The enemy of his own body

Recently, there is more and more talk about autoimmune diseases, there are over 100, and scientists are still recognizing new ones. People known from the world of media admit to them, saying openly about their struggles and the long path they had to go before they were given the right diagnosis and treatment began.

Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases often lasts for years. However, their symptoms can make life very difficult and sometimes even be a real threat to it. That is why today it is the diseases resulting from autoaggression that will be the subject of my entry.

Something must have changed ...

A properly functioning immune system is designed to protect our body against invasion of pathogens and react when our own cells are damaged for some reason and function improperly. It is thanks to him that we fight off diseases, and in the place of damaged tissues new ones can form. If the immune system stopped working, even a runny nose or cut would be a lethal threat to us. The problem arises when this highly specialized system begins to go crazy and get out of control. Then the enemy that needs to be fought are completely healthy cells for him. Our body becomes a victim of its own immune system, which instead of defending it, begins to attack. Unfortunately, it is still not entirely clear why this is happening. Most often, the causes of the occurrence of autoimmune diseases are found in the genes, it is also said that the factors responsible for the occurrence of autoimmune stress are severe stress, some drugs and bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

It's not hypochondria. It's self-aggression

People suffering from autoimmune disease often struggle with its troublesome symptoms for many years before they hear the correct diagnosis and start treatment. Sent from doctor to doctor, they are often treated a bit with a grain of salt and very often compared to people suffering from a mental disorder called hypochondria. This is because autoimmune diseases are unfortunately extremely difficult to diagnose. They give a number of non-specific symptoms, suggesting the occurrence of a wide variety of diseases. However, this is not the end of putting the correct diagnosis additionally hindered by the fact that the same disease in two different patients can manifest itself completely different, effectively puzzling the doctor. Therefore, very often patients, after excluding many diseases that could be indicated by the symptoms they report, end up in the psychiatrist's office, where anxiety neurosis, depression or just hypochondria are misdiagnosed. The wrong diagnosis is also the implementation of incorrect treatment, which, unfortunately, sooner or later must make itself felt and affect health.

What should get our attention?

There are a lot of diseases resulting from autoimmune diseases, there are even more varied symptoms. Therefore, it is impossible to name a few that will become a clue to make a diagnosis. Our attention should be drawn by continuous or wave-like weakness and fatigue, not even after a long rest. The disease may also be suggested by a sudden change in body weight while maintaining the same diet. Autoimmune diseases are also manifested through various skin lesions, arthralgia, arrhythmias, dry mucous membranes and skin, headaches and dizziness, food allergies, dry eye syndrome, so-called brain fog and even panic attacks and depression. We must be aware that autoimmune diseases can affect every part of our body. Unfortunately, so far we do not have tests that could lead us to any of this huge pool of diseases. The observed symptoms very often occur with periods of exacerbation and remission, and the onset of the disease can be very slow, almost imperceptible to the patient or rapid. An additional difficulty is the fact that diseases resulting from autoimmune dislikes loneliness, which is why they often occur with other co-existing autoimmune diseases. That is why a very thorough interview with the patient is a very important element that begins the path to proper diagnosis. Both the professional approach of the doctor and the openness of the patient, who should tell about all even incompatible symptoms, plays a huge role here.

Unfortunately, even if we are lucky and we get to a doctor who will undertake to find the perpetrator of our malaise or troublesome skin symptoms, we will face a large series of various types of tests. Starting from the simplest ones like morphology and urine through the more complicated ones e.g. for the presence of antibodies, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and sometimes even biopsy and histopathological examinations.

