skin care cosmetics, but it will definitely support their operation and improve the condition of our skin, enabling it to provide nutrients it needs from within.

9. Supports hair care

The right amount of water is also very important for our hair, it also needs moisturizing, nourishing and cleansing both from the inside and the outside. If they are dehydrated, they begin to break, crumble become dull and weak, they will also be more susceptible to damage arising during stylization or adverse weather conditions. Water alone will not solve our hair problems and will not cause us to suddenly enjoy lush hair, but it can support our daily care and be its important element.

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Cocktail power

After winter, our body is tired, weakened, deprived of energy, immunity decreases, the skin turns gray and the hair is weak and dull. All because during the winter our diet was low in nutrients that we need to be able to function properly. Our body during this time tried to supplement the emerging deficiencies previously accumulated reserves. Now that they are running out, we have no strength and we look exhausted.

That is why today I want to introduce you to several recipes for healthy and delicious cocktails, which will firstly cleanse your body of deposits accumulated by the winter, and secondly will be for you a real vitamin-mineral bomb, supporting the work of the body and helping to get back in shape after winter.

At the beginning of cleansing

If we want to prepare our body for the adoption of nutrients, the deficiencies of which are noticeable practically to the naked eye after winter, we must first get rid of harmful toxins, which unfortunately we have accumulated, using a heavy diet low in fruit and vegetables.

Here are 2 great cocktails that will help you in this, and you can easily prepare everyone at home.

1. Spinach, melon, ginger, kiwi and coconut water

A handful of fresh spinach, a small melon, about 1 cm of grated ginger root (can be cut into thin slices), two ripe kiwi fruit and about ½ cup of coconut water. That's all it takes to create a cleansing healthy cocktail.

  • Spinach - will provide us with a large portion of fiber, thus supporting the work of the digestive system and facilitating its cleansing. We also find in it a lot of vitamins and minerals, including B group vitamins, vitamin K, C, E as well as iron, calcium, potassium and lutein. So, spinach is a wealth of strong antioxidants, which is why it is great at neutralizing the harmful effects of free radicals, strengthens the body, improves heart function, supports the nervous system, supports the body in the fight against diseases and perfectly nourishes.
  • Melon - is a source of beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C, B6, E and calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. It protects our body against the effects of free radicals, supports the work of the heart and kidneys, takes care of vision, improves brain function and helps to improve our mood. Melon has a diuretic effect, facilitating cleansing of the body and helping to get rid of excess water. In turn, thanks to its fat-burning citrulline, it is perfect for people who want to lose a few extra pounds. Unfortunately, melons due to their high sugar content and high glycemic index should not be consumed by diabetics and those struggling with insulin resistance.
  • Ginger- perfectly supports digestion, has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to fight colds and flu, relieves headaches and cares for our oral health. Ginger also improves circulation, speeds up fat burning and helps fight cellulite. In turn, thanks to its diuretic and circulation-improving effects, it helps get rid of toxins from our body and has anti-edema effects.
  • Kiwi - provides our body with a lot of nutrients, we find in it, among others, vitamin C, A, E, K and B vitamins also does not lack minerals, e.g. iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium or zinc. Kiwi supports the fight against free radicals, facilitates digestion, and thanks to the content of lutein improves the condition of our eyes. In turn, the high content of fiber makes it prevents constipation and facilitates cleansing the body.
  • Coconut water - a drink obtained from green coconuts is a rich source of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and kinetin - a plant hormone responsible for cell growth and division as well as stimulating fibroblasts producing collagen and elastin. Coconut water perfectly complements electrolyte deficiencies, reduces free radicals, improves the condition of skin, hair and nails, improves the work of the circulatory system, supports the work of the intestine, helping to get rid of deposits in it, maintains proper hydration, nourishes and slows down the aging process.

2. Kale, pineapple, parsley, apple, celery and orange

A handful of kale leaves, 3 slices of fresh pineapple, ½ bunch of parsley, 1 apple, 2 celery stalks and 1 orange. To make a cocktail, of course, all products must be thoroughly washed and blended and fresh juice squeezed from the oranges.

