How to care for breast?

Beautiful, firm and healthy breasts regardless of size is the dream of every woman, so that it can come true, you need to remember about proper daily breast care. Forgotten and neglected, they age much faster, their skin wrinkles, loses firmness and elasticity. They also feel on their skin the changes that occur in the body during puberty, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, lactation and during menopause. Their shape also changes over time, which is inevitably influenced by the law of gravity.

Your breasts must endure a lot at every stage of life. Therefore, to be healthy and beautiful they need a little bit of care and attention every day.

Today, how to care for them, remembering that proper care is also a concern for health.

Watch, touch, examine ...

Self-examination for each woman should be the most important element of breast care. It is thanks to it that it is very often possible to detect cancer changes before the disease develops for good. The test should be performed after the end of menstruation between the 6th and 10th day of the cycle, then the breasts are usually soft and less sensitive to touch. Menopausal women and those who have already passed this stage of life can choose any day of the month. It is best if you will perform breast self-examination always on the same day, then you will be able to notice any changes. Start by looking closely at your bust, pay attention to the appearance of the skin, breast shape and condition of the nipples. Then go to the stage where your hands will become the basic diagnostic tool. Don't be afraid, not every change you notice or feel has to mean cancer, but you need to show each doctor. Even if it turns out that you are dealing with cancer, remember that the chances of curing early disease are really great. As usual, so time counts, so much depends on you. If you do not know how to properly examine your breasts or are afraid that you are doing it the wrong way, consult your gynecologist as soon as possible or look for information on the Internet, you will easily find there a detailed instruction that will show you step by step how to perform such examination.

In the shower or bath tub

First of all, you must remember that the skin does not like hot water, which destroys its protective lipid function, which causes the effects that it becomes less elastic and dry. Choose cosmetics that must contain moisturizing oils, e.g. almond argan, wheat germ or macadamia. Those with cream are also great.

A wonderful massage

Brest massage can not last too long, and to finish it, cool the stream of water. Your bust will also like a massage with a special sponge, glove or ice cubes wrapped in a cotton towel. In this way, you will stimulate circulation and the skin will be dripped and nourished, it will gain flexibility and healthy beautiful packaging. If you do not like cold and are not able to convince yourself of this type of massage, use oils such as almonds, fenugreek, black cumin, coconut oil or olive oil. Apparently, the massage performed by a loved one also brings fantastic results. Taking care of your breasts can be a very pleasant way of spending your free time 🙂

The breasts also need scrubs

Breasts, like the rest of your body, should be cleaned of dead skin from time to time by peeling. If you want to improve their appearance, you should do this once or twice a week. Use delicate fine-grained peels for this purpose, and if your skin is dry and irritated choose enzymatic. You can make a nice peeling from pineapple, mix 2-3 slices of fresh fruit, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of fine-grained sugar or corn flour. Pineapple will provide your skin not only with the necessary vitamins, but also will deal with dead skin and cleanse the pores. Try the pear peeling, just peel, blend and add two teaspoons of honey to it. Such a cosmetic will perfectly moisturize and nourish your skin, and by neutralizing free radicals, it will also delay the effects of aging.

Moisturizing and firming

A very important element of proper breast care is also moisturizing. Ladies of all ages must remember this. It is best to moisturize your breasts twice a day in the morning and evening. Always dry it gently after bathing or showering, and apply a moisturizing moisturizer to the slightly moist. Ladies with large breasts must remember not to leave moisture under the breasts. This way you will avoid irritation and the development of bacterial or fungal infections.

Girls up to 20 years old just need a regular moisturizing lotion, then you should already stock up on special cosmetics that will not only moisturize and nourish, but also firm and smooth the skin of the breast. Creams intended for breast care should contain B vitamins, vitamins A, E and C, as well as hyaluronic acid or cocoa butter, which by binding water will help maintain proper skin hydration. Horsetail extract also has a good effect, which accelerates regeneration, firms and makes the collagen, elastin, sea algae, green tea and vegetable oils responsible for skin elasticity and youthful appearance.

