Take your face on fitness

Most of us would like to look beautiful and young for as long as possible, today the aesthetic medicine treatments that help us get rid of wrinkles and restore firmness to our skin are a hit. 

We try to care for proper skin care, eat healthy foods and remember to ensure that our lives do not run out of physical activity. 

We exercise the muscles of the abdomen, back, thighs, buttocks and hands. All this to make our body firm and flexible. Unfortunately, we do not remember that our face also needs such gymnastics. 

Face also has muscles and if you realize it and devote some time to them, you will see how important they are for preserving natural beauty and youth.

Today on our blog about facial muscles and why it is worth taking care of their condition.

Dozens of facial muscles at every moment of our life play an extremely important role for us. They are responsible for the fact that we can open and close our eyes, move our mouths, bite, speak and show emotions. If it weren't for our face without expression, we could not smile, show anger, regret and surprise.

As it turns out, they also have a lot in common with how intensively and quickly our face ages.

A characteristic feature of mimic muscles is that they are attached directly to the skin or mucosa. This design allows them to move our skin and allows us to show emotions. Mimic muscles cause our skin to wrinkle and tighten, unfortunately with age, when they begin to weaken and their mass decreases, in places where their movement was most intense, furrows, kinks and wrinkles appear - we begin to age.

Less and less and less

The aging processes taking place in our body accelerate after 40 birthdays, unfortunately this also applies to our muscles. They are the strongest when we are 25-40 years old then gradually begin to weaken, their mass decreases, and after 80 years of age this loss can reach even 50%. The worst situation is for people who are not trying to keep their muscles in good shape. Then the process is much faster. 

Time works on all our muscles without exception, similarly happens with facial muscles, they also weaken and disappear, making the skin begin to wrinkle and sink intensively. 

To prevent this, slow down the aging process and enjoy firm and smooth skin, it is necessary to do regular exercise and of course a healthy diet. People struggling with diseases that disturb metabolism (e.g. diabetes, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto or insulin resistance) are slightly more difficult, therefore for them a healthy portion of movement is one of the main elements of therapy.

Not very busy every day

Even if we are endowed with very rich facial expressions, every day the work of the facial muscles is not intense enough to keep them in good shape by themselves. Unfortunately, not all muscles work equally, some of them are more diligent, and others can afford quite a lot of laziness. Then they start to grow old much faster, wrinkles, furrows appear on our face, cheeks droop, jaw lines disappear. 

That is why facial muscle exercises are becoming more and more popular, thanks to which you can make your face look a few years younger with little effort and very little time. 

Stimulated muscles will be better nourished and oxygenated, blood circulation will improve and regeneration processes will be accelerated.

Yoga instead of botox and scalpel?

Yoga and facefitness, which is simply the exercise of facial muscles can be not only effective, but also more economical, healthy and bringing beautiful results both a way to preserve a young appearance and a method that allows you to repair the effects of previous neglect. 

Muscles stimulated during such training, which are "forced" to perform completely different, more intense movements, become stronger, increase their mass and regain elasticity, as a result of which we can correct the oval of our face, opposing the force of gravity, reduce wrinkles and make that our skin will be rested and take on a healthy radiant appearance. 

Exercise is not only effective, but also a safe and durable way to stop time, preserve youth and natural facial features. Remember, however, not to expect miracles, the exercises will not rejuvenate you for several years, nor will they protect you completely from the effects of the passing time, we will all grow old one day :).

How to practice

The trainers who deal with exercises and strengthening of facial muscles will probably tell you the most, they will also help you adapt the exercise program to your individual needs. The key to success, however, is regularity, the effects will not appear after a few days of exercise, so you should be patient, exercise and closely observe changes in your appearance. 

Also remember that it is never too late to start exercising, although of course the sooner the better. Most of the exercises can be done during normal everyday activities, which is obviously a big plus of such a way to preserve youth or improve appearance, because you do not have to spend extra time on it, which most of us miss every day.

Fight with a lion's wrinkle

The lion's wrinkle can appear even in very young people, we frown really often. It's enough that we are struck by the sun, we are surprised, angry, we look closely, we have a headache or we think hard. As a result, after some time, a furrow appears between the eyebrows, which gives our face a not very friendly look. 