Diagnosis and what's next

Unfortunately, because it is still unknown what the real reason is that our immune system suddenly, instead of protecting us, begins to turn against us, and there is no drug that could reverse such action. Therapy that lasts most often until the end of the patient's life consists primarily in reducing symptoms and controlling the autoimmune process. However, early recognition of the disease is very important here, the chance to maintain long-term control over it largely depends on what stage of treatment was started. Various symptoms cause, however, that the treatment of each person should be tailored very individually. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the patient's health and disease progression so as to choose the best possible therapy at each stage. It is also very important to support pharmacological treatment by changing the lifestyle and using a well-balanced diet meeting the body's needs. Supplementation supplementing vitamin and mineral deficiencies very often associated with this type of disease is also significant here. Remember, however, that the use of supplements should always be decided by a doctor. Patients should also give up smoking and drinking alcohol, these are drugs that many specialists put on the list of disease activating factors. Stress and lack of sleep are also an enemy of people suffering from autoimmune diseases. That is why it is very important to find a moment for a large portion of relaxation and to sleep well each day.

When the skin is ill

Autoimmune diseases can affect any cell in our body, impairing the functioning of the organs involved. Some of them also affect our appearance and although the aesthetic side is perhaps not a priority in the treatment of this type of disease, alleviating skin symptoms can bring great relief, while improving the patient's mental well-being. Patients often complain of persistent dryness and peeling of the skin, hyperpigmentation, cellulite, hair loss, nail weakness, various types of rashes, unsightly looking spider veins or excessive hair. Sometimes, skin problems are one of the main symptoms of an autoimmune disease. This happens when, for example, psoriasis is manifested by the appearance of red and scaly spots on the elbows, knees or scalp; alopecia areata, when the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing large hair loss locally; vitiligo manifesting as white patches on the skin as a result of its depigmentation; scleroderma, with local thickening and ulceration of the skin or systemic lupus erythematosus, when one of the symptoms of the disease is the appearance of red butterfly-shaped erythema on the face. Properly selected treatment in many cases reduces the symptoms of the disease visible on our body, but it is always necessary to support therapy by proper care and avoidance of harmful irritants, both those contained in cosmetics and food, as well as those associated with weather conditions.

Aesthetic medicine, safe or not?

Everyone would like to have healthy and beautiful skin, which is why, in addition to daily care, we often decide to embellish it using the benefits of aesthetic medicine. In the case of autoimmune diseases, however, it is very difficult to predict the body's response, which is why most of the described procedures describe them as a contraindication to carry them out. This does not mean, however, that you can't help people struggling with this type of disease by eliminating or significantly reducing the marks that the disease has left on their body. Very often, treatments with the use of laser are performed, which help to even out skin tone, reduce the visibility of scars and discolorations and, by accelerating the regeneration process, make it look healthier. Good effects are also achieved by filling or injecting the skin with e.g. hyaluronic acid preparations, which will smooth, moisturize, improve the face oval and fill wrinkles. Mesotherapy can also be a helpful procedure in the treatment of excessive hair loss in the course of alopecia areata. In turn, in the case of psoriasis, carboxytherapy is successfully used, i.e. a procedure using the therapeutic effect of carbon dioxide. It increases the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the treated area, which causes calming down the lesions.

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8 reasons why you should eat dark chocolate

Almost everyone likes chocolate, but not everyone knows that it can have a positive effect on health. Meanwhile, eating small amounts of chocolate can not only give pleasure, but also bring many benefits.

Today he would like to say what good dark chocolate gives us. Remember, however, that it must be good quality chocolate and the content of real cocoa should exceed 75%. Under no circumstances should chocolate be treated as a medicinal product by you, and you will not be able to eat it without end. It is important to use common sense and moderation, and here are 8 reasons why you should afford a little delicious pleasure.

1. Improves heart function

Dark chocolate consumed in moderate amounts, of course, has a beneficial effect on our heart. All this thanks to plant flavonoids found in cocoa. They, as strong antioxidants, eliminate the action of free radicals and positively affect the state of the circulatory system. They improve flexibility, strengthen and seal blood vessels, lower cholesterol and regulate blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, each procedure carries the risk of exacerbating symptoms and causing an unexpected body reaction. We also have to reckon with the fact that the skin of a person struggling with an autoimmune disease may respond more slowly to the treatment than the skin of a healthy person. Remember also that every interference in your body should be preceded by a medical consultation. Try to choose offices where qualified specialists will know how to approach your problem. Autoimmune diseases require not only very careful interference with the body, but also a very individual approach to the patient. It is also extremely important to make sure that there is a period of remission during the planned surgery because active autoimmune disease is unfortunately a contraindication to aesthetic medicine treatments.