It is also worth applying a monthly treatment using a special bust serum. Choose the right one for your age and needs. It contains active moisturizing ingredients or firming and tightening the skin, support the action of lotions and creams. As always, however, regularity counts. The serum should be applied to the breast twice a day for 3-4 weeks. When applying cosmetics, you can do a gentle massage at the same time, just remember to avoid warts.

Remember about masks

Nutrient-rich masks will help moisturize and firm your bust skin, so you should do them at least 2-3 times a week. You can buy ready-made products that suit your individual needs or make them yourself at home. Use for this: greasy cream, add to it two tablespoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of olive oil and the content of two capsules of vitamin A + E. Such a cosmetic will perfectly moisturize, nourish and make your breasts elastic. Astringent action will have a mask made of rigidly beaten egg white, while oiling and regenerating prepared from ¼ cup of greasy cottage cheese combined with mixed ripe avocado.

Bra not only for decorations

If you want your breasts to be firm and shapely as long as possible, you must remember about a properly selected bra. It should be perfectly adapted to the shape and size of your bust. It cannot be too small, because compressing and wiping the breasts will not only deform them, but may also cause health problems. Too big, in turn, will not properly support the bust, causing it to quickly deform. If you can't choose the perfect bra for yourself, you can ask the braffitter for help.

Straighten and exercise

Your posture has a great influence on how your breasts will look. Try not to slouch, and they will certainly stay in place longer, defending themselves against the forces of gravity. Remember to strengthen your chest and back muscles, just exercise a few minutes a day to lift and firm your breasts. Also, do not forget to maintain a proper, constant body weight. Quick weight loss or weight gain adversely affects the appearance of the bust, its skin loses its firmness and stretch marks appear.

Go to a specialist

It is also worth taking advantage of the benefits offered to you by modern aesthetic medicine at REVIVE CLINIC. If you want to restore your breasts firmness and gently lift them, I suggest treatment like Zaffiro or others. Energy, which reaches deeper layers of the skin during the treatment, increases collagen production and accelerates regenerative processes, making it younger and firmer. Good lifting effects are also achieved by injecting the breast with platelet rich plasma, which will make your bust skin smooth and elastic, as well as reduce the visibility of stretch marks.

Take care not only about the appearance of your breasts, but also about their health. Look after them carefully and do not forget about regular self-examination, doctor visits and ultrasound, and when the time comes, also mammograms.

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How to care for dry facial skin?

Dry facial skin can cause many problems, peels, cracks, itches, it is tense, dull, delicate and very sensitive. The weakened lipid barrier makes it also susceptible to allergens, and because it is also less elastic, it is on it much faster than on oily or normal skin you can see the first signs of aging. Care for this type of skin is a huge challenge, requires patience, regularity and commitment. Dry skin needs special care throughout the year, but in autumn and winter, when we are in warm heated rooms, its condition may deteriorate. Cold air, which it comes into contact with when going outside, is also bad for it.

How to deal with dry facial skin? Today, a bit about how to care for her.

Wash without damaging

Sensitive dry skin does not tolerate soaps or alcohol-based cleaners, and cosmetics containing dyes and fragrances should be abandoned. Dry skin will also be irritated by cosmetics with the addition of mint or eucalyptus. Also limit the use of water for washing your face, and if you use it, remember not to be hot. Too warm water, removing dirt, at the same time damages the skin's protective barrier. The water should be lukewarm and preferably boiled.

Choose cosmetics for atopic and dry skin containing emollients, which thanks to their properties will not only harm your skin, but will help moisturize it and rebuild the lipid coat. Dry skin can also be washed with goat's milk, it will maintain the proper pH, moisturize, elasticize and soothe irritations. Also, do not forget to wash your makeup thoroughly, leaving the remains of colored cosmetics overnight is very harmful for all skin types. He will feel dry and sensitive neglect the fastest. Use gentle lotions or moisturizing micellar liquids for this. Remember also about gentle drying, so as not to damage the protective film formed during washing, with properly selected cosmetics. Do not rub your face with a towel, just let it absorb excess water by applying it gently to your face.

