What are free radicals?

Free radicals ... we hear about them more and more often, we get sick through them and they are responsible for the fact that we age faster. We try to make sure that our diet and cosmetics contain products that effectively reduce their effect. In this way, we want to take care of the health of the body and keep youth. But does everybody know what is hidden under this name and what exactly are free radicals?

Today on my blog about them, I will try to tell you in simple words about what they are, where they come from and what threats they pose.

What are free radicals?

Our organism consists of cells, they are its smallest functional and structural part, their structure and size differ due to their function. It is from the combination of two cells that our existence begins, and all our tissues and organs are formed from them. Cells, in turn, consist of molecules that are formed from atoms, and these are composed of protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons form the nucleus, while electrons orbit the individual shells. The problem arises when one or more unpaired electrons are on the last shell. Such atoms or their groups are free radicals.

One by one

Free radicals come mostly from oxygen atoms, are characterized by high instability and react very quickly, wanting to "steal" the missing electron from another molecule. In this way, another free radical is created, which "attacks" another molecule, as a result of which it becomes the next free radical looking in its environment for a new "victim" to get the missing electron. Unfortunately, such a process leads to damage to, among others, cell membranes, DNA, or adverse changes in our body's protein and carbohydrate molecules. Unfortunately, these changes become more and more extensive over time, and because the body attacked by free radicals is becoming less and less defensive, this process is significantly accelerating.

What contributes to the formation of free radicals?

Free radicals are formed in our body as a result of metabolic processes, they are harmful when they occur in excess. Alcohol, chronic stress, excessive physical activity that exceeds our body's abilities, poor diet, exhaust fumes, nicotine, excessive sun exposure, some diseases and some medications promote their reproduction.

They don't always hurt

As I said, free radicals are dangerous to us if they occur in excess. However, until our body is in balance, free radicals can even be useful. When we have control over them, they help us neutralize toxins and fight dangerous bacteria and viruses. However, we must constantly support our body and limit the factors that favor the excessive proliferation of free radicals. All this so that when they do their job, they are immediately neutralized. If this does not happen, it will soon be difficult for us to control them.

And if there are too many of them?

Then, unfortunately, the situation does not look very good. When free radicals get out of control and there are more and more of them in our body, the damage they cause leads to numerous dangerous diseases and premature aging of our body.

The imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals, resulting in their rapid multiplication in our body, is called oxidative stress. Excess free radicals contribute to, among others, atherosclerotic lesions, can lead to blood vessel damage, heart attack, stroke or pulmonary embolism. By disturbing our body's balance, it weakens the immune system, making us vulnerable to diseases. Free radicals are blamed for the occurrence of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, asthma, diabetes, skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diabetes and pancreatitis, as well as urinary tract diseases, osteoarthritis, hypertension, glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration. However, this is not the end of free radicals damaging the cell's DNA, changing the structure of the genetic code, leading to its mutation. Damaged cells have the ability to multiply very quickly and can lead to cancer. Free radicals are also responsible for accelerating the aging process of our body. They damage the natural protective barrier of our skin, making it dry and very delicate, disrupt the work of collagen and elastin-producing fibroblasts and damage collagen and elastin fibers, which is why our skin loses firmness and elasticity, and wrinkles appear on its surface faster. Free radicals also weaken our natural protection against UV radiation, exposing us to its adverse effects and so-called photoaging. Changes in the structure of our skin's cells make it more difficult to defend against infections, heals much more slowly, and after injuries, unfortunately, more often unsightly scars remain. Free radicals also increase the tendency to cellulite and stretch marks, and what is worse, they also contribute to developing a dangerous skin cancer such as melanoma.

Stop the vicious circle

Free radicals, even if they are present in the right amount and are used by our body to fight microorganisms and remove toxins, after the task should be neutralized. Here, antioxidants must play their role, which without harm to themselves can "give" to the free radicals the missing electron, effectively neutralizing them in this way. Our body is naturally supplied with antioxidants that help it keep free radicals in check and maintain balance. However, when for some reason, e.g. through harmful external factors, this balance is disturbed, the number of free radicals increases dangerously and, multiplying very quickly, leads to serious damage. That is why it is so important to take care of the right diet and provide our body with the necessary antioxidants to fight them. It is they who "giving away" one of their electrons are able to break the vicious circle and stop the multiplication of free radicals.

Beloved, in order to neutralize free radicals, we must take care of our diet, it is very important that it contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meat, stones, nuts and whole grains. It is also extremely important to limit everything that can increase the amount of free radicals in our body. So give up alcohol, cigarettes, fatty foods, fast food and do not spend too much time in the sun. Remember, however, that not all factors that negatively affect our body can be reduced, and the amount of naturally occurring antioxidants naturally decreases with age, so constant supplementation should be our daily duty.