2. Improves brain function

Flavon compounds contained in dark chocolate improve blood flow in our body while improving brain oxygenation. Thanks to this, we learn more easily and remember more, our concentration and ability to think creatively also improves. Regular consumption of chocolate can also delay the deterioration of our brain function as we age. Dark chocolate can therefore reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and stroke.

3. Slows down the aging process

Strong antioxidants contained in cocoa eliminate the effects of dangerous free radicals, protecting collagen and elastin fibers from damage. Thanks to this, the skin stays longer, smooth, firm and elastic. Wrinkle visibility is also reduced and skin tone is improved. Cocoa contained in dark chocolate also supports its protective functions, reducing, among others, its susceptibility to harmful effects of UV rays. Just eating dark chocolate will not replace sunscreen in the form of cosmetics with filters.

4. Improves digestion

Dark chocolate improves metabolism, gives a feeling of satiety and stimulates the production of digestive enzymes responsible for the absorption and digestion of fats. Therefore, after a difficult meal, it is good to eat a small amount of dark chocolate. Thanks to this, we stimulate the digestive processes of our body.

5. Improves mood

Chocolate causes our body to release happiness hormones. Therefore, very often, when we have a bad mood or are nervous, we intuitively reach for chocolate. It affects the rhythm of our sleep and makes us feel relaxed and satisfied. Remember, however, that the best to improve the mood will be dark chocolate consumed in small quantities. If we eat too much, we will have stomach problems instead of good humor.

6. Has a positive effect on eyes

Bitter chocolate, thanks to the high content of antioxidants, protects the organ of vision against the damaging effects of free radicals. Flavonoids, which also positively affect blood flow to the brain, improve its effect on stimuli and accelerate the reaction. In turn, increasing blood flow to the retina increases visual performance. Vitamin A, which is also found in dark chocolate, is very important for our eyes. Thanks to it, the contrast of vision improves significantly even in very adverse conditions. Vitamin A is also necessary for the production of mucus and tears, which are designed to protect the eye.

7. Does not cause rapid increase in glucose level

Bitter chocolate has a low glycemic index, which means that blood glucose levels rise slowly after consumption. Eaten from time to time a small amount of dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa and without added sugar, it is often recommended by doctors and nutritionists even for people suffering from diabetes and insulin resistance. It is also increasingly said that dark chocolate can reduce the risk of insulin resistance. Let's remember, however, that it must always be accompanied by a proper healthy diet.

8. Improves libido

Chocolate improves mood and blood circulation, while improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients to all cells of our body. Thanks to it, we not only feel happy, but also our body works better. Better circulation improves not only our fitness, but also sexual sensations. Chocolate also seduces us with its extraordinary taste and smell, stimulates the senses and helps create a unique atmosphere.

Bitter chocolate can certainly not be an alternative to a healthy and balanced diet, and its excessive consumption can unfortunately only harm us. Consumed in moderation, however, will be a delicious and healthy dessert. Enjoy your meal 🙂

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We support body resistance

Today on my blog how to support our body's immune system. Few tips how to support our body? 

Get some sleep

Sleep is very important not only for our beauty, but also for our well-being and health. The right amount of sleep makes our immune system work efficiently, so we are able to defend ourselves against viruses and bacteria. If we sleep too short, its functioning is disturbed, which of course makes us sick much more often. Lack of sleep means that we are not only susceptible to bacteria, viruses and fungi, but also it is more difficult for us to deal with an already existing infection. If we want our immune system to fulfill its tasks properly and protect us against the effects of harmful microorganisms, we should ensure good and healthy sleep. An adult should sleep about 8-9 hours per day, preferably at night, of course. Remember, however, that too much is not healthy, too much sleep can also have a bad effect on the functioning of our body, can contribute to a decrease in both our mental and physical condition and thus also disrupt the immune system.