  • Kale - contains very large amounts of vitamin C, as well as B vitamins, vitamin A, K, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium and zinc, and you'll also find amino acids, proteins and fiber in it. It has antioxidant properties, cleanses and protects the body against toxins, supports the work of the heart, strengthens and seals blood vessels, and also regulates cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Pineapple - contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, PP, C and folic acid, it also contains minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese. We also find in it a large amount of fiber and the most characteristic enzyme for this fruit - bromelain. Pineapple facilitates digestion, improves circulation, accelerates cleansing of the body, and also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  • Parsley leaf - has very strong toxin cleansing properties. It supports the work of the kidneys and liver, has a diuretic effect, prevents swelling, facilitates the absorption of nutrients, strengthens the heart, supports the immune system and has an analgesic effect. Parsley leaves provides us with very large amounts of vitamin C and A, as well as B vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium and fiber.
  • Apple - is a source of fiber, vitamins C, A, E, K, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc and iron. Apples regulate bowel function and cleanse the body of toxins, supporting its detoxification, protect against digestive system diseases, support the work of the heart and brain, regulate cholesterol and improve the condition of blood vessels.
  • Celery - contains a lot of vitamins C, E and B vitamins, it is also a rich source of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Celery has strong cleansing properties, stimulates metabolism, facilitates digestion, prevents constipation and supports weight loss. It has a diuretic effect, thus supporting the work of the kidneys and preventing excessive accumulation of water in the body, supports the nervous system, improves blood circulation and protects against the harmful effects of free radicals.
  • Orange - is a fruit that will provide us with large amounts of vitamin C, we will also find vitamin A, B1, B6, B12, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, iron and fiber. Orange therefore has an antioxidant effect, supports the work of the immune, nervous and digestive systems. Accelerates metabolism, allows you to get rid of accumulated deposits in the body, regulates cholesterol levels, supports liver function and prevents constipation.

We fill in the deficiencies after winter

The body, which has been cleared of deposits, now needs nutrition. To feel better and look more beautiful, we should fill in the deficiencies necessary for the proper functioning of nutrients. Cocktails are the best and fastest way to do this. Try two extremely nutritious cocktails that will quickly strengthen your body and put you on your feet.

1. Avocado, pear, banana, chia seeds, coconut milk

One avocado, pear, banana, a tablespoon of chia seeds and a glass of coconut milk are mixed, if the cocktail is too thick, we can add some water, it obviously depends on individual preferences.

  • Avocado - is a rich source of essential unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, K, PP, folic acid, pantothenic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, protein and phytosterols. Avocado regulates cholesterol, supports heart and brain function, nourishes the body, improves skin and hair, reduces free radicals, has anti-inflammatory properties, regulates blood sugar levels and supports digestive processes.
  • Pear - contains vitamins K, C, B vitamins, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and boron and iodine which make it stand out from many fruits. Pear has strong antioxidant properties, supports the thyroid and brain, protects bones, regulates blood pressure, supports digestion, strengthens immunity and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Banana - provides us with a large amount of potassium and other vitamins and minerals very important for our body, including magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins A, C, E, K and B vitamins, and it also contains fiber which is very important for us. Bananas support the heart, protect the digestive system, regulate cholesterol levels, eliminate free radicals, lower blood pressure and help treat diarrhea.
  • Chia - these small seeds are primarily a rich source of omega 3 acids, we also find in them large amounts of calcium as well as potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, zinc and vitamins A, C and E, they also lack fiber and protein. Chia seeds have antioxidant properties, support the work of the heart and brain, protect our digestive system, accelerate metabolism, strengthen bones, improve immunity and mood, and care for our eyes.
  • Coconut milk - is known primarily from the lauric acid contained in it, which, among other things, supports the immune system, has anti-inflammatory properties, protects the digestive system and cares for the condition of our hair and skin.

2. Beetroot, banana, pineapple, turmeric and water

Two raw beets, 1-2 bananas, 2-3 slices of pineapple, 1 teaspoon of turmeric and water added depending on individual needs. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly and then only drink health.