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Unusual properties of seeds and seeds

Seeds are something that we often overlook in our daily diet. Sometimes we don't even know that they can be useful to us and we just throw them away. Meanwhile, some of them are an extremely valuable source of nutrients for us, without which our body is not able to function properly. So let's take a closer look and learn about their wonderful properties.

Today on my blog about what some seeds and seeds contain.

Avocado seed

She is a real queen among pits, which unfortunately lands in the trash bin very often. Most of us already know the wonderful properties of avocados, which are increasingly present on our tables. We have learned to add them to our daily meals and we are also happy to use them in everyday care, because avocados are a very good and valued ingredient in home cosmetics. Still, not everyone knows that the true wealth of valuable nutrients for us is contained in its stone. It contains up to 70% of all antioxidants found in avocados, so we will find there more than twice as many as in the fruit itself. It is worth knowing that avocado seed is one of the most valuable plant sources of antioxidants. However, this is not the end of it as one of the richest sources of soluble fiber, it also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. We find in it, among others, vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, C, D, K, E, folic acid and minerals: potassium, copper, calcium, zinc, iron and manganese, it also contains valuable lutein for our eyes . Avocado seed improves immunity, helps our body protect against cancer, regulates cholesterol, supports the work of the circulatory and digestive systems, improves brain condition, cares for our eyes, cares for the skin, hair and nails, helps cleanse the body of toxins and regulate glucose levels, and also prevent its rapid burst. How to eat avocado seed? First, dry it for a few days in a sunny place, when it dries, remove the brown skin from it, and rub the stone on a fine grater. Now you can add it to sandwiches, salads, cocktails and many other dishes.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds have appeared in our kitchens quite recently, but their health properties have been known for hundreds of years. These small seeds provide us with a considerable amount of omega 3 fatty acids, even more than marine fish recognized as its valuable source. We also find in them a lot of magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, selenium, B vitamins, vitamin E and a large portion of fiber. Chia helps us take care of the heart, reduces the level of so-called bad cholesterol and regulates blood pressure, improves brain function, improves concentration and facilitates learning, regulates digestive system function, strengthens bones and helps us care about beauty. In the case of chia seeds, however, moderation and the way they are consumed are very important, unfortunately if we eat too many of them, they can be harmful to us. Excessive consumption of chia seeds can cause stomach aches, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and thus also disturb the absorption of nutrients important for our body. Even worse, chia may even increase the risk of developing prostate cancer for men. They should also be taken care of by people taking medications that lower blood pressure and regulate blood sugar levels (they can increase the effect of these drugs) and those who have problems with blood clotting, allergies and autoimmune diseases. Excessive chia seeds may also interfere with estrogen metabolism. Therefore, although these small seeds have many health benefits, you should not consume more than 1 tablespoon per day, or about 10 grams. It is best if ground chia seeds are found in bakery products, fruit-nut mixtures or fruit juices. Due to the fact that more and more often talk is not only about the positive effects of their consumption, but also about the fact that they can harm us, before we decide on a diet enriched with these seeds, let's better talk about them with your attending physician.

Linseed seeds

Known for a long time flaxseed once, we associated only with alleviation of stomach ailments, but it has many more properties beneficial to our health, so it's definitely worth a closer look. Linseed is primarily a wealth of omega 3 fatty acids and fiber (both soluble and insoluble), we also find in them a lot of B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, as well as phytosterols and lignans. All this means that linseed not only helps us care for the digestive system, soothing irritation, improving intestinal peristalsis and protecting it against damage, but also supports the work of our heart, reduces the action of free radicals, cares for our hair, skin and nails, supports therapy to relieve perimenopausal symptoms and reduce the risk of certain cancers. It is best to buy linseed in whole grains, ground quickly lose its properties, so we grind them immediately before consumption and in this form we add to sandwiches, salads, cocktails and dinner dishes. Ground seeds are much better absorbed by our body and do not cause digestive problems, while decoction or jelly is best prepared from whole grains, pouring them with hot water.

Pumpkin seeds

They are distinguished primarily by a high content of zinc, they are one of the richest sources of this element. We will also find in them large amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and vitamins including E, A, K, C and B vitamins. Pumpkin seeds also provide us with omega 3 fatty acids, lecithin and cucurbitacin. They perfectly support our immunity, help fight infections and care for the condition of our skin and hair. That is why they are recommended to people who are prone to acne changes, breaking and hair loss, or splitting and crushing nails. Pumpkin seeds also support our brain and protect the heart, thanks to the content of lecithin have a positive effect on memory and concentration, and the already mentioned cucurbitacin can deal with parasites living in our digestive system, improves digestion and protects our liver.