Initially, it does not worry us very much, because it disappears on its own after several dozen minutes, but over time it begins to stay with us for longer and eventually settles between our eyebrows permanently. However, thanks to the exercises we can try to prevent its formation and reduce its visibility. Try to put in the place where the lion's wrinkle is formed, i.e. between the middle and index finger between the eyebrows, and then try to frown as you would like a wrinkle to arise. Of course, your fingers must not let the skin begin to wrinkle. Repeat such a fight with a lion's wrinkle 5-10 times, and after completing the exercise, gently massage the place between the eyebrows for several seconds.

The spout will raise the corners of the mouth

Making a spout until quite recently was very fashionable among selfie fans, today, admittedly, such photos are no longer popular, but you can successfully use the spout to train your muscles and prevent mouth corners from falling. It's very easy to do a spout and try to raise the corners of the mouth at the same time or put your index fingers to the corners of the mouth and then try to make the spout. Hold for 20-30 seconds and rest. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times and remember to do it regularly every day.

Keep eyelids from sinking

Drooping eyelids are an inseparable element of our body's aging, which unfortunately does not give us charm, and in order to restore your eyes to a young appearance, it is usually necessary to undergo surgery. So let's try exercises that will delay this effect a bit, allowing us to enjoy the beautiful and young look of our eyes for longer. After all, we have nothing to lose, and so beloved hold our index fingers with our eyebrows, slightly lifting them up and at the same time try to close our eyes. We will feel slight resistance and that is what this exercise is all about. Hold for 10-20 seconds, rest for a while and repeat the same exercise 5 more times. When you're done, close your eyes and relax for a moment, completely relaxing.

Open your eyes wide

We open our eyes wide, looking at one selected point in front of us, then moving only our knobs, we look once to the right, left, up and down. You can also put your fingers on the outer corners of the eyes, and then try to wrinkle them, trying to force the visibility of wrinkles, even those that are not there yet. These exercises will help us strengthen the muscles around the eyes, while preventing or reducing the already existing crow's feet.

There are a lot of exercises for facial muscles, they are becoming more and more popular, and women more often use fitness or yoga classes just caring for the muscles of their face. I think it's really worth a try, that's why I encourage you to include a few of these exercises in your daily care. Try and share your effects with me, just remember that nothing happens right away and you will have to wait a bit for the first effects.

At REVIVE CLINIC ™ you can also take series of MyoLift MD™ .

MYOLIFT MD™ Microcurrent Facial is often referred to as a “natural” facelift or face fitness. This safe and painless facial helps erase fine lines and wrinkles, while firming your skin and defining your features. It improves muscle tone, reduces puffiness, increases cellular activity, and tightens pores. The overall result is a healthier and younger looking skin, no matter your age.

A  MYOLIFT MD™ Microcurrent Facial is also often referred to as “FACIAL TONING” or “FACIAL FITNESS” because it’s like a workout for your face.

Microcurrent has been shown to stimulate ATP production. ATP is known as adenosine triphosphate which drives the creation of key structural proteins, such as collagen and elastin, and is the biochemical way to store and use energy.
This increased ATP also energizes the facial muscles, similar to how exercise energizes the muscles of our bodies. Unlike anywhere else on the body, the facial muscles are directly connected to the skin, so the result of energizing the muscle is often an improved, lifted appearance.

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Take care of the decolletage

Of course, both the decolletage and other parts of our whole body should we care throughout the year. Now, however, the delicate decolletage skin needs our care exceptionally. It is what is exposed to harmful external factors throughout the day. The cleavage exposed in the summer is constantly exposed to sunlight, warm wind outside and cold dry air in air-conditioned rooms, which unfortunately makes the signs of aging visible on it very quickly.

Read about how to properly care for the neckline to enjoy its young appearance for a long time

Of course, both the decolletage and other parts of our body should we care not only in the summer, but also throughout the year. Now, however, the delicate cleavage skin needs our care exceptionally. It is she who is exposed to harmful external factors throughout the day. The cleavage exposed in the summer is constantly exposed to sunlight, warm wind outside and cold dry air in air-conditioned rooms, which unfortunately makes the signs of aging visible on it very quickly.