Moisturize, nourish and grease

Dry skin should be carefully moisturized, even several times a day. Day creams should therefore contain protective, moisturizing and rebuilding lipid coat ingredients. Do not forget that UV radiation is also very harmful for dry skin. Therefore, in addition to avoiding sunbathing and the categorical ban on the use of solarium, you must ensure that your creams have protective filters. At night, use creams that will provide your skin with the necessary nutrients, helping it fully use the time devoted to intensive regeneration. In autumn and winter, especially before going outside, replace the moisturizing cream with greasy or semi-greasy, thanks to them you will protect your skin against the adverse effects of external factors such as wind, frost and sudden temperature changes.

Cream for dry skin should contain ingredients that will supplement its lipid structure, choose those in which you will find cholesterol, ceramides, polyunsaturated fatty acids e.g. linoleic acid contained in evening primrose oil or linseed oil and squalene which you will find e.g. in oil with amaranth. The composition of the cosmetic should also include vitamins regulating water and fat metabolism - vitamin B7 also called vitamin H, vitamins A, E, C and having soothing properties of provitamin B5, the content of hyaluronic acid is also important, as it binds water to maintain proper hydration of the skin, urea which also moisturizes and has the ability to retain water in the epidermis and protects against excessive water evaporation beeswax or petroleum jelly.

Serum for special tasks

If your skin is very dry and irritated, it is worth applying a treatment lasting several weeks using an intensively moisturizing serum. Apply the serum twice a day for about 3 weeks after cleansing the face, and when absorbed, apply a cream for dry skin. Remember that, despite the richness of ingredients, the serum cannot replace the cream, it has a lighter texture and is quickly absorbed, reaching the deeper layers of the skin. The serum also does not have UV filters, so it is in no way suitable for self-use, but it can enhance the effect of the cream.

Peeling? Yes, but not too much

Dry skin is very delicate, but this does not mean that it does not need cleansing with a peeling, to avoid irritation, choose enzyme peels that do not rub, and dissolve the dead skin gently. This procedure should be performed on thoroughly cleansed face. The peeling will not only allow you to get rid of deep impurities and dead skin, but also unify the skin color and sensitize it to the effects of creams and masks. However, remember not to use it too often, despite its gentle action, once a week. Each time after the procedure, apply a cream or mask that moisturizes and nourishes dry skin.

Get a face mask

Masks are a very important element of dry skin care, so it's good to spend some time doing them and apply them 2-3 times a week. The task of a good mask is deep hydration, relief, elasticity and nutrition of dry skin. Use only those intended for dry and sensitive skin or make them yourself at home. Avocado will be perfect for this, as it not only moisturizes and nourishes, but also neutralizes free radicals, has anti-inflammatory properties and accelerates skin regeneration. Just mix avocado puree with two tablespoons of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of honey, and a perfect cosmetic for your skin type will be created. Also, prepare an oatmeal mask. Soak three tablespoons of cereal in ¼ cup of warm milk, and when they cool, add a teaspoon of honey. Such a cosmetic will help you soothe irritations, nourish and moisturize perfectly. You can also prepare an oiling, softening and regenerating mask with cocoa. Pour three tablespoons of pure cocoa into a bowl, add the half avocado puree, 5 tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of corn flour.

Take care of the proper diet

If you have dry skin, you should definitely give up or at least properly reduce your intake of alcohol, salt and caffeine. Also eliminate spicy foods from your diet. However, make sure that your body supplies the right amount of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E, C and B vitamins. Your menu should not lack fish, seafood, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, nuts, cheese, whole grains, linseed oil, grape seed, wheat germ, sesame, olive oil, eggs as well as fresh vegetables and fruits, don't forget about proper hydration.