Reduce stress

It is widely known that chronic stress has a destructive effect on our body. The hormones cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline released during a stressful situation prepare us for emergency operation, for fighting or escaping. However, if stress accompanies us every day, the constantly on-going organism begins to devastate. Excess cortisol can, on the one hand, weaken the response of the immune system to the infection developing in our body, and on the other, sensitize it to the effects of e.g. allergens and intensify allergy symptoms. No wonder we become weaker and sick more often. That is why it is very important to find time for proper relaxation that will allow us to forget about everyday problems, reduce stress and strengthen the functioning of our immune system.

Laugh for health

Laughter means that more oxygen gets into our body's cells, blood and lymph circulation improves, so our body works more efficiently and clears toxins faster. Our immune system works more efficiently, we get sick less often, and if we get an infection, it is easier for us to overcome it.

Support your body with a proper diet

In winter, our body's resistance is often weakened by a poorly balanced diet. We eat very little fresh fruit and vegetables, which is why we run the risk of creating dangerous deficiencies of vitamins and minerals. If we want to strengthen our immunity, we should ensure that our diet includes products rich in vitamin C, E, A, B vitamins, zinc, selenium, iron, copper, omega 3 and probiotics. Our menu should include fish, lean meat, eggs, yoghurts, kefirs, fresh and pickled vegetables, fruits, nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, linseeds, whole grains, olive oil, linseed oil, black cumin oil or pumpkin seed oil.

Prepare an immunizing cocktail or drink

Cocktails are a great way to improve our immune system. Prepared by themselves are a real vitamin bomb. An excellent ingredient of such a drink is e.g. kale, rich mainly in vitamin C, K, B vitamins, calcium and iron. Improves the work of the circulatory system, supports immunity, anti-inflammatory and neutralizes the action of free radicals; ginger has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and warming effect; parsley, thanks to which we will provide our body with a large dose of vitamin A, C and iron; ground linseed, containing omega 3 and kiwi rich in vitamin C, E B vitamins, zinc, potassium and magnesium, which perfectly support our immune system, protect against the harmful effects of free radicals and help recover faster.

A very good warming drink and at the same time supporting our body's immune system is warm water with lemon and fresh ginger. Just add warm fresh boiled lemon juice and one teaspoon of grated ginger to warm boiled water (1 cup). In winter, when our immune system is weakened, it is good to start your day with such a drink. It will not only help fight viruses and bacteria, but also cleanse the body of toxins, improve circulation and strengthen immunity. You can also prepare a warming tea with lemon, ginger, cloves and cardamom thanks to the large dose of antioxidants, the warming properties of ginger and the antibacterial action of cloves. Your body will be better able to defend against viruses and bacteria and will recover faster if you do not manage to protect yourself infection.

Small sprouts great power

Sprouts can be bought or grown by yourself, they are not only very tasty, but also very healthy. They contain huge amounts of valuable nutrients for our body, and because they are very easily available, they are perfect now in winter, supplementing the deficiencies resulting from a diet low in vegetables and fruits. You will find, among others, vitamins A, D, E, C, B vitamins, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. They will not only support the immune system and help get rid of toxins accumulated in our body, but also will cope well with the harmful effects of free radicals, regulate cholesterol and triglycerides, improve the digestive system, and brain and heart function.

Hydrate and moisturize

If you want to keep your body in good condition, don't forget about proper hydration. Water will help cleanse the body of toxins and maintain proper hydration of the skin and mucous membranes, which will make it difficult for bacteria and viruses to enter your body. It is also very important to humidify the air in the rooms where you stay. Too dry air causes that the nasal mucosa loses its defensive functions and impurities, and with them viruses, fungi and bacteria easily enter our body.

Winter is a hard time for our body, so let's try to support it and do not let us get sick. A lot of health Dears:).