Read about how to properly care for the cleavage to enjoy its young appearance for a long time

The cleavage is the part of our body that, unfortunately, is often missed during daily care. You forget about cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, firming and even protecting it from the sun. Meanwhile, the very thin skin of the cleavage, almost free of sebaceous glands, needs a little bit of interest and proper care every day. Otherwise, it will begin to age very quickly, discoloration wrinkles will appear on it, it will become dry and flabby.

Don't forget about protection

Discoloration is, unfortunately, very often a souvenir after intense holidays with the sun, on the cleavage you can see them very quickly and unfortunately clearly, because if they appear, unfortunately, it is difficult to hide them. 

Therefore, while protecting your face against UV rays, do not forget to protect your neck and cleavage. Always before leaving the house, even if you intend to move by car or bus, apply a protective cream with a filter that will soothe the sun's rays and protect your skin from their adverse effects.

Be sure to clean

Remember to carefully clean the skin of your cleavage every day, you can use the lotion or micellar fluid of the same that you use for your face. In this way, you will remove dirt and cosmetics residues, allowing your skin to regenerate properly. Also remember to use a non-alcoholic tonic that will refresh it and restore its natural pH. For washing, do not use too warm water and do not rub the delicate neckline skin so as not to stretch it excessively, it is also good to give up soap and instead use the same cosmetics that you use for washing your face.

Daily moisturize

The decolletage needs the same care as your face, so you should never forget to moisturize it daily. Remember to apply the cream gently without stretching the skin. It is very important to spread it, you should always start from the breast and head up. Because, as I have already mentioned, the decolletage skin is very thin and delicate, it is also very important to use cosmetics that will nourish and tone it properly. Also remember that creams or serums that nourish the skin are best used at night when intensive regeneration processes begin.

Unusual care

Twice a week, it is good to do a peeling that exfoliates dead skin, cleanses pores, improves circulation and evens skin tone. 

You can also do a massage with a special brush and cosmetics for cleansing the skin. Remember, however, not to use for this purpose preparations containing intense fragrances, alcohol and menthol as well as coarse peels, they can cause irritation to the delicate neckline skin. After peeling and massage, the skin is perfectly prepared to receive nutrients, so this is the perfect time to make a mask.

Get help

Unfortunately, care in the comfort of your home, although it is extremely important, at some point becomes insufficient, so you should use the help of a specialist and use what aesthetic medicine gives us to help cleanse and regenerate the skin. 

At REVIVE CLINIC ™ you can choose different treatments for décolletage eg. HydraFacial as a very nice, gentle, non-invasive treatment that gives an immediate very natural effect, which I highly recommend as a complement to everyday home care. 

HydraFacial quickly improves the condition of the skin, cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing it perfectly, making it much easier to survive the difficult summer time.

HydraFacial as a hydradermabrasion, is a treatment that combines cleansing, but not irritating, skin vacuum hydropeeling with the application of moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating active substances. Hydropeeling does not cause irritation, because during purification diamond exfoliating crystals are not used here, but specially patented disposable tips and active substances that under pressure penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. When the epidermis is exfoliated and the pores are maximally opened, the active substances containing cleansing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients are applied successively. 

The treatment improves skin color, evening it out and brightens discolorations, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and deeply nourishes the skin, and its effects are visible immediately after treatment. Of course, if we want to reduce the visibility of wrinkles or discoloration, it will be necessary to undergo a series consisting of about 4 - 7 HydroFacial treatments.

You can also choose Intraceuticals Oxygen Infucion, Cryo Penguine as well as Forever Young BBL, SkinPen with PRP treatment or others.

Remember that the signs of aging on the decolletage are visible very quickly, so it is often said that decolletage reveals the age of a woman. So try to take care of decolletage, especially in the summer, when he is exposed to constant external factors.

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Coffee not only to wake up

Most of us cannot function normally without morning coffee. It helps us to wake up, and when our day unnaturally lengthens and the multitude of duties begins to overwhelm us, helps to stimulate our brain and improve concentration. Coffee is also a very "sociable" drink, we can talk after a long hour, meeting "just for coffee". 

The aroma of coffee stimulates our senses and triggers positive emotions in us. 

However, I would like us to look at coffee from a slightly different angle. Today on our blog, coffee as a wonderful home cosmetic.