Get professional help

From time to time, it is worth using procedures performed in professional aesthetic medicine clinics like REVIVE CLINIC. Patients who have a problem with dry skin are offered a Shiatzu massage treatment, designed especially for sensitive skin, during which carefully selected preparations with soothing and moisturizing properties are used, which in combination with massage accelerate the skin regeneration process, reduce irritation, soothe and soothe feeling of tension, leaving it soft and smooth. The treatment for dehydrated skin also brings very good results, during which a hyaluronic acid mask and serum with vitamin B5 are used, which in combination with a specialized massage improve the functioning of the natural protective barrier of the skin, accelerate its renewal, and as a result it becomes refreshed, elastic, properly hydrated and smoothed. INTRACEUTICALS Oxygen Infusion is also a treatment that works very well for dry skin. Active ingredients injected with pure oxygen into the deeper layers of the skin, such as hyaluronic acid, peptides and antioxidants, give the skin an excellent brightening and hydration effect.

Excessive drying of the skin can lead to inflammation and bacterial and fungal infections. Therefore, it is very important to properly care with preparations that not only moisturize the skin, but also nourish, rebuild the protective barrier, regenerate and retain moisture in the epidermis. Also, take care of proper hydration in heated rooms and stop smoking, dry air and harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke are the enemy of your skin.

Remember also that cosmetics do not work equally for everyone, so their choice is a very individual matter. Therefore, maybe before you go shopping for more dry skin care preparations, it is worth using the help and advice of a dermatologist. Dry skin can also be a symptom of many diseases, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, psoriasis or atopic dermatitis, consultation with a doctor who will conduct a detailed interview, so it may be the first step to diagnose them and take appropriate treatment.

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Head skin also needs care

In autumn and winter very often dry skin becomes our problem. Variable temperatures, wind and being in heated rooms promotes excessive drying. We try to moisturize it more often, we replace light "summer cosmetics" with denser ones, which leave a protective layer on the skin and maintain its proper hydration. Autumn and winter are also not the best time for our scalp, which unfortunately we often forget. Warm and dry indoor air, wind and cold outside as well as more frequent use of hair dryers and wearing headgear makes it become excessively dry, irritated, itchy and begin to peel.

Today about how to properly care for the scalp.

Shampoo not only for hair

If your problem is dry scalp, you must pay special attention to choosing the right shampoo. It is best if, especially in autumn and winter, you decide on specialized moisturizing shampoos, which you can buy at the pharmacy, or natural shampoos available in numerous already organic cosmetics stores. They do not contain harmful or irritating chemicals to the scalp. You should avoid cosmetics, in the composition of which you will find Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) are substances that you will also find in various types of detergents. They make the shampoo foam very well and they are also responsible for dryness of the scalp, disruption of sebaceous glands, irritation, allergies and persistent itching. They change the pH of the skin from acidic to alkaline, which causes it to lose its natural protection, become rough and begin to peel. So let's change the shampoo into a specialized moisturizing cosmetic. You can also check the composition of children's shampoos, some of them are free of harmful surfactants SLS and SLES. It is good to choose shampoos that contain emollients, they will certainly not foam and intensively smell, but instead they will create a protective film on the scalp and hair that will protect them from the harmful effects of external factors.


The scalp, like the rest of our body, should be thoroughly cleaned. Peeling is a treatment that will help us to get rid of dead skin, cosmetics residues and horny-sebaceous plugs that clog the hair follicles and prevent nutrients and the right amount of oxygen from getting into the hair bulbs. Contaminants on the scalp are responsible for the formation of pimples, irritation, stale feeling, itching and hair loss. If you want to prevent this, you should do the peeling 1-2 times a week. Thanks to it, the scalp will be properly cleaned, oxygenated and nourished, if you combine it with a gentle massage, you will also improve its microcirculation, thereby stimulating hair growth and regulating the sebaceous glands, improving the condition of your skin. You can easily do such a peeling at home, just add a teaspoon of brown sugar to a portion of shampoo and gently massage into the scalp. Instead of shampoo, you can also use a conditioner and enrich the scrub with a little honey, which will further moisturize and nourish the scalp. Peeling with the addition of ground coffee beans or oatmeal also has a nice effect.