Pumpkin seeds can be eaten alone, they taste great roasted (just remember to roast them briefly for a maximum of about 10 minutes, otherwise they will lose some of their value) or as an addition to various types of dishes, salads, muesli or cocktails.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are a source of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, essential fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamins E, A, fiber, a protein well absorbed by our body, which is rich in tryptophan, which among others by participating in the production of serotonin and melanin, it helps to improve the quality of our sleep and has a positive effect on our mood. In small sesame seeds we will also find a fairly high content of hormone-regulating lignans and lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol of plant phytosterols. Sesame supports our brain, improves memory and increases concentration, helps the body defend against certain cancers, helps remove toxins, reduces free radicals, cares for our bones and supports the work of the cardiovascular system. Sesame has a delicate nutty flavor and is great for various types of desserts, dinner dishes, cocktails and salads, and due to the low glycemic index can be a component of the diet of people suffering from diabetes and insulin resistance.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are known primarily because of the high content of vitamin E, in addition to them we will find group B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium, zinc, fiber, unsaturated fatty acids and a large amount of phytosterols . Eating sunflower seeds helps regulate cholesterol, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, improves sperm quality, affecting male fertility, and thanks to the high content of antioxidants, allows us to stay young longer. Sunflower seeds also support the digestive system, help fight infections and acne skin changes, improve the condition of bones and teeth, and thanks to the content of phytosterols and linoleic acid reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Watermelon seeds

Most often they just annoy us, we don't really like to pick them, and when we do, we throw them out and forget about their existence. Meanwhile, watermelon seeds contain many valuable nutrients, are a wealth of protein and antioxidants, we find in them B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and unsaturated fatty acids. Watermelon seeds regulate blood pressure, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, take care of our nervous system, help regulate glucose levels, fight free radicals, protecting our body against numerous diseases and delaying the effects of aging. They support the treatment of gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections, have antibacterial properties, destroy parasites and have a mild analgesic effect. The best ones are roasted in the oven, they can be seasoned freely, and if we have patience we can shell out. Remember, however, to bite them well and not to overdo it with quantity, which is too much unhealthy :).

Grape seeds

Grape seeds, like watermelon seeds, are thrown away very often, and instead we should bite them thoroughly, thus providing our body with valuable nutrients. Grape seeds are a wealth of antioxidants, thanks to which they support our body, protecting it against diseases and premature aging. They also contain a lot of vitamin E, often called the vitamin of youth, as well as flavonoids, polyphenols and unsaturated fatty acids. Thanks to this, they perfectly support our immune system, strengthen blood vessels, have anti-inflammatory properties, support brain work, accelerate the regeneration of our body, improve the condition of the eyes, and also positively affect the condition of our hair and skin.

Seeds and seeds should permanently enter our diet, but we must always be guided by our individual needs and pay attention to the reaction of our body. When adding new products to your diet, you should pay attention to all the symptoms sent by the body that could suggest an allergy, and what is very important we must always remember to maintain healthy restraint. Each diet should be adapted to our health and necessarily well balanced so that our body receives everything it needs to function.

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Natural ways to sun burns

Protecting the skin against harmful UV radiation and avoiding excessive exposure of our body to the sun is a very important element of our summer care. If, in addition, we care for our skin every day, gently cleansing and moisturizing it carefully, we reduce the risk of excessive drying, wrinkles, discoloration and loss of firmness, i.e. premature aging. Staying "in the sun" for too long and inadequate or complete lack of protection against it can also result in a very unpleasant skin burn.

Today on my blog about how to use home remedies to reduce the discomfort associated with just such a burn.

In the summer, when the sun is shining intensively, we are happy to spend our free time in the fresh air, we love to soak up the sun and enjoy when we come back beautifully tanned from summer vacation. If we properly care for our skin, protect it against the harmful effects of UV rays, we carefully care for and adhere to the principle that too much is unhealthy, there is nothing wrong with it. Well-groomed skin gently sun-kissed looks after all very effective and healthy. The problem arises when we forget to protect it properly or use sunbaths for too long, then the risk of serious burns increases significantly. Everyone who has had the trouble to feel it on their own skin knows that it can effectively make life miserable. Sunburns are very painful and at best stay with us for a few good days, making memories after a dream vacation unfortunately not the most pleasant.