Meet 5 home cosmetics in which coffee plays the main role

Cosmetic properties of coffee

Coffee reduces the effects of free radicals and thus has strong anti-aging properties, it can also perfectly stimulate the skin to regenerate, also activates the process of fat breakdown and reduces its formation. So it is a component not only anti-aging cosmetics, but also works well in peels and masks supporting the prevention and fight against cellulite. 

It is thanks to coffee that our skin becomes firm, more tense and smoother. Coffee improves microcirculation, which significantly improves the color of our skin, swelling and bruises under the eyes disappear. It also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, helping to fight infections and skin imperfections. 

However, the polyphenol compounds contained in it do not delay the decomposition process of vitamin C, thus helping to smooth our skin and reduce the appearance of discoloration. Coffee is also a natural protection against UV radiation, and by activating hair growth factors and stimulating bulbs, it also reduces hair loss and accelerates hair growth.

1. A mask that rejuvenates and brightens our skin

Prepare yourself 2 table spoons of freshly ground coffee, 2 table spoons of cocoa, 3 table spoons of thick yogurt and one table spoon of honey. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, and the resulting mask, apply to the face avoiding the eye area and leave it for 10-15 minutes. After this time, wash your face thoroughly.

Cocoa and coffee are a rich source of antioxidants, which is why the mask prepared in this way is perfect as a rejuvenating cosmetic. Thanks to it, our skin will be firm, smooth, and will acquire beautiful healthy color and glow. In turn, yogurt gently exfoliates and moisturizes the skin, it also perfectly copes with skin imperfections, and by showing a gently chasing effect, reduces the appearance of pores. Honey, however, perfectly nourishes, has anti-inflammatory properties and accelerates skin regeneration.

2. Refreshing peeling

Coffee peeling will not only help you get rid of dead epidermis and sebum on the skin, but will also be great as a detoxifying cosmetic, thanks to which you will get rid of toxins harmful to the skin. 

However, this is not the end of such a peeling, it will also help firm and smooth your skin, and stimulate its cells to intensively regenerate.

To prepare it, of course, you need coffee, prepare about 6 tablespoons of freshly ground beans, 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil and 2 teaspoons of brown sugar. As usual, mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to the skin, while performing a gentle massage for about 5 minutes, then rinse the body with lukewarm water and apply moisturizing lotion

3. Hair mask

Works best for dark hair, because light ones can unfortunately change color because of the darkening properties of the coffee. However, in the case of dark hair, coffee will perfectly enliven their color, stimulate the growth of new strong hair, reduce hair loss, give them shine, elasticity, cleanse the scalp of toxins, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. 

To make a homemade mask you will need 2 table spoons of freshly ground coffee, 2 egg yolks and olive oil. Mix all ingredients together and thoroughly massage into hair and scalp. For a better effect, you can wrap your head with foil and a towel. After 20 minutes, rinse your head thoroughly and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

4. Coffee fight against cellulite

A coffee-based scrub is a great way to prevent and help fight cellulite. Coffee supports the reduction of adipose tissue and reduces the formation of new ones, firms, tightens and smoothes the skin, improves circulation and speeds up metabolism, as well as perfectly oxygenates. 

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, prepare a firming peeling. You will need 4 table spoons of coffee, 2 table spoons of brown sugar, 2 table spoons of olive oil and two table spoons of fresh lemon juice. The coffee should be brewed in a small amount of water, and when it cools down add the other ingredients to it and gently massage into the skin. Olive oil will help regeneration and moisturize the skin, and the lemon will perfectly even out its color cleanse from toxins and help get rid of excess sebum.

5. We get rid of bags under the eyes

Coffee is great in the fight against bags and bruises under the eyes, so if we had a hard night, it is worth taking advantage of the benefits of coffee and quickly get rid of the unsightly signs of fatigue, located under our eyes. 

Prepare for yourself two table spoons of freshly ground coffee, there may also be coffee grounds (although their effect will be slightly weaker) and egg white. Both ingredients should be combined and whipped until foam is formed. Spread the resulting mask under the eyes and wait about 10 minutes, after this time, wash the mask off the skin with a cotton swab moistened in warm water. Egg protein additionally tightens the skin under the eyes, thanks to which we also get a subtle lifting effect.