Hair masks

A well-chosen mask is a very important element of scalp care. You can find a wide selection of such masks in drugstores and pharmacies. When choosing them, remember to include in their composition the least chemical substances and as many natural ingredients as possible: aloe pulp, algae, avocado, shea butter or macadamia oil, which will moisturize and nourish the scalp and hair. You can easily prepare such a mask yourself at home. Rubbing coconut oil on the scalp is very good, you can also do a gentle scalp massage at the same time. Then, just wrap your head with a towel for about 30 minutes and then wash it with a mild shampoo. You can also prepare a moisturizing mask with ripe avocado, a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of olive oil. Massage the pulp formed in this way into the scalp and leave for half an hour. Dry and irritated skin also works very well with an avocado and banana mask that moisturizes, soothes and nourishes it perfectly. Instead of a banana, you can use eggs and honey to strengthen thin and brittle hair. An excellent way to moisturize dry scalp is also to apply a thick jelly prepared from linseed or chia seeds.

Rub into the scalp

Rub products are nothing but nutrients with a liquid consistency. Massage thoroughly into the scalp they bring excellent results, moisturizing and nourishing the scalp, while strengthening the hair roots. The condition of obtaining the expected effects is, however, their regular use, you should rub them into the scalp every day for 3-4 weeks, then you should take a short 7-10 day break and return to treatment. Remember to choose those that do not contain alcohol in their composition, which could further irritate dry scalp. You can prepare an apple seed from the aloe juice diluted in water, an infusion of linseed or fenugreek.

Proper diet

The scalp, like our entire body, needs proper nutrition, so for comprehensive care it is necessary to provide it with the right nutrients through a well-balanced diet and proper hydration. Adequate hydration will provide us with unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fatty sea fish, nuts, spinach, linseed oil and pumpkin seeds. Also very important are products rich in B vitamins, e.g. eggs, poultry, whole grains, pears, potatoes, beets, carrots and green leafy vegetables, vitamin C e.g. currants, blueberries, citrus, kale, parsley or cabbage pickled, vitamin E e.g. butter, eggs, sunflower seeds. The scalp, in addition to vitamins, needs micronutrients, the most important for its proper functioning are copper, zinc and iron, to supply them, you need to enrich your diet with cocoa, lentils, millet, oatmeal, nuts, green peas and green beans. Also, don't forget about proper hydration, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. You can also help your scalp by reducing your intake of sugar, salt and various types of stimulants.

Specialist help

Tired of harmful external factors and improperly nurtured scalp leads to weakening of the hair and excessive hair loss. In this case, home methods may not bring the expected results, so to strengthen their performance, you should use the professional help of aesthetic medicine doctor. Ay REVIVE CLINIC I recommend you performing scalp mesotherapy. The treatment consists of superficial scalp injection with a specially adjusted cocktail of vitamins, minerals and growth factors. As a result, the condition of your skin will improve significantly, and your hair will become healthier, stronger and, what is very important, their loss will also be stopped. Injection of the scalp with platelet rich plasma containing natural growth factors also brings excellent results. Thanks to it, the hair follicles are stimulated, and new stronger and denser hair appear on the patient's head. Remember, however, that this procedure should be repeated several times. You also need to be patient, because you will notice the first effects only a few months after starting therapy.

Remember to have healthy and shiny hair, you must first of all take care of the scalp. Think of her especially now in autumn and winter, when she needs special care.

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How to care for the skin before a menstruation?

How to care for the skin before menstruation?

Hormonal fluctuations that accompany you during the whole cycle are not only responsible for how you feel and how you feel, they also have a huge impact on your appearance. If you start looking at yourself, you'll notice how your complexion changes with the changing phases of the cycle. Before menstruation, a large group of women feel bad, swollen, have an increased appetite, which unfortunately causes weight gain and, to make matters worse, mood swings occur. Even usually smiling and nice girls then become angry and sulked. At this time, your skin condition is getting worse. Her color changes, acne and blackheads appear.