Briefly about sunburns

The effects of too long exposure of our skin to the sun, usually do not appear immediately, usually it takes about 2-3 hours before we notice the first signs of sunburn and even a dozen or so hours to let us feel how distressing it can be. Most often, fortunately, we are dealing with first degree burns, which only affect the top layer of our skin, and although the ailments that accompany them are not pleasant, we can easily deal with them and pass quickly enough. Burns of the first degree are most often manifested by redness, increased warmth of the skin, hypersensitivity to touch, slight swelling, pain and burning. The situation is much worse in the case of second degree burns that affect both the epidermis and dermis. This type of burn occurs much less frequently, but always requires medical consultation. When we deal with a second degree burn, our skin is very red, it hurts, swells, and bubbles filled with serous fluid appear on its surface, the treatment lasts much longer, sometimes it takes several weeks. Severe burns may also be accompanied by general symptoms, e.g. fever, chills, dizziness, fainting, nausea, vomiting and even sunstroke.

How to deal with the most common first degree burns? Here are some home remedies that will alleviate irritation and accelerate skin healing.

A cool shower and a soothing bath

A cool shower or bathing in a bathtub is a very good way to make you feel instant relief. Remember, however, that the water is not too cold and its stream is strong, then you will avoid additional irritation and effectively reduce pain. Also, don't forget that the burned skin is very warm, so sudden entry into cold water can end up with a very dangerous thermal shock for us. To avoid this, it's best to lower the water temperature gradually during the bath so that it changes slowly until it cools you down nicely. You can add a few tablespoons of baking soda, linseed decoction, starch or oatmeal to the bath. In this way you will alleviate skin irritation, reduce inflammation, moisturize it and accelerate regenerative processes. But remember not to overdo it with the length of the bath, even if it brings you a pleasant relief, do not lie in the tub for more than 15-20 minutes.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe not only pleasantly cools burned skin, but also moisturizes it, reduces pain, burning and redness, and thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect it accelerates healing and regeneration. Prepare a few large aloe vera leaves, gently remove their outer green part, and place the gel extracted in this way for a while in the fridge. It should cool slightly, but it can't be too cold. When it's ready, lightly rub a thin layer of gel on the sunburned skin and wait for it to absorb. For better results, you should do this 3-4 times a day, for several days. Aloe vera will certainly reduce uncomfortable burns and help your skin recover quickly.

Green tea compress

Green tea is primarily a wealth of antioxidants, which, by eliminating the effects of free radicals, perfectly cope with the effects of excessive exposure to the sun. Green tea also has anti-inflammatory effects, reduces swelling and redness, relieves pain and prevents premature aging of burned skin. Just brew a few bags of green tea, and when it cools down, prepare compresses soaked in the resulting infusion and gently place them on burned skin. This procedure should be repeated several times a day.


Honey, but only such real, works great as a natural medicine accelerating the regeneration and treatment of irritated skin. Honey moisturizes it perfectly, nourishes, soothes the effects of burns, prevents scars and, above all, heals. So let's try its properties by spreading it gently on burned skin. A few such treatments will make your skin look much better, your burns will quickly disappear and you will forget about persistent pain and unpleasant burning.

Apple vinegar

The use of apple cider vinegar on burned skin brings excellent results, effectively reduces pain, burning, redness and swelling. Vinegar also has anti-inflammatory effect, which is why it accelerates healing of burned skin, reduces the risk of its peeling and blistering, and at the same time pleasantly cools and brings wonderful relief. You can add it to the bath or dilute it with water (half and half) and use it in the form of compresses, or pour it into the atomizer and spray it on irritated skin from time to time.


We know potatoes well, they are perfect as a natural soothing agent caused by excessive skin exposure to the sun. Grated or sliced raw potatoes, relieve pain and burning, prevent blistering, reduce inflammation and accelerate regenerative processes. Just cut the slices or grated potatoes to the burned skin and leave it on for 10-15 minutes to feel relief and feel their wonderful properties on your own skin. Be sure to repeat this treatment 3-4 times a day.

Linseed oil

Linseed oil is a very good way to alleviate the symptoms of sunburn and accelerate the renewal of irritated skin. Linseed oil moisturizes and smoothes the skin, prevents cracking and flaking, reduces the effects of free radicals and slows down the aging process. Linseed oil also reduces inflammation, has antibacterial and antifungal properties, minimizing the risk of infection of damaged skin. You can apply it directly to burned skin, but you must remember about regularity and apply it 2-3 times a day for several days.