  • Beetroot - contains a lot of nutrients necessary for our body, you will find in it a lot of vitamins, among others, A, C, E, K, B6, folic acid and minerals: iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and calcium. Beets perfectly strengthen our immune system, help fight diseases, strengthen the body, protect us against anemia, help regulate cholesterol levels, cleanse the blood, support the liver, facilitate digestion and accelerate fat burning.
  • Turmeric has a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, strengthens immunity, cleanses the blood, facilitates digestion, supports the work of the pancreas and liver, and also lowers cholesterol and prevents fat accumulation.

Cocktails provide us with a huge amount of nutrients, strengthen our body and quickly help us get back in shape. Thanks to them, we not only look but also feel much better, so it is worth including them in our daily menu, they can be, e.g. a way to a healthy lunch. Give it a try and you'll soon find that they are not only delicious, but also very healthy.

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We deal with spring solstice

More and more days, more and more sun, thermometers show higher and higher temperatures, it would seem that this was what we were waiting for after short winter days. So we should welcome the coming spring with joy and energy and come to life with nature after winter sleep. Meanwhile, instead of a surge of energy, we are now more tired and even on longer sunny days we don't want much.

The spring solstice, because of which we are talking about, affects many of us, with the arrival of spring weakness and apathy appear, the symptoms of some diseases are exacerbated, we lose our appetite, we often have a headache, it is difficult for us to concentrate, and instead of bursting with energy we have bad mood. Exhausted after winter, the body simply cannot keep up with the upcoming changes, it is also not facilitated by hormonal fluctuations that accompany the change of the season and are designed, among others, to change our biological clock.

Spring is coming soon, so today on my blog 7 ways to deal with the spring solstice

1. Cleanse the body

In winter, our diet is low in vegetables and fruits, instead it is full of hard-to-digest foods that our digestive system can't always handle. Our metabolism is also slowed down by less movement, sun and spending time outdoors. Winter sedentary lifestyle means that our digestive system is full of harmful toxins and deposits that hinder the absorption of necessary nutrients. That is why after the winter it is very important to apply a cleansing diet. If we want to get rid of toxins from our body, first of all we should give up all kinds of stimulants, including coffee and strong tea, completely discontinue sugar and significantly reduce salt. It is also very important to drink a lot of water, which is the easiest way to get rid of harmful substances from our body. Your diet should be dominated by vegetables and fruits, preferably steamed or raw. Also, do not eat fatty and heavy foods during this time. If you want detox to be effective and safe, it's best if you ask a dietitian for advice. A cleansing diet usually does not last long and although sometimes it is difficult to bear, it brings fantastic results.

2. Change your eating habits

Our body in the winter is clearly tired, all because it has already depleted its necessary vitamins and minerals. That is why it is now very important to supplement the deficiencies with a well-balanced diet. If you have done a detox before, it will be much easier for your body to absorb the nutrients it provides with healthy food. So you will gain energy faster and your appearance and well-being will improve. Try to have a lot of fruit and vegetables, lean meat, fish, whole grains and nuts in your menu. A very good way to fill in the winter deficiencies are vegetable and fruit cocktails - a real vitamin bomb that will allow you to quickly get on your feet.

3. Go for a walk

A walk is a very important element in the fight against the spring solstice, and although sometimes we do not want to stick our nose out the door, it is worth breaking and spending each day, although a few minutes in the open air. I'm not talking about a morning run to the bus or returning from work with a head full of business duties, but about real relaxation in the fresh air. Such a walk should be pleasant, try to really breathe deeply. Your body needs oxygen, if you supply it with oxygen, it will start working much more effectively and you will feel a positive change very quickly.

4. Start exercising

If in winter you led a rather sedentary lifestyle, the arrival of spring is the best time for change. The right portion of movement will allow you not only to get rid of accumulated kilograms and unnecessary fat, but also positively affect your health and well-being. If you feel tired, start slowly, gradually increasing your activity. It is not worth immediately go to intensive training, because it can only stress your body and bring the opposite effects. First enter a few minutes of not too heavy exercises and slowly increase their intensity, you will certainly quickly see for yourself what is good for you. Exercise will quickly improve your metabolism, blood circulation and humor, thanks to it it will be much easier for you to face the spring solstice and enjoy the arrival of spring.