Therefore, the ability to care for the skin in each phase of the cycle is very important.

Women notice the least skin problems in the middle of the cycle. Most of the ladies are radiant during this period. Later, unfortunately, the stairs begin, the metabolism slows down, excess water accumulates in the body, so there is a feeling of swelling and weight gain. Around the 20th day of the cycle, the amount of estrogens decreases, which are responsible, among other things, for collagen synthesis, ensure adequate skin hydration and regulate sebum production. However, the concentration of progesterone increases, which increases the production of sebum. The skin is oily and pimples and blackheads appear on the face. Your body begins to accumulate water, the face swells, and cellulite appears on the body. And this is the time when women's skin needs special attention and a change in care. What to do to deal with these problems?


Oily skin before menstruation requires careful cleansing, use for this purpose delicate antibacterial preparations (such for acne skin), then be sure to wash your face with a tonic that will wash away the remaining sebum, refresh and restore the skin's proper pH. Remember not to use alcohol and soap products for skin cleansing, they dry and irritate the skin, and additionally increase sebum production. 1-2 times a week it is worth doing a peeling, but it can not be coarse, so as not to irritate or spread the skin changes. It is best to choose an enzyme peeling. After such a procedure it is good to apply a mask on the face, e.g. clay. It has delicately exfoliating properties, thanks to which it stimulates the production of new cells, it also contains a lot of minerals, which rejuvenates the skin, improves circulation and absorbs excess sebum. Green clay has the strongest cleansing effect, which is why it is recommended for oily and combination skin. Yellow clay is more delicate, which can be used even for very dry skin. Pink clay and the most delicate white clay are perfect for people with sensitive skin prone to irritation and allergies. Pumpkin seed mask also works well, they contain a large amount of zinc, which is extremely helpful in fighting acne.

Forget about face oiling

In the second half of the cycle, oily cosmetics should not be used, they will clog pores and aggravate skin problems occurring during this period. Choose creams with a light gel consistency. However, do not forget that despite the increased production of sebum during this time, the skin is also drying out, so do not forget about its exact hydration. Sensitivity of the skin to sun rays also increases, so it will be better if you give up solarium and long sun baths. It is also very important to remember to use cosmetics with a high UV filter.

What about this swelling

Before menstruation, when a woman's body tends to retain water, "bags" under the eyes become visible, the face becomes swollen and looks very tired. To deal with this, you need to ensure proper hydration of the body, i.e. drinking a minimum of 1.5-2 liters of water. It is also worth adjusting your menu so that it contains, above all, a lot of vegetables and whole grains. Make sure to provide your body with the necessary vitamins, especially those from the B group, vitamins C, A, E as well as zinc and magnesium. They will improve not only your appearance, but also your mood. Swelling will be less if you give up strong coffee and alcohol during this time, which contribute to water retention. To reduce unsightly "bags" under the eyes, it is worth applying cooling compresses, e.g. ice cubes, chilled green tea, goat's milk or skylight. Do not forget about the right amount of sleep, this phase of the cycle makes your body really need to get enough sleep.

Breaked blood vessels

The second half of the cycle is also the time when the blood vessels become weaker and more easily damaged, so it is very important to avoid sudden changes in temperature that can lead to cracking and the formation of spider veins.

Skin prone to infection

During this period, you should also give up invasive procedures in aesthetic medicine offices, the skin will heal much more difficult and is more susceptible to bacterial infections. Remember not to squeeze pimples, instead use anti-bacterial strong spot gels and creams.

It is always worth to use the professional help of a specialist or go for a consultation with a cosmetologist who will help you choose the right cosmetics for your skin. Remember that just as you are special, your skin is unique because you need individual treatment to be beautiful.

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What to do that neck and decollete skin does not aware our age

Very often, the neck and décolleté skin, neglected during daily skin care procedures, unfortunately ages quickly, it becomes flaccid and wrinkled discoloration is quite often visible. Today I would like to tell you how to properly care for her to enjoy her elasticity and beautiful appearance as long as possible.