Coffee is also great as a bath additive, so you can use its detoxifying properties. It also works great as a cosmetic that strengthens protection against sunlight, while gently emphasizing the tan. Homemade cosmetics with coffee not only smell wonderful, but also perfectly care for our skin. 

Remember, however, that before you use them to check that they are not allergic.

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Fig care

Figs provide us with valuable nutrients, including minerals, e.g. calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, copper and selenium, as well as vitamins, e.g. C, A, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and beta-carotene.

Today, I would like to suggest a few home cosmetics that will help you take care of your beauty and can become an interesting alternative for those you use every day.

How it's working?

  • Calcium - helps us maintain the skin in a good condition. Skin becomes smooth and soft, its deficiency, in turn, makes it susceptible to irritation and allergic reactions. Calcium also has a significant impact on the condition of our hair, clearly strengthening its structure.
  • Potassium ensures that our skin is properly moisturized, firm, elastic, less prone to irritation and acne. It also improves the condition of our hair, reduces hair loss and makes it shiny and healthy.
  • Zinc ensures that our skin is elastic, reduces the visibility of wrinkles, accelerates wound healing and acne lesions, copes well with free radicals, regulates sebaceous glands and promotes immunity. It also has a significant impact on the production of keratin, which is why it perfectly strengthens hair, accelerates hair growth and reduces hair loss.
  • Phosphorus - helps us maintain the natural pH of the skin, stimulates the renewal of its cells and strengthens the hair.
  • Copper - ensures that our skin is firm, smooth and elastic, and that hair is shiny and elastic. Accelerates regeneration, slows down the aging process and protects the skin against harmful external factors.
  • Selenium - strengthens immunity, protects us against bacteria, viruses and fungi, regulates sebum secretion, accelerates skin cell renewal, neutralizes free radicals, delays aging effects, protects against harmful UV rays, soothes irritations and supports the treatment of acne and dandruff.

  • Vitamin C - protects us against the effects of free radicals, increases collagen production, helps cleanse the body of toxins, evens skin tone, protects against the harmful effects of sun rays, reduces inflammation and strengthens blood vessels. Thanks to Vit. C our skin is smooth, firm, radiant and healthy and the hair is strong, perfectly nourished and flexible.
  • Vitamin A - reduces keratinization of the epidermis, softens and smoothes the skin, evens its color, provides adequate hydration, reduces sebum production, increases resistance to infections and copes well with free radicals.
  • Vitamin K - cares for the condition of skin capillaries, reduces redness, improves color, reduces swelling and visibility of "bruises" under the eyes, accelerates the process of skin regeneration, prevents irritation and strengthens the roots of our hair.
  • Vitamin B1 - regulates the sebaceous glands, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, accelerates wound healing, anti-inflammatory and strengthens hair and activates their growth.
  • Vitamin B2 - helps maintain the skin's natural pH, reduces inflammation, accelerates wound healing, promotes regeneration, regulates sebaceous glands, cares for an adequate level of hydration, makes it more elastic, strengthens, reduces cracking and flaking.
  • Vitamin B3 - is responsible for the proper structure of the hair and provides them with the right dose of energy, regulates the sebaceous glands, reduces irritation, maintains proper hydration and protects against the harmful effects of UV rays.

  • Vitamin B5 - is necessary for the proper growth of our hair, it also cares for our skin, making it firm, smooth and elastic, soothes irritations, maintains proper hydration, promotes wound healing and reduces the risk of scars.
  • Vitamin B6 - regulates sebum production, has anti-inflammatory properties, accelerates collagen synthesis, helps in the treatment of acne, helps fight cellulite, strengthens hair and reduces hair loss.
  • Beta-carotene - protects against the harmful effects of UV rays, gives the skin a beautiful color, helps maintain firmness and elasticity, and as a strong antioxidant it has anti-aging effects.

How to use it all?

Here are some recipes for homemade cosmetics, the main ingredient of which will be figs.

1. Figs + honey

A mask that will nourish, moisturize, rejuvenate and radiant your skin.

Prepare yourself 2-3 beautiful ripe figs and 2 teaspoons of natural honey. Cut the figs in half so that you can easily extract the pulp, put it into a bowl and crush it thoroughly with a fork or mix, the idea is to make a paste from them. When ready, add two teaspoons of honey to it and mix thoroughly. Put the mask on the face and neck, avoiding the eye area and leave it for about 15 minutes.