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Bruxism – teeth grinding

Unconscious grinding of teeth or strong jaw clenching occurs most often at night, although it can also happen during the day. A person struggling with this condition is often unaware of it for a long time, despite the fact that it gives a number of unpleasant symptoms. If bruxism is our problem, our loved ones often suffer from it, who can be awakened by the characteristic sound of grinding teeth in the middle of the night.

What is bruxism, what does it lead to, and can one get rid of it? Read today about how troublesome teeth grinding can be and how you can deal with it.

Who grits his teeth?

The problem of bruxism is affecting more and more people regardless of age and gender. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that e.g. headaches, jaw cracks or earaches can be the result of involuntary gnashing of teeth. What is its cause?

  • Emotions and psyche. The first, most often mentioned factor causing bruxism is stress, right behind it we are also talking about anxiety neurosis and depression. Very often in this way we subconsciously unload negative emotions accumulated during the day. Involuntary gnashing of the teeth goes hand in hand with problems at work, an excessive amount of duties, imposed on us a huge responsibility for the tasks entrusted to us, conflicts, family or financial problems. It also accompanies people with low self-esteem, excessive ambitions, hostile attitude to the environment or aggressive.
  • Sleep disturbance. Teeth grinding is also a condition affecting people who have trouble sleeping. It can appear when we are dealing with micro-awakening, talking through sleep, obstructive sleep apnea, intensive snoring or involuntary movement of the body during sleep.
  • Drugs. Stimulants such as alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and even excessively drunk coffee can lead to excessive activity, disturb sleep continuity, cause sleep problems in the evening, and cause excessive daytime sleepiness. Such symptoms are often accompanied by a disorder manifested by involuntary gnashing and clenching of teeth.
  • Dental problems. Bruxism may also be caused by missing teeth, malocclusions, improperly shaped fillings or crown surfaces. When our teeth touch each other, in an unnatural and abnormal way, we unknowingly begin to grind them and clench them, looking for the best arrangement for them.
  • Chewing gum. The habitual, prolonged or unilateral chewing of the gum can cause the masseter muscle hypertrophy and, consequently, also lead to involuntary gnashing of teeth.
  • Genes. Sometimes genes are blamed for bruxism. The risk of this condition increases for children whose parents had a similar problem before.
  • Medicines. Bruxism can also be a side effect of taking certain medications, such as those used to treat neurological or psychiatric conditions.
  • Food intolerance. Hypersensitivity to consumed products leads to disorders in the body's functioning, very often causing unpleasant symptoms and exposing it to an additional portion of stress. No wonder that gnashing of teeth can also have a basis in food intolerance.

Not just teeth

Of course, grinding of teeth and strong jaw clenching often lead to dental problems. Teeth wear, cavities and enamel damage occur. You can also see cracks, chipping, malocclusion or loosening of teeth. Quite popular ailment is also inflammation around the gums. Bruxism is also the cause of a number of other often very distressing symptoms. Involuntary gnashing of the teeth very often leads to dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. Patients then complain of severe headaches, which are most intensively felt in the morning after waking up and often mistakenly diagnosed as migraine. It also happens that there are earaches, noise and wheezing that can cause hearing impairment. Untreated bruxism is also the cause of pain in the neck, arms and spine, pain and dry eyes, and periodic vision problems. Sometimes dizziness and fainting also appear. Patients also complain of teasing, jumping and limiting the mobility of the jaw, as well as soreness and hypertrophy of the facial muscles. The jawbone of people suffering from bruxism often looks very massive, and the face changes its shape and becomes "square".

How to treat bruxism?