Every day, the neck and décolleté skin is exposed to harmful external factors, wind, sun, too warm or too cold air, and even scarves and scarves that decorate it do not have a good effect on it. Thin and delicate skin is almost completely devoid of sebaceous gland protection, which is why it dries quickly and, unfortunately, sags.

So how can we help her?

Watch out for the sun

The skin, exposed to the harmful effects of solar radiation, becomes susceptible to the rapid formation of wrinkles and photodamage in the form of spots, discoloration or visible capillaries. Therefore, the basic step to proper care is to use creams with a high filter daily, preferably 30 SPF or larger.

Careful cleansing

For the skin to regenerate, it must breathe. It is very important to wash away the remains of colorful cosmetics, dead skin and all impurities that have accumulated on it during the day. For this purpose, you can use cosmetics that you use to cleanse your face: micellar fluid, lotion or thermal water will work perfectly. To avoid irritating her, avoid cosmetics containing alcohol, menthol or intense fragrances. Instead of tonic, try using cold goat's milk. It will help maintain the proper level of PH skin, create a natural protective barrier, narrow pores, cleanse and perfectly moisturize. Don't forget to exfoliate with peels at least once a week. In this way, you will also improve microcirculation, stimulate the skin to produce collagen and even out its color. The best choice will be a gentle enzyme peeling. You can also try home-made oatmeal and milk.

The art of care

In order for the skin of the neck and neckline to remain young for a long time, it must be properly moisturized and nourished. Also remember not to rub or stretch the skin. Apply creams, balms or face masks to the neck in the direction of the muscles, i.e. starting from the bottom. In the morning use moisturizing creams with a light texture. Remember to provide your skin with proper sunscreen. In the evening, after thorough cleansing, apply a nourishing cream or mask. You can prepare it yourself. To get an anti-wrinkle mask rich in antioxidants, use ripe bananas and olive oil. Perfectly nourishes, cleans, brightens and stimulates the skin to regenerate a vitamin mask prepared from papaya and strawberries. The mixed fruit is simply applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes. Intensive hydration will be provided by natural oils: coconut, almond or rice.

What should be in a good cream

Very important are the ingredients that will help destroy free radicals. Vitamin C will work great here, which will also help in the production of collagen. Cosmetics containing oils also work well. Argan oil, rich in vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids and polyphenols, has anti-wrinkle protection and regeneration, is very delicate, so it is great for sensitive and irritated skin. Skin regenerating avocado oil contains vitamins A, B, E and D, regulates lipid levels, thanks to which it smoothes and makes it more elastic. Rice oil, on the other hand, stimulates skin repair processes. In turn, macadamia oil protects it against free radicals. Proteins, e.g. wheat, are also important, as they regenerate, tighten and smooth the skin or intensively anti-wrinkle rice proteins. Folic acid also has a very good effect, supporting the processes of regeneration and renewal of skin cells and stimulating their growth with coenzyme Q10.

Massage and stimulate

The neck and décolleté skin will remain firm if you include a massage element in your daily care. All you have to do is alternate a cold and warm skin shower. Remember, however, that sensitive areas around the neck and décolleté do not like hot water, soap and rough sponges. Massage with ice cubes also has a very good effect, which will improve circulation and make the skin more elastic.

How do you make your bed ...

The skin of the neck during sleep is often cramped or overstretched. The best position for her is sleeping on her back. Unfortunately, during sleep it is difficult to control, but you can help the skin by giving up large soft cushions in favor of smaller harder specially profiled pillows.

Also, take care of proper posture during the day, if you stop slouching, straighten your back and pull your shoulders, your neck muscles will tighten and allow your skin to remain firm.

Hands that heal

To deal with the neglect effect and the passage of time, I suggest performing a Forever Young BBL treatment. Infrared energy deeply heats collagen, supporting its partial denaturation and contraction. In addition, heat stimulates the natural healing process, which in turn causes the formation of new collagen and increases skin firmness. A good operation is also performed using radio waves, which very precisely aiming at the fibers, providing a large amount of heat, stimulate contraction and tension of the skin.