2. Figs + milk + oatmeal

Gently exfoliating mask, removing excess sebum, nourishing and smoothing the skin.

You need about 2-3 fresh figs, 2 teaspoons of finely ground oatmeal (you can replace them with oat flour) and about 2-3 tablespoons of milk. Prepare the mass from the figs, heat the milk and mix with flakes or flour, and then combine all the ingredients thoroughly, spread the mask on your face and leave for about 15 - 20 minutes.

3. Figs + yogurt

A mask that gently exfoliates, cleans and brightens the skin

Prepare 2-3 figs and 2-3 tablespoons of thick yogurt. Prepare a smooth paste from figs and mix them thoroughly with yogurt. Just a few minutes is enough to create a mask that will significantly improve the condition of your skin when it is ready, gently spread it on your face, do a massage for a few minutes and leave on the skin for about 15-20 minutes.

4. Figs + honey + lemon juice + brown sugar

A peeling that cleans, refreshes, firms and smoothes your body.

To prepare it, you need about 4 figs, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and a teaspoon of lemon juice. We have to cut the figs and extract the pulp, after we do it thoroughly, mix them so that they form a mass. Add honey, freshly squeezed lemon juice and sugar to the finished mass, mix thoroughly and it's ready. The peeling created in this way will help you take care of your skin, improve its color, visibly smooth and will perfectly support the fight against cellulite.

5. Figs + milk + honey + olive oil

A mask for weakened and tired hair, which nourishes them perfectly, strengthens them, ensures their proper hydration, reduces hair loss and accelerates the growth of new ones.

We need 2-3 figs, a tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of milk and a teaspoon of olive oil. Figs should be mixed (of course, the flesh itself) so that they form a mass, when we succeed we add honey, milk and olive oil to them. Mix everything thoroughly and gently rub the finished mask into the hair and leave it on our home cosmetics for about 20 minutes. After this time, the mask should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water.

Enjoy the fantastic properties of figs right now, when it's season and you can easily buy them in stores, remember that figs are not only a nice ingredient in home cosmetics, but also perfectly enrich our diet and allow us to take care of our body also from the inside. As usual, however, I remind you to make sure that you are not allergic before using the prepared cosmetics.

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5 home ways for oily hair

Oily hair causes us a lot of problems, looks unsightly, becomes a reason for shame, negatively affect our well-being, and worse can also contribute to the emergence of diseases that will negatively affect their condition. 

Today on my blog a few home ways that will help you reduce greasy hair.

The scalp has a lot of sebum secreting glands, which, if it is present in the right amount, is very important not only for scalp but also for the hair. It protects our skin against harmful external factors and ensures that it is properly moisturized. 

It is also necessary to maintain hair in proper condition, thanks to which it is properly moisturized, elastic and shiny. 

The problem begins when the sebaceous glands produce too much of it, because then the scalp and hair just start to get sick. There can be a lot of reasons for producing too much sebum, sometimes this condition is "inherited" from our loved ones, other times this condition is affected by a poor diet, endocrine disorder, inadequate care or the state of our health. 

Therefore, if the problem is really serious, it is worth reporting to a specialist who will help us know and possibly eliminate its cause. It is also worth knowing some home remedies that can help us deal with excessively greasy hair.

1. Lemon rinse

Lemon is great in the fight against excessively greasy hair, has slightly astringent and toning properties, restores the natural pH of the scalp, perfectly copes with the removal of impurities accumulated on the hair and skin (sebum, dust, dead skin and cosmetics residues), closes scales hair, refreshes and helps get rid of odor. 

To prepare a rinse, you need juice squeezed from one lemon and 1-2 two glasses of water. Mix both ingredients together, and when you wash your head with a delicate shampoo and rinse it thoroughly, use a lemon rinse. Gently massage it into your hair and scalp and after about 3-5 minutes rinse with warm water. Remember that too often using such a lotion can irritate the skin and dry hair, so keep checking their condition and try to be moderate. Remember also to carefully protect your eyes when using lemon rinse.