5. Watch out for weather changes

When winter ends and spring begins, we are dealing with very large temperature fluctuations, warm and sunny days are intertwined with cold, rainy and windy, there are also several days of winter returns. So you don't need much to catch a cold, changes in the weather are reflected not only on our health, but also on our well-being, which is why it is very important that we try to adjust our clothes to changing temperatures like in a kaleidoscope. It is not easy at all, because the weather can change several times a day. That is why it is best to dress for the so-called onions, then we can take some clothes off when it gets warm and put them back on when it cools down. This is probably the only way to deal with the vagaries of the upcoming spring.

6. Sleep well

Remember that changing the time from "winter" to "summer" is a real challenge for our body. Our biological clock is completely unregulated, and the stolen hour of sleep seems to be eternity. Therefore, to help the body and help it get used to the spring mode of work, we should sleep well. So let's stop the night because of engaging reading or an interesting movie. Our body right now needs the right dose of healthy restful sleep the most.

7. Don't demand too much of yourself

Wait a moment before you start cleaning up your spring, don't take extra tasks and responsibilities for yourself, because although it seems to you that with the first rays of the sun and the lengthening day you should do more, your body is not ready yet. Therefore, it quickly responds with fatigue and deterioration of mood. Give yourself some time to recover after the winter and make sure you have time to relax every day.

The spring solstice can not quite properly find under our skin, some say you just have to wait it out. However, I encourage you to use, although a few of my tips, maybe they will prove to be helpful for you and allow you to go through this difficult time for your body more easily.

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What aloes can do

Aloe vera is a green plant with amazing properties that have been known for a long time. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also used it, mainly as a natural remedy for digestive problems and a preparation to heal various types of wounds. Over time, we learn more and more new properties of aloe vera, which when used internally or externally, cares not only about our health, but also about our beauty.

The gel in the leaves of the plant contains a huge amount of nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body, we find in it, among others, B vitamins and vitamins A, C, E and K and minerals e.g. selenium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sulfur or iron. There is also a lack of fiber, sterols, enzymes, fatty acids and sugars. Aloe is also a rich source of amino acids, it can contain up to 20, of which about 7-8 are those that our body is unable to produce by itself. Its rich composition makes it a plant that has a number of beneficial properties for our body

Read what aloe can do.

Supports the functioning of the digestive system

Aloe juice cleanses the digestive system of toxins and deposits, thus eliminating abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation caused by impurities. It improves the body's absorption of the nutrients it provides. It fights bacteria, fungi and viruses, which is why it copes well with infections located in the digestive system, significantly improving our health and well-being. Aloe also stimulates the production of bile and helps break down fat accumulating in our body, the excess of which can be a cause of troublesome constipation. However, it is not the end of this wonderful plant that supports liver cleansing and, thanks to the content of enzymes and antioxidants, also stimulates metabolism.

It soothes burns

Aloe alleviates the unpleasant symptoms associated with skin burns, accelerates healing and reduces the visibility of scars. It is enough to cut the leaf of the plant lengthwise and brush the burned place with gel inside. Aloe brings immediate relief and accelerates the regeneration of damaged epidermis.

Cures skin inflammation

It has anti-inflammatory properties, copes well with viruses, bacteria and fungi, relieves pain and swelling and accelerates the growth cycle of new skin cells, thus activating the process of wound healing and healing inflammation.

It improves immunity

Aloe clearly improves the work of our immune system, strengthens the body and facilitates the fight against diseases. Juice or preparations containing it in its composition are often recommended in the autumn and winter periods and the so-called spring solstice, when our immunity decreases significantly. Aloe cleanses our body, facilitating the absorption of vitamins and minerals, stimulates B lymphocytes to produce antibodies, has anti-inflammatory properties and fights free radicals that lower immunity.