Remember about the skin of the neck and décolleté. You have to take care of all ages, if you forget about it, in a few years you will remember yourself, showing wrinkles and discoloration.

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How to rid of “bags” under the eyes?

Today a bit about "bags", shadows and tired eyes. What to do to restore their shine so that every look in the mirror does not have to remind us of another sleepless night?

The easiest way is simply to sleep. However, we know well that this is not always possible. So how do you deal with signs of fatigue and where do these awful "bags" and shadows come from?

Watch what you eat and drink

Give up or minimize salt consumption, it retains water in the body and makes us swell. Avoid salty, fatty and spicy foods especially in the evening. Prepare a light dinner rich in vegetables containing antioxidants to fight free radicals harmful to the skin. A diet that will help fight signs of fatigue should provide vitamins C, E, K as well as iron and folic acid. The reason for the appearance of swelling and dark circles under the eyes can also be excessive alcohol consumption.

Take care of your health

Puffy and dark circles under the eyes can also be a sign of health problems. They are often one of the symptoms of allergies, anemia, hypertension or hormonal disorders. This problem also affects people with diabetes, thyroid or kidneys. So if your "bags" and shadows are accompanied by other disturbing symptoms, it is worth visiting a doctor and checking your health.

Quit smoking

I hope everyone knows that smoking is harmful to the skin. It is also responsible for bruising and swelling under the eyes. Toxins contained in cigarette smoke destroy collagen fibers, making the skin lose its firmness and age faster.

Days when you need exceptional care

Signs of fatigue may also get worse before you expect your period. Changes in the hormonal economy cause, among others, water retention. This is the time when you need to take care of yourself exceptionally. So try to get some sleep and relax. Enrich your diet with natural remedies to get rid of excess water. Delicious green tea will work great here.

Compress SOS

After a hard night, swollen and blue skin around the eyes, it will do very well for 5 minutes of a cold compress. The easiest way to do this is to use teaspoons or special gel glasses. Just cool them and apply them on your eyelids. Green tea compresses have a great effect, which narrows the blood vessels and reduces swelling.

It is worth brewing it earlier and cooling it in the fridge. Swelling is also reduced by compresses of cool milk, which, like green tea, narrows blood vessels. Strawberry wraps also give excellent results. They have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. The best results will be achieved if you cut them into thick slices and cool well.

Remember water

If you do not supply your body with enough fluid, and you allow yourself salty and heavy snacks, you may find that bags and dark circles under the eyes are a sign of dehydration. Then the blood vessels dilate and swelling occurs. It's best if you drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

Watch out for the sun

Before going out into the sun do not forget about cream with a high filter, preferably 30 SPF and sunglasses. Thanks to this, you minimize the risk of discoloration, delay the effects of aging and avoid eye irritation.

The most important makeup remover

Remains of mascara, powder and shadows irritate, make the skin not breathe, regenerate and become excessively dry and prone to wrinkles, bruises and swelling. That's why you should wash your makeup thoroughly before going to bed.

Appropriate care

Thin skin under the eyes needs special attention, start to care for it after 20 years of age. Proper care will also help fight the effects of fatigue. During the day, take care of moisturizing and sun protection. The cream, which is supposed to help fight discoloration, should contain brightening vitamin C or B3. Swelling cosmetics will cope best with swelling. However, cell regeneration is stimulated by retinol, but remember that it sensitizes the skin to sunlight, so it will be best if it is included in the composition of nourishing night creams.

When more is needed ...

If home remedies do not help or bags under the eyes are genetic, aesthetic medicine comes to the rescue. Laser therapy gives great effects, stimulates the skin to produce collagen, thanks to which it becomes more tense and thicker. Complementing the procedure may be injecting with platelet rich plasma obtained from the patient's blood, which will regenerate tired skin. The effects after such treatments persist for several months.

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