2. Baking soda

Baking soda will thoroughly cleanse the scalp and hair of excess sebum, dust, dead skin and residues of cosmetics used for care and styling. Soda will help regulate the work of sebaceous glands so that the amount of sebum they produce decreases, and by acting anti-inflammatory, fighting bacteria and fungi, will help us deal with scalp infections. 

Mix two tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of water and gently massage into hair and scalp, leave for a few minutes and rinse. If the hair is not very dirty, such a procedure can even replace washing it with shampoo. Remember, however, that after washing with soda, the hair is rough and dull, therefore it is necessary to make a rinse, e.g. lemon juice or spraying them with a pre-prepared apple cider vinegar mist (you should dilute it in half with water and pour it into the sprayer), such a procedure it will close hair cuticles and make them flexible, shiny and healthy.

3. Reliable aloe vera

Aloe has many wonderful properties, helps us stay healthy, improves immunity, supports the treatment of infection, cares for our beauty and accelerates wound healing.

Aloe is also an excellent ingredient in hair cosmetics that get excessively greasy. You need a few aloe leaves to get two heaped tablespoons of gel, a tablespoon of lemon juice and two tablespoons of honey. Mix all ingredients together and rub the resulting mask into the hair and scalp while doing a gentle massage. Leave your cosmetic on your hair for about 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water and wash your hair with a mild shampoo for oily hair.

4. Tomato SOS

Tomatoes can be a salvation for greasy hair. Tomatoes help restore our skin's natural pH, regulate sebaceous glands, nourish hair, help fight infections, cleanse and refresh, making them look healthy and beautiful. 

To prepare such a mask we need 2 ripe tomatoes (of course those from the home garden or proven organic crops) and a tablespoon of honey. The peeled tomatoes need to prepare the puree and combine it with honey, rub the resulting mask into the hair, for a better effect we can wrap them with foil and a towel and leave it for about 20 minutes.

5. Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal will help you get rid of excess sebum and regulate the sebaceous glands, improve the condition of the scalp and hair, strengthen their structure, nourish the bulbs, accelerating the growth of new and strong hair. 

Prepare yourself 2-3 tablespoons of finely ground oatmeal, cover them with warm water (1 cup), and when the pulp is formed, add a teaspoon of soda. Apply the mask to your hair and massage into your scalp, and after about 20 minutes rinse with water and wash your head with a mild shampoo.

When you prepare home cosmetics, don't forget that each of them, apart from being able to enrich your daily care, can also cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before trying them on yourself, always check first if you are allergic. 

Also, never use anything on your own, if your scalp is irritated as a result of infection, then what is best for scalp should be decided by a specialist. 

Also remember that oily hair can cause health problems, so if your problem is so great that home coping with it and proper daily hair and scalp care do not bring results, you should definitely use the help of a specialist.

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Four summer masks for damaged hair

Summer is a very difficult time for our hair. Sun, warm air, wind, salt or chlorinated water, unfortunately, do not have a good impact on it, so before going on vacation, it is good to prepare our hair for it. Then it will be much easier for them to survive this difficult time. But that's not all, our hair needs support throughout the summer, which is why I would like you to meet some great masks that will perfectly improve the condition of your hair.

Here are four summer masks that you can easily prepare at home

1. Banana + honey + yogurt

Thanks to these products you can easily prepare a mask that will bring relief and improve the condition not only of dry hair, but also the scalp. Unfortunately, sun and summer is a time when the hair dries up a lot, due to frequent contact with chlorine, salt water and plenty of sun. 

That is why it is worth spending some time and prepare a mask that moisturizes, nourishes and strengthens your hair, reducing its crumbling and falling out. 

Prepare one banana, about 5-6 tablespoons honey and half cup thick yogurt. Blend the banana to form a smooth puree. Banana particles are very difficult to wash from the hair, so the mass must be really smooth. When the banana is ready, add the remaining products and mix everything very thoroughly. Apply the mask to your hair, perform a gentle scalp massage and leave it on for about 20 minutes.

2. Peach + yogurt

This is a mask that will bring relief to dry itchy scalp and give your hair a healthy glow, while perfectly moisturizing and nourishing it. Prepare yourself two ripe peaches and a few tablespoons of thick yogurt. Blend peeled peaches to a smooth mass and mix thoroughly with yogurt. Massage the prepared cosmetics into the hair and scalp, wrap the head in foil and wait 15-20 minutes.