Heals herpes

Aloe is very effective in the treatment of herpes, not only reduces pain, but also helps to deal with viruses, cleanses the skin, soothes irritations and accelerates the healing process. However, you should use it as soon as possible, so as soon as we feel the itching characteristic of herpes, before the liquid-filled bubbles appear, we apply a small piece of cut aloe leaf and hold it on the skin for a few minutes. This procedure should be repeated several times a day, preferably at intervals of about two hours, each time using a new compress from the plant.

Supports the treatment of oral inflammation

Aloe is also effective in treating various types of inflammation in the mouth. Supports the fight against aphthae, ulcers and abscesses, and by providing analgesic and soothing effects, it quickly brings relief by eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Aloe disinfects diseased areas and helps fight viruses, fungi and bacteria, thus facilitating and accelerating mucosal healing and regeneration. Aloe juice is also great as a preparation that cleans teeth and gums from bacteria that lie on them, and also helps to get rid of scale build-up on teeth.

It improves the condition of dry and delicate skin

Aloe gel improves the condition of dry skin, soothes irritations, reduces itching and burning. It has gently exfoliating properties, so it allows you to get rid of dead skin without irritating the skin. In turn, thanks to the content of valuable nutrients, it strengthens it and makes it regenerate faster. Aloe binds moisture in the skin, so using it provides it with deep hydration, also helps rebuild its protective layer and strengthens blood vessels. Thanks to this, it becomes flexible, pleasant to the touch and less susceptible to redness caused by external factors. Aloe vera is also great at treating psoriasis and atopic and vascular skin problems.

Reduces the visibility of wrinkles

Aloe is an excellent natural anti-aging cosmetic, stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin, thanks to which fine wrinkles are smoothed and the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Aloe also has strong antioxidant properties, which significantly delays the effects of aging and makes the skin look young and healthy for longer. Applied to the skin, it also has brightening and exfoliating properties, thanks to which it evens its color and stimulates regenerative processes. Aloe also protects it from the harmful effects of UV radiation and by supporting the action of cosmetics with filters reduces the risk of photo-aging changes.

Strengthens hair and reduces hair loss

Aloe stimulates hair growth, so it is often used as a natural cosmetic that reduces hair loss. It also works well as a preparation strengthening, nourishing and moisturizing both the scalp and hair. It reduces their brittleness, reduces split ends, facilitates combing, helps to deal with dandruff, and by creating a protective film on the surface of the hair, protects them from harmful external factors and reduces damage caused by styling. For hair care, aloe juice and aloe gel are great. It can be successfully added to masks, rinses or drips.

Aloe is a plant with many wonderful properties, it perfectly strengthens our body and improves the condition of the skin and hair. It also works as a preparation supporting the treatment of many different diseases. However, it should be remembered that it should be used in moderation. Taken in high doses, it can cause side effects, it should not be used by pregnant women, and if you are taking medicines or diseases that are harmful to your body, always consult a doctor who will tell you how it is safest to take aloe vera preparations. Similarly, if you use aloe juice or gel on the skin and hair, you need to make sure that it does not cause allergic reactions and do not overdo it with the frequency of use. It is also very important that when choosing preparations with aloe vera read the composition carefully, unfortunately there are many on the market today that contain trace amounts of this plant. However, you will find there a large content of chemicals and sugar. So choose products from proven manufacturers or prepare them yourself. Remember that juice or gel will have health properties if we get it from a plant that is at least 3-4 years old.

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Care of the kidneys

Today instead of recipes for new masks and advice on how to properly care for your beauty, I would like to draw your attention to the problem of just kidney disease. The problem is still too little publicized and very serious, because it is faced with varying degrees of over 10% of the population. Today, I would like to bring you closer to the symptoms that should disturb you and prompt you to see a doctor immediately, and convince you that tests to assess the condition of your kidneys are simple, cheap, practically painless and easily accessible.

Kidneys are very hard-working organs, their task is to remove dangerous toxins from our body, maintain the proper level of electrolytes and water for us, and help in the production of red blood cells. When they work properly, we do not pay attention to them, we only remember about them when the disturbing symptoms begin to hinder our normal functioning. Unfortunately, then very often the disease is already so advanced that in the best case the only treatment is renal replacement therapy, i.e. dialysis or transplantation. It is also worth realizing that kidney disease can be associated with serious cardiovascular disease, often leading to the patient's premature death.