Milk, yogurt, kefir and buttermilk

A wrap made of milk or other dairy products such as kefir, buttermilk or yogurt is probably a well-known and very effective way for us to get sunburned. Of course, we are talking about natural products without any flavor additives, which unfortunately could have a different effect than intended and worsen the condition of irritated skin. These products help restore our skin's natural pH, cool, moisturize and soothe irritations, and thanks to the content of valuable proteins, vitamins and minerals, perfectly rebuild damaged skin and accelerate healing of burns. You can make a compress by soaking them in gauze or add 2-3 glasses of milk to a cooling bath, you will certainly feel relief quickly.

Green cucumber

If you want to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of sunburn and accelerate the healing and regeneration of your skin, be sure to try the green cucumber mask. Just cool it in the fridge, cut it into thick slices or grate it on a grater and wrap it with sunburned skin fragments. You can also combine grated cucumber with a little buttermilk or yogurt, or squeeze the juice out of it and prepare compresses from the soaked cotton pads. Every way is good and everyone will certainly bring relief and accelerate the treatment of irritated skin.

How to avoid sunburn?

Sunburn is not only very unpleasant, but also dangerous, so despite the fact that today we know a lot of ways that help us to alleviate the accompanying ailments, it is definitely better to just avoid them. Therefore, remember to avoid prolonged skin exposure to the sun, especially during hours when it shines most intensively, i.e. between 10 and 15 (when it is very hot even 16), use care and protective cosmetics with high filters, adapted to our complexion, protect your head, eyes and neck, and very importantly, if you take any medications, even those without a prescription, before going out in the sun check whether they intensify its action.

Remember that sunburns also significantly increase the risk of melanoma - a serious cancer, so protect your skin every day. Do not forget that people with fair skin are the most exposed to sunburn, sometimes just a few dozen minutes of sunbathing without proper protection to feel the unpleasant effects. However, let's not go crazy, remember that the sun also has a very good effect on our body, and without it our life would not be possible, but it is important to properly prepare our body to meet its rays and maintain healthy restraint.

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Diet for a hot day

Today is another hot day ahead of us this summer, the temperature soars up and it's really hot. We must remember that in such weather we must ensure proper hydration of our body. We are wasting a lot of fluids now and it is not difficult to get dehydrated dangerous. Fortunately, however, on a day like today, cooling with delicious aromatic water with fruit, mint or refreshing cucumber is pure pleasure. Unfortunately, it is worse with food, because when it is hot we simply do not feel like it - the heat effectively takes away our appetite. That is why today on my blog about what a diet should be like on hot days, that food and drink will give us pleasure and help to survive high temperatures.

The heat is not a good time for heavy and greasy meals, remember that our body is now trying to fight the heat, and the heat that is produced during digestion effectively hinders it. On the other hand, after all, we need the nutrients we need to live with food, so we should not give up food in any case, they should simply be adapted to the weather. Let's try to ensure that our menu is based primarily on fruit, vegetables, dairy products, fish and lean meat.

You'd better give it up

When it is hot, it will be better if we give up eating fatty meat, hard-to-eat fast food and deep-frying. Such products, unfortunately, prolong digestion, increase body temperature and, unfortunately, tire the body already weakened by heat. Remember also the danger of drinking alcohol in such weather. Even a cold beer is only apparent cooling, which can cause a lot of damage. When it is hot, our blood vessels dilate, as does alcohol, which is why it can very disturb the work of the circulatory system, blood pressure increases and the heart beats quickly and unevenly. However, this is not the end of the alcohol diuretic effect and makes us sweat more, thus intensifying the already increased fluid loss. It is no wonder then that after eating it increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and dehydration. Strong tea and coffee have similar effects. Caffeine and theine increase blood pressure, which, unfortunately, does not have a positive effect on the work of the heart at such high temperatures, and, additionally, diuretics promote excessive fluid loss. Sweet carbonated drinks are also not the best idea, they provide our body with too much sugar and unfortunately quench our thirst only for a short while.

So what should our diet look like?

Not just water

Although, of course, mineral water is very important, we should drink it now even about 3-4 liters a day, of course, everything depends on our weight, age and lifestyle. It is a very good idea to compose it with various fruits, herbs and refreshing green cucumber. We can prepare delicious and very healthy drinks in this way. Chilled herbal teas are also a good idea, e.g. mint - cools and improves digestion, lemon balm - nicely refreshes and calms down; sage - cools, quenches thirst and refreshes; Lavender - will soothe your body tired of the heat.

Cocktail instead of breakfast

Cocktails are a great solution for a delicious, nutritious breakfast, they will help hydrate our body, replenish electrolytes lost with water and nourish. Be sure to try it, the cocktail is perfect even when the heat takes our appetite away.