3. Egg yolks and olive oil

A great way for split ends and dry matte hair. 

Prepare yourself 2-3 eggs and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. We prepare the mask for improving the condition of dry hair from yolks, so you must first carefully separate them from proteins. When this step is over, mix the yolks thoroughly and add the olive oil to them. Let's try to combine the ingredients used to make the mask very carefully. 

We rub the prepared cosmetic into the hair, remembering especially about damaged ends. Wait 15-20 minutes and wash your hair, and then rinse at the very end with cool water. Such a treatment will cause hair scales to close, thanks to which they will not only be wonderfully shiny, but also protected against harmful external factors.

4. Aloe + honey + yogurt

These three products are enough to create the perfect mask that will take care of your hair and scalp. Thanks to it, you will not only deal with irritation caused by salt water, chlorine or excess sun, but also moisturize and nourish your hair. Prepare a few large leaves of aloe, wash them thoroughly and carefully cut the green skin with a sharp knife.

The transparent pulp obtained in this way combine with honey (about 3 tablespoons) and thick yogurt (about 3 tablespoons). Massage the mask into your hair and scalp and leave for 20 minutes.

Properties of products used to prepare masks:

  • Bananas are a source of vitamins, minerals and proteins valuable for our hair, and at the same time a wealth of strong antioxidants, which, by eliminating the effects of free radicals harmful to our hair, support their growth and regeneration. We find, among others, silicon, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins A, E, C, K and B vitamins which are very important for our hair. Thanks to these ingredients, bananas not only improve the appearance of hair, but also stimulate hair follicles, accelerating the growth of new, stronger hair and keep the scalp in great condition
  • Yogurt - in addition to valuable B vitamins and minerals such as calcium, zinc, potassium and magnesium, it also contains large amounts of lactic acid. All this makes it perfect for dry and damaged hair. Yogurt moisturizes and nourishes the hair, thanks to it they become fluffy, soft and dreaming.
  • Honey - contains lots of valuable nutrients that our hair and scalp need. We find, for example, B vitamins and vitamins A and C, it also contains essential minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and manganese and cobalt, which is very important for our hair. Honey masks are recommended for people who have weak and dry hair, and because honey also copes well with viruses, bacteria and fungi, it also works as a means to help treat scalp infections.

  • Peaches - are a source of numerous vitamins and minerals, we find in them B vitamins, vitamins A, C and K, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium and manganese. So they work very well as an ingredient in masks for weakened and dry hair.
  • Egg yolk - is a wealth of nutrients very important for our hair, it contains, among others, B vitamins: biotin, folic acid and B1, B3 and B12, it also contains vitamins D, A and E; minerals: selenium, zinc, phosphorus and iron, as well as essential fatty acids. All this makes it that yolks are perfect as a component of home cosmetics, supporting the care of dry and damaged hair.
  • Olive oil - is primarily a source of essential unsaturated fatty acids, which make olive oil moisturizes and tones the hair and scalp perfectly. It is also ideal as a cosmetic improving the condition of dry, split ends. It is thanks to her that the hair acquire a healthy look, is soft and pleasant to the touch, and most importantly, it stops crumbling and falling out.

  • Aloe - contains plenty of nutrients necessary for the hair, we can find in it: vitamins - A, C, E, B9, B12, B1, B2, B6; minerals - magnesium, calcium, chromium, zinc, potassium, selenium, sodium, manganese, iron, copper; amino acids, of which there are about 20 in aloe, among them close to 8 such that our body is unable to produce by itself, and beneficial fatty acids. The richness of the ingredients contained in aloe makes it have a wonderful effect, among others, on our hair. Aloe moisturizes the scalp, soothes irritations, nourishes the hair follicles, strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss, and also reduces the effects of free radicals and protects against the harmful effects of sunlight.

We should take care of the hair and the whole body throughout the year, but always try to adapt the care methods, treatments and cosmetics we use not only to our individual needs, but also external factors. 

Only then will we be able to enjoy the natural beauty of our body and hair throughout the year, regardless of the season. Remember also to prepare a homemade mask to check that the products used in it do not cause allergies, do not forget that each organism is different, so each of us can react differently to the same product.

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