Treatment often consists of various elements, which is why it is extremely important to make the right diagnosis and a detailed interview with the patient. It is good to start your path by visiting a dentist who, by assessing the condition of our teeth, will help to identify the cause of the ailment. It should also be remembered that the treatment of bruxism can be very complicated and sometimes the help of several specialists is needed. If the disease is the result of emotional or psychological problems, not only will you need to change your lifestyle, but often also the professional help of a psychologist or psychiatrist. Good effects are also achieved by using various types of relaxation techniques, e.g. yoga, meditation or just a long relaxing walk. On the other hand, problems regarding occlusion defects and dental diseases should be consulted and treated with a dentist, prosthetist and orthodontist. If, in turn, the problem is based on the abuse of various types of stimulants, one of the elements of treatment will be the reduction of the consumption of harmful products, and in difficult situations also specialist help in the fight against addiction. However, if you suspect food intolerance, it will be necessary to perform tests ordered by a doctor and adapt the diet to the needs and requirements of our body. Among people suffering from bruxism, it is also very popular to use a special relaxation occlusal splint worn at night. Its task is to relax the muscles of the jaw and inhibit the reflex leading to grinding.

Maybe Botox?

Botox therapy is also a very effective method of treating bruxism, and although used in excess to "correct" flaws in appearance, I often criticize it, it just works great here. Bruxism is often accompanied by hypertrophy of the masseters, which, when responsible for the jaw movements, are often the direct cause of teeth grinding or the effect intensifying this ailment. Botox injected into the rumen weakens and loosens them, without causing chewing problems and without limiting facial expressions. After some time, muscles that don't work so intensively become smaller. This not only improves the appearance of the face, but also reduces and sometimes even completely disappears the symptoms associated with bruxism. The number of treatments and adjusting the required dose of Botox always requires an individual assessment of the patient's health. Therefore, I invite you to the Holistic Clinic, where the best specialists will take care of you comprehensively, choosing the therapy for your needs in order to achieve the best possible results.

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Onychophagia – a habit that is hard to get out

Onychophagy is a term used to describe the habit of biting nails which, although it is most often associated with a condition affecting children and adolescents, is often also an adult problem. Very often it accompanies problems of a psychological nature and consists in notorious biting of the nails, sometimes even involuntarily. Everyone probably knows this problem, unfortunately only a few are aware that it can be very dangerous.

Why are we biting our nails?

Most often it is a way to discharge the negative emotions that accumulate in us and with which we can not cope in any other way. So it is a reaction to stress, fear or excessive depression. It can also be a "trace" because some traumatic experience or a symptom accompanying depression. It also happens that this habit manifests itself in moments that cause us to suddenly burst with unrestrained joy or when we have to perform a difficult task. We bite our nails reading an exciting book or watching a suspenseful movie, but also when we get bored. With time, we stop controlling it, and any situation that in some way goes beyond the norms of our life becomes an opportunity to bite. Initially, damage to the nail plate is small, but as time goes on when the habit gets stronger, we can even compare it to mutilation. A person suffering from onychophagy is as if in a trance, he does not feel the pain accompanying the injuries he has suffered and cannot refrain from biting. It may be related to happiness hormones that are produced in our body - endorphins.

What threatens onychophagia?

  • Aesthetic aspect - nail biting has a number of consequences, most of which we are not fully aware of. Most often we pay attention to the aesthetic aspect. The result of this habit is deformation and weakening of the nail plate. The fingers become swollen and the nails short and wide. The hands of a person suffering from onychophagy do not look aesthetically pleasing, and yet he continues to bite his nails, trying to restore the plate to its acceptable condition. The problem, however, is that this condition is impossible to achieve at some point, the hands are starting to look worse, and the nails are permanently damaged. Bitten can be a reason for embarrassment and sometimes even withdrawal, which in turn intensifies stress and a number of other bad emotions, becoming the reason for the persistence of the habit, i.e. the circle closes and the problem deepens.
  • Damage to the natural protective barrier - biting nails and cuticles around them, we give a free path to all bacteria, viruses and fungi, which under the nails is a really big collection. Therefore, damaged nails and injured fingers are very often infected with various types of infections
  • Diseases of the oral cavity and more - our hands are a breeding ground for bacteria, if we looked at them under a microscope, we could notice that there are really many microorganisms lurking on them. All of them without any problem go to our mouth along with the bitten nails. A warm and humid environment is the best place for them to develop, which is why people biting their nails very often complain of various types of oral infections, e.g. thrush, herpes and inflammation of the gums. Biting nails, we can also get infected with pinworms, tapeworm, staphylococcus, salmonella , E. coli, and HPV human papillomavirus. Onychophagia is also the cause of digestive system diseases. By introducing harmful microorganisms into the body, we expose ourselves to a number of ailments, we are threatened by inflammation of the intestines, liver and stomach, which may be manifested, e.g. by diarrhea or acute abdominal pain. We are also more often affected by colds and the risk of various infectious diseases increases.
  • Dental problems - biting nails also weakens our teeth, causes enamel abrasion and hypersensitivity, increases the risk of tooth decay, and if it lasts long, it can also cause jaw deformity.