Raspberry banana cocktail with oats and mint

This is a nutritious version of a light breakfast. Prepare raspberries for about 1-2 cups, a ripe banana, a glass of coconut milk, 2 tablespoons of oat flakes, and a few mint leaves. Put all the ingredients in the blender and after a while you can enjoy the delicious taste of your light breakfast.

Nutritious avocado cocktail with spinach and nuts

This cocktail is a real dose of energy and lots of nutrients that our body needs very much now. Prepare a field of ripe avocado, a glass of blueberries or blueberries, a glass of fresh spinach leaves, 1 banana, a glass of yogurt and some chopped walnuts. If you want, you can slightly sweeten it by adding 1-2 teaspoons of honey. We put all the ingredients in a blender, and when a smooth cocktail is made, we enjoy its taste.

For breakfast tomatoes

Very tasty, low-calorie tomatoes are also a valuable source of minerals and vitamins for our body. They are also great as a snack on hot days help replenish lost electrolytes. In tomatoes we find a lot of potassium that supports our heart and helps regulate blood pressure, they also lack magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamins C, E, K, B vitamins and fiber.

A great solution for lunch on hot summer days can be fresh tomato juice with the addition of basil, which not only perfectly emphasizes the taste of tomatoes, but also pleasantly cools our body. Prepare 4-5 diced tomatoes without skin, a few basil leaves, a little pepper and salt, you can also add 2-3 ice cubes to cool your drink a bit, but remember that it cannot be too cold. Icy drinks are not good for the heat at all. Put all ingredients in a blender and mix thoroughly and it's ready.

The best salad for dinner

When it's hot, we certainly don't think about a warm, hearty dinner, on the contrary, we feel like something light, that's why the salad is a great option. When it comes to composition, the freedom is really huge.

Try the shrimp and mango salad. Shrimps contain a lot of very well absorbed protein and little fat, are rich in B vitamins and minerals: calcium, selenium, iodine, iron and zinc. Shrimps are nutritious but easily digestible, which is why they are perfect as a component of a summer salad. Cook them by steaming or frying gently with garlic butter and white wine, and then add to them your favorite ingredients, e.g. coriander, mango and cucumber seasoned with a delicate sweet and sour dressing, can create a very nice salad together. If you want your salad to be more filling, you can add a little wholemeal pasta to it. If you don't like shrimps, you can prepare a salad, e.g. with salmon, or add a little lean meat or cheese instead of fish. A light and nutritious salad that will provide your body with the necessary nutrients, you will certainly create it by adding raspberries, watermelon, avocados, cherry tomatoes, goat cheese and roasted pumpkin seeds, and emphasize its taste with a delicate honey mustard sauce. The freedom is really large, the most important thing is that the salad meets your taste requirements and provides you with a lot of necessary vitamins and minerals, and if it tempts you with beautiful colors, you will not even pass by indifferently in such heat.

A light supper

Remember, do not eat dinner too late, it should not be abundant, our body needs about three hours to digest a meal, so we must give it this time, because at night our metabolism slows down very much.

A good idea for dinner is e.g. mozzarella with tomatoes and basil, a mix of steamed vegetables or a slice of whole grain bread with any avocado paste. The most important is that it is not hard to digest, only then we will be able to really rest at night and regenerate before the next day.

Remember that on hot days you need to be very careful, so if the air temperature is really high, try not to leave the house. Remember to hydrate and provide proper nutrition, protect your body, head, eyes and avoid the sun when it shines the most, i.e. between 11AM and 4PM . Thanks to this, you will safely survive even the hottest heat.

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Dangerous dehydration

Recently I wrote about fruits and vegetables, they support the hydration of our body. About the importance of drinking the right amount of water every day, I try to remind you very often, because I know how much water our body needs to function properly and how much water we lose each day. Today I would like to draw your attention to how dangerous dehydration can be for us, for which now when the outside temperatures are really very high, it is not difficult.

Read about how dangerous dehydration can be and how we can prevent it.

Our body consists mostly of water, it accounts for about 60-70% of our body weight and it is needed for the work of every, even the smallest, our cell. Meanwhile, every day by doing normal life activities, we lose about 2-3 liters, moreover, its amount in our body decreases with age. Therefore, in order for us to function properly, we should try to make up for any deficiencies on a regular basis.

I just feel like drinking

That is what most of us think when we begin to feel thirsty. Meanwhile, it is then that the dehydration, which is very dangerous for our body, begins. When we are thirsty, water loss reaches about 1-2% and already then some cognitive processes are disturbed. Our vigilance and reaction time decreases, it is also more and more difficult for us to focus on the activities performed. Our well-being also deteriorates, we lose our appetite, we are drowsy and tired, we run out of energy. It sounds dangerous, and we often reach for water only when our body asks for it.