What should bother us?

Unfortunately, kidney diseases often develop for years without giving any disturbing symptoms, and the symptoms that appear are often attributed to general fatigue and blamed too much work and household duties. That is why most people whose kidneys do not work properly live without being aware of the danger to their health and life.

1. Constant fatigue

If fatigue becomes something that accompanies you almost all the time, and there are also problems with concentration, it may mean that your kidneys are not working properly, and toxins accumulating in the body impede its normal functioning. Kidney impairment can also cause anemia, which can also lead to weakness and chronic fatigue.

2. Problems with falling asleep

Toxins and pollution accumulated in the body also cause sleep disturbances and may make it difficult to fall asleep. Patients often wake up at night and greet the morning with a feeling of extreme fatigue. Kidney diseases very often go hand in hand with obesity, then you may also have a sleep disorder in the form of apnea.

3. Dry and itchy skin

A symptom that indicates kidney problems may also be dry, flaky, and itchy skin. When the kidneys get sick in our body, the water balance is destroyed, toxins accumulate in the blood, the number of red blood cells decreases, the level of nutrients is disturbed and the condition of our bones weakens. As a result, we begin to have problems with the condition of our skin, which does not improve even after applying cosmetics for dry skin.

4. Continuous visits to the toilet

Frequent urination may also be disturbing, especially if it occurs at night, which may suggest developing kidney disease and a marked weakening of their work. When we sleep, the amount of urine produced naturally decreases, but if the kidneys stop working properly, their ability to thicken is impaired, and there is a need for more frequent visits to the toilet.

5. Urine different than usual

Changes in the color, transparency, texture and smell of urine are disturbing. A dangerous symptom is also the blood contained in it, which can indicate a kidney disorder, urolithiasis, and even cancer. In turn, foamed urine may indicate a high protein content, i.e. proteinuria, and this is often a symptom of very serious kidney dysfunction or clearly deteriorating function.

6. Swelling

When the kidneys stop working properly, the body's water management is destroyed, it is also difficult to maintain the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of our body, the problem is additionally complicated by accumulating toxins dangerous to us. Then the appearance of our face changes very often, bags and bruises under the eyes, so we look like we're constantly sleepless. Edema can also appear around the ankles and feet, then we notice that suddenly in comfortable shoes so far it got uncomfortably tight, and our feet look like someone has pumped them up.

7. Muscle cramps

Painful muscle spasms that occur both during the day and at night can also be a symptom of serious kidney problems and effectively hinder the patient's life. Cramps are the result of an electrolyte imbalance in our body, resulting from a weakening of the kidneys.

8. Restless legs syndrome

Most often it teases the sick, when they want to fall asleep, their legs are heavy, tired, tingling, numbness and stinging are felt especially in the calf area. Symptoms usually diminish when the patient moves his legs, which is why this ailment effectively makes it difficult to fall asleep and is the cause of insomnia. Restless legs syndrome is very often a condition that we inherit from our loved ones, but it can also be a symptom accompanying the disease. Most often these are kidney problems.

9. Loss of appetite

Toxins accumulated in the body affect the taste we feel, which is why kidney patients often complain that favorite foods suddenly lose their taste. Then very often the symptom accompanying the disease is loss of appetite.

These are just some of the first symptoms that may indicate an existing kidney disease. Unfortunately, they are very non-specific, so they can only be a warning that should direct our steps to a specialist, are not in themselves a clear indication for making a diagnosis and can be a symptom of many other diseases.

However, regardless of whether we notice disturbing symptoms, our calendar should at least once a year have a place for performing a very simple and inexpensive blood and urine test that will allow us to assess the condition of our kidneys and take appropriate treatment if necessary.

Remember, often even very damaged kidneys do not make themselves felt, which is why most people learn about their disease when it is so advanced that it is impossible to stop it. Most patients still die prematurely as a result of unrecognized illness or late diagnosis.

Let's study, so before it's too late, it will only take you a moment that can save you years of life.

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