How to get rid of this embarrassing habit?

If we are dealing with its mild form, i.e. we bite nails or cuticles occasionally in situations that we can define. Our fight will be much simpler than in the case of people whose problem is an acute form of onychophagy, i.e. uncontrolled, almost continuous nail biting comparable to mutilation. If you want to get rid of this problem, start by "naming" situations in which you bite your nails , if it's a movie, for example, try to take care of your hands, unload your emotions by clutching the ball in your hands, play with a pen or start knitting or crochet. However, if you bite your nails while working, e.g. on a computer, chew gum or try to have a healthy snack on hand. You can also try varnish or gel preparations (bitter fingers) available in stores and pharmacies, which by changing the taste of your nails may be able to stop you from biting them. Careful nail care is also a good way. Give them a little attention, apply a conditioner, moisturize your skins or go for a professional manicure. Well-groomed hands will certainly be a good motivation to break with this unsightly and dangerous habit. If your problem is excessive stress, try spending at least half an hour a day to relax and calm down, when you get rid of negative emotions, it will be easier for you to face this habit.

It is also worth finding a way to discharge negative emotions, here physical effort can be helpful, try to include it in your daily duties.

Remember, however, if the problem is serious and home remedies have no effect, you may need to see a doctor. You may need special psychological therapy and the use of medicines to help you deal with this problem.

If you know a person who is struggling with onychophagy, try to help him, support and motivate him. Biting nails is a dangerous habit that is very difficult to get rid of, so the help of a loved one may be necessary.

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Test yourself

Today it will not be about beauty, or how to correct imperfections, deal with the first wrinkles or fight with orange peels.

I would like us to stop for a moment and think not only about our appearance and ways to improve it, but also about health. In my profession I come across various human problems, very often the stories of my patients touch me to the bone, sometimes my heart breaks into millions of pieces and the usual human powerlessness of anger mercilessly. Patients who started their hard fight against cancer or those who are already at its end are coming to me more and more often. I believe that they will all succeed and win the most difficult battle of their lives. Unfortunately, I am also aware that still too many people fail to beat this insidious opponent. Sometimes the reason is its exceptional virulence and sometimes the stage of its development. Remember that it is the time that counts here, the cancer detected in the early stages is very often cureable. That's why I appeal to you all, give yourself a chance and ... study!

Today I will tell you about some preventive examinations aimed at typically female or typically male cancers that should be performed regularly.

Breasts under control

Every year, breast cancer takes a huge toll, even though the advances in medicine increasingly allow it to be cured. However, time is becoming a problem. Too many women still get to the doctor too late, and when the malignant tumor is already well advanced, the chances of recovery unfortunately drastically decrease. That is why regular check-ups are extremely important. Dear Lord, remember that cancer can affect each of you, and although statistics show an increase in the risk of illness in women over the age of 50, it happens more and more often that the disease affects many younger women. That is why each of you should test yourself after you are 20 years old.

Breast self-examination

This is an extremely important test, you can do it without any problem at home alone. Thanks to it, it is possible to detect cancerous changes when the disease is not yet advanced and the chances of recovery are very high. The study consists of two stages. The first is to carefully look at your breasts to see any changes in their appearance, while the second is palpation. Self-examination should be done once a month. It is best if you choose a specific day and always do it at the same time, only then you will be able to get to know your breasts well and easily notice the changes that should bother you. Do not be afraid not every irregularity must mean cancer, many of them are completely harmless. Also remember that this simple regular examination can save your life, so if you do not know how to conduct it correctly, ask your doctor or look for information on the Internet, you will find many pages where this process is described very simply and in detail . Let the doctor do the examination once a year.