The later the worse

The feeling of thirst is, as I have already mentioned, the first symptom of dehydration, which we must never underestimate. However, when, despite the signals sent by our body, the lost water is not replenished, the situation begins to worsen. We are beginning to notice that our visits to the toilet are becoming rarer and that our urine becomes darker and denser, then the amount of sweat secreted by our body decreases, vision disorders, dizziness and headaches may appear, intellectual disability decreases, fatigue increases, vomiting, nausea, stomach ache and dry mucous membranes. Then the skin's elasticity decreases, arrhythmias occur, there is a feeling of weakness, convulsions and even fainting and loss of consciousness. We observe such symptoms when dehydration reaches only a few percent and although it would seem that it is not much, for our body it is already a very large loss of water. Remember that a loss of 10-15% is already a very serious condition, which, unfortunately, may end in death.

When does the risk of dehydration increase?

Of course during hot weather. When we sweat intensively, water loss can reach up to 10 liters of water a day. If we do not make up for these deficiencies on a regular basis, by adjusting the amount of water drunk to the weather conditions, physical activity and age, we are exposed to dehydration. Elderly people, small children, people actively playing sports and the disabled are at greatest risk. Very often dehydration also occurs during diseases that occur with high temperature, vomiting or diarrhea, as well as kidney problems or swallowing problems. The risk also increases when taking medications that have a diuretic effect. Interestingly, dehydration can also occur in the winter, that's when we often stay in dry and warm rooms, and breathing in the cold we lose water in the process of giving off heat through steam.

It is better to prevent

Dehydration is a very dangerous condition for our body, which threatens not only our health but also our life. Therefore, it is very important to take care not to allow excessive water loss. Therefore, preventive measures are extremely important, which in this case really do not cost us much. The most important thing is to provide our body with the right amount of fluid, an adult should normally drink about 2-2.5 liters of water. Most often, the demand for water in an adult is calculated by secreting about 30-35 ml of water for every kg of body weight. Remember, however, that this demand increases with increasing ambient temperature and can be even twice as high, pregnant and breastfeeding women also need more water.

What if dehydration occurs?

Each time the course of treatment should be decided by a doctor. It always depends on the patient's condition and consists in replenishing water and electrolyte losses as well as preventing further fluid loss. It is very important, however, not to replenish fluids abruptly and strictly follow the doctor's instructions. However, if we are dealing with a severe case of dehydration, then usually oral therapy is insufficient or impossible to carry out, e.g. due to intense vomiting, problems with swallowing or loss of consciousness. In this case, it is necessary to undergo hospital treatment and intravenous administration of fluids containing electrolytes.

Remember to replenish your body fluids on a regular basis, and thirst which is already a clear warning signal for us, quench with water or herbal teas, avoiding sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol. Do not forget about your pets, they also need more water now.

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Mycosis – uninvited holiday gues

The holiday season is in full swing and, although some have returned from vacation, there are still some among us who are still waiting for their dream vacation trip. Holidays are a time when we allow ourselves more, have fun and rest - very well - after all, holidays are there, and a bit of relaxation after long months of work is owed to everyone. However, we must remember that often from holidays, in addition to wonderful memories, we bring unwanted and completely uninvited guests - fungal infections.

Today on my blog about why mycosis is so fond of holidays and how we can reduce the risk of developing this type of infection.

Most fungal infections are recorded during the holiday season. During this period, mushrooms most often attack our feet, hands, nails and intimate places, and interestingly, not only swimming pools and public toilets are dangerous.

Not just moisture

Of course, we are exposed to fungal infection using public toilets, showers, bath tubs, Jacuzzis and swimming pools, but not only. Mycosis of the skin feel very well in a humid and warm environment, which is why it is easiest to get infected there. For this reason, people who sweat intensively or wear too tight footwear, not adapted to the weather conditions or tight clothes made of artificial, impermeable fabrics are also exposed to fungal infection. However, this is not the end, it is worth knowing that danger also awaits us in hotel rooms, beach chairs, gyms, fitness clubs and shoe stores. Direct contact with a sick person can also be risky, sometimes even a simple handshake or a hearty hug is enough to get infected with mycosis.

It starts innocently

  • Mycosis of the feet - most often it is located between the fingers, initially between 4 and 5, and then between 3 and 4. It begins with inconspicuous redness, which does not arouse any suspicions in us and very often we do not even notice it. The fact that something bad is happening to our feet is usually told by another symptom of the disease - itching, which over time becomes so persistent that it effectively hinders our normal functioning. But this is not the end, soon the persistent itching is accompanied by a burning sensation, unsightly bubbles and swelling appear on the skin. The situation begins to deteriorate clearly if we do not begin proper treatment at this stage. Our skin begins to peel, crack and, unfortunately, also smell very bad - even worse - untreated mycosis begins to spread from the area between the toes, attacking the top and sole of the foot.
  • Mycosis of the hand - begins similarly to the mycosis of the feet, attacking the interdigital spaces, initially manifested by redness, followed by persistent itching and burning. Lumps and blisters appear and the skin peels and breaks. Because hand ringworm is caused by the same fungi that attack our feet, people struggling with foot or nail mycosis are also exposed to it on their hands.

  • Onychomycosis - most commonly occurs on toenails. It usually starts with one nail. Mycosis most often "choose" the extreme ones, attacking the nail on the big or small finger. It usually occurs in people who are suffering from foot or hand mycosis, most often unfortunately not properly treated. The treatment of onychomycosis is very difficult and should take place under constant medical supervision. It is not worth using home methods here, which usually do not bring the expected results, and the disease develops and spreads to other nails. Nail affected by mycosis changes its color, initially it is a slight discoloration, but over time the whole plate changes its color. It becomes matte, white, yellow, brownish or greenish. Its shape also changes, the nails become thick and wrinkled, delaminate, peel and often smell bad. Ringworm is also noticeable around the nail, where swelling, pain, redness, peeling of the skin, as well as purulent discharge around the nail shafts may occur.
  • Mycosis of intimate places - it affects women more often than men and very often occurs when there are hormonal fluctuations in the woman's body and the vaginal pH changes. A large group of women complains of increased susceptibility to fungal infections during pregnancy, at the end of the menstrual cycle or during menopause. Unfortunately, mycosis of intimate places also has a tendency to relapse, so if we get sick once, we are more susceptible to further infections. Mycosis of intimate places is most often manifested by persistent itching, redness, swelling and dryness, there may also be pain and burning during urination and during intercourse. White, cheese-like or watery vaginal discharge is also very characteristic of intimate fungal infections. In men, the symptoms of intestinal mycosis are very similar, although often less severe. That is why men very often underestimate them, becoming a source of infection for their partners.

When does the risk increase?

A strong, healthy body can perfectly defend itself against pathogenic microorganisms, preventing infection even when in contact with dangerous fungi. However, if our immune system for some reason does not function properly or if other factors appear to promote the development of fungal infections, the risk increases significantly. This happens, for example, in people with diabetes, HIV, AIDS, autoimmune diseases, anemia, gastrointestinal or cardiovascular disorders. An increased risk of developing fungal infections is also found in people taking antibiotics, immunosuppressants, steroids, birth control pills and undergoing chemotherapy. The problem of ringworm is also common among people who are obese and struggle with excessive sweating, as well as those on the wrong diet and exposed to chronic stress. In the case of mycosis of intimate places, very often the cause is improper, often excessive hygiene, disrupting the natural bacterial flora.

How to protect yourself

Protecting yourself against mycosis is not easy, but we can greatly reduce the risk of it occurring by applying some basic hygiene rules. First of all, when leaving, we should always use our towels, we do not borrow shoes, clothes or hand and foot care devices. We always put slippers on the shower and pool to help protect our feet. Let's try to wear clothes adapted to the weather, and if we sweat damp as soon as possible change to dry and airy, we also avoid wearing tight underwear made of artificial fabrics. If our feet sweat intensively, we use special preparations to help keep them dry for as long as possible. After bathing, be sure to wipe carefully, paying special attention to the folds and bends of the skin.


Treatment of fungal infection is usually very time consuming and requires a lot of determination on the part of the patient. It is necessary to regularly use topical preparations, prescribed by a doctor, and if necessary also systemic drugs. Unfortunately, mycosis is often confused with other diseases, and therefore often neglected and improperly treated "on its own". Meanwhile, if left untreated, it develops very quickly and spreads to other parts of the body. Therefore, if you notice disturbing symptoms, be sure to contact a doctor who will help you choose the right treatment, and if necessary order tests that will help in making the correct diagnosis and selection of therapy.

Remember that not every contact with mycosis must end in an unpleasant infection, a fully healthy body has numerous defense mechanisms, thanks to which it is able to fight off a fungal infection. The problem arises when for some reason these mechanisms weaken. That is why it is very important to be vigilant, follow basic hygiene rules and carefully observe your body, and if necessary, react as soon as possible and start treatment.

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