Breast USG

The first breast ultrasound should be done after the age of 25, the next according to the doctor's instructions, usually after two years. Women who have already celebrated their 30th birthday should do breast ultrasound once a year. There is nothing to fear, it is a completely painless examination, thanks to which the doctor can detect even small bumps at an early stage of their development. The advantage of this test is that already during its duration, the doctor will tell you what he sees on the monitor and you will not have to wait long for the results.


The first mammogram should be performed by women after the age of 40, then it should be done every two years up to the age of 50, then the doctor may recommend repeating the test every year. Mammography can detect even very tiny bumps at a very early stage of their development. You do not need to prepare for the test, but it is better to do them in the second half of the cycle, just after menstruation, then your breasts are less swollen and sensitive to pain.

The reproductive organs under special supervision

Genital cancers, including those located in the breast, are still among the most common. Due to the scarcity of the initial symptoms and their diversity, they are still a very big diagnostic problem. Meanwhile, as with other cancers, early detection of changes is of great importance. Therefore, to give yourself a chance and time to heal, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist and perform preventive examinations.

Gynecological examination

During the examination, the doctor is able to assess the condition of your reproductive organs, and his trained eye notices disturbing changes that can be evidence of developing cancerous diseases. They should be performed by all women who have already begun sex life or menstruating ladies around 18 years of age, unless there are indications to visit a specialist before. If nothing disturbing happens, the doctor will determine the date of your next visit, but it is best not to postpone it too much and to report for it at least once a year.


A cervical smear is usually taken during a gynecological examination. So if you visit a gynecologist regularly, its course is not foreign to you. This test is extremely important because it is thanks to it that it is possible to detect cervical cancer in its early stages and create a huge opportunity for recovery and recovery. The first cytological examination should be performed around the age of 20 and if the result is correct, repeat it every year.

Vaginal USG

This test allows the detection of invisible changes during gynecological examination, e.g. fibroids and cysts, thanks to which it is also possible to detect what is known as the "female silent killer" of ovarian cancer. This insidious malignant tumor develops for a long time, giving almost no symptoms, and when it manifests itself, the chances of recovery are significantly reduced. Vaginal ultrasound allows you to capture disturbing changes in a timely manner and initiate appropriate treatment when it can be effective. That is why women who have already started having sex should do it once a year.

Testicular self-examination

Gentlemen, although this is often a shameful topic for you and there is still too little talk about it, you must know that cancer is not ashamed of anything, attacks and kills instantly. Even worse, young men between 20 and 40 years old usually choose their victims. Therefore, let's overcome the shame, examine and observe our testicles, and consult any disturbing change with a urologist who will order an ultrasound if necessary. Early detected testicular cancer has a very good prognosis.

Prostate examination

Prostate examination is still something completely foreign to many men. Meanwhile, malignant prostate cancer attacks men very often, and the examination by the urologist, although not very pleasant, can save your life. After 40 hours, you should do it once a year. If the doctor notices any irregularities, he may order the implementation of TRUS or transrectal ultrasound.

General "review"

Remember that dangerous civilization diseases, i.e. cardiovascular, respiratory, diabetes and various types of cancer, unfortunately, can also affect everyone. That is why both ladies and gentlemen should visit their GP once a year and perform a complete set of check-ups. We should do, among others: morphology and general urine test, check the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, chest X-ray and ultrasound of the lungs, thyroid and abdominal cavity. Also remember to consult any doctor about any disturbing symptoms that you send out, who will, if necessary, order additional tests.

Examin and give yourself a chance to live. Remember, time is of the essence here. Therefore, stop for a moment and find time to see a doctor before it's too late.

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