Dangerous dehydration

Recently I wrote about fruits and vegetables, they support the hydration of our body. About the importance of drinking the right amount of water every day, I try to remind you very often, because I know how much water our body needs to function properly and how much water we lose each day. Today I would like to draw your attention to how dangerous dehydration can be for us, for which now when the outside temperatures are really very high, it is not difficult.

Read about how dangerous dehydration can be and how we can prevent it.

Our body consists mostly of water, it accounts for about 60-70% of our body weight and it is needed for the work of every, even the smallest, our cell. Meanwhile, every day by doing normal life activities, we lose about 2-3 liters, moreover, its amount in our body decreases with age. Therefore, in order for us to function properly, we should try to make up for any deficiencies on a regular basis.

I just feel like drinking

That is what most of us think when we begin to feel thirsty. Meanwhile, it is then that the dehydration, which is very dangerous for our body, begins. When we are thirsty, water loss reaches about 1-2% and already then some cognitive processes are disturbed. Our vigilance and reaction time decreases, it is also more and more difficult for us to focus on the activities performed. Our well-being also deteriorates, we lose our appetite, we are drowsy and tired, we run out of energy. It sounds dangerous, and we often reach for water only when our body asks for it.

The later the worse

The feeling of thirst is, as I have already mentioned, the first symptom of dehydration, which we must never underestimate. However, when, despite the signals sent by our body, the lost water is not replenished, the situation begins to worsen. We are beginning to notice that our visits to the toilet are becoming rarer and that our urine becomes darker and denser, then the amount of sweat secreted by our body decreases, vision disorders, dizziness and headaches may appear, intellectual disability decreases, fatigue increases, vomiting, nausea, stomach ache and dry mucous membranes. Then the skin's elasticity decreases, arrhythmias occur, there is a feeling of weakness, convulsions and even fainting and loss of consciousness. We observe such symptoms when dehydration reaches only a few percent and although it would seem that it is not much, for our body it is already a very large loss of water. Remember that a loss of 10-15% is already a very serious condition, which, unfortunately, may end in death.

When does the risk of dehydration increase?

Of course during hot weather. When we sweat intensively, water loss can reach up to 10 liters of water a day. If we do not make up for these deficiencies on a regular basis, by adjusting the amount of water drunk to the weather conditions, physical activity and age, we are exposed to dehydration. Elderly people, small children, people actively playing sports and the disabled are at greatest risk. Very often dehydration also occurs during diseases that occur with high temperature, vomiting or diarrhea, as well as kidney problems or swallowing problems. The risk also increases when taking medications that have a diuretic effect. Interestingly, dehydration can also occur in the winter, that's when we often stay in dry and warm rooms, and breathing in the cold we lose water in the process of giving off heat through steam.

It is better to prevent

Dehydration is a very dangerous condition for our body, which threatens not only our health but also our life. Therefore, it is very important to take care not to allow excessive water loss. Therefore, preventive measures are extremely important, which in this case really do not cost us much. The most important thing is to provide our body with the right amount of fluid, an adult should normally drink about 2-2.5 liters of water. Most often, the demand for water in an adult is calculated by secreting about 30-35 ml of water for every kg of body weight. Remember, however, that this demand increases with increasing ambient temperature and can be even twice as high, pregnant and breastfeeding women also need more water.

What if dehydration occurs?

Each time the course of treatment should be decided by a doctor. It always depends on the patient's condition and consists in replenishing water and electrolyte losses as well as preventing further fluid loss. It is very important, however, not to replenish fluids abruptly and strictly follow the doctor's instructions. However, if we are dealing with a severe case of dehydration, then usually oral therapy is insufficient or impossible to carry out, e.g. due to intense vomiting, problems with swallowing or loss of consciousness. In this case, it is necessary to undergo hospital treatment and intravenous administration of fluids containing electrolytes.

Remember to replenish your body fluids on a regular basis, and thirst which is already a clear warning signal for us, quench with water or herbal teas, avoiding sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol. Do not forget about your pets, they also need more water now.

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Mycosis – uninvited holiday gues

The holiday season is in full swing and, although some have returned from vacation, there are still some among us who are still waiting for their dream vacation trip. Holidays are a time when we allow ourselves more, have fun and rest - very well - after all, holidays are there, and a bit of relaxation after long months of work is owed to everyone. However, we must remember that often from holidays, in addition to wonderful memories, we bring unwanted and completely uninvited guests - fungal infections.

Today on my blog about why mycosis is so fond of holidays and how we can reduce the risk of developing this type of infection.

Most fungal infections are recorded during the holiday season. During this period, mushrooms most often attack our feet, hands, nails and intimate places, and interestingly, not only swimming pools and public toilets are dangerous.

Not just moisture

Of course, we are exposed to fungal infection using public toilets, showers, bath tubs, Jacuzzis and swimming pools, but not only. Mycosis of the skin feel very well in a humid and warm environment, which is why it is easiest to get infected there. For this reason, people who sweat intensively or wear too tight footwear, not adapted to the weather conditions or tight clothes made of artificial, impermeable fabrics are also exposed to fungal infection. However, this is not the end, it is worth knowing that danger also awaits us in hotel rooms, beach chairs, gyms, fitness clubs and shoe stores. Direct contact with a sick person can also be risky, sometimes even a simple handshake or a hearty hug is enough to get infected with mycosis.

It starts innocently

  • Mycosis of the feet - most often it is located between the fingers, initially between 4 and 5, and then between 3 and 4. It begins with inconspicuous redness, which does not arouse any suspicions in us and very often we do not even notice it. The fact that something bad is happening to our feet is usually told by another symptom of the disease - itching, which over time becomes so persistent that it effectively hinders our normal functioning. But this is not the end, soon the persistent itching is accompanied by a burning sensation, unsightly bubbles and swelling appear on the skin. The situation begins to deteriorate clearly if we do not begin proper treatment at this stage. Our skin begins to peel, crack and, unfortunately, also smell very bad - even worse - untreated mycosis begins to spread from the area between the toes, attacking the top and sole of the foot.
  • Mycosis of the hand - begins similarly to the mycosis of the feet, attacking the interdigital spaces, initially manifested by redness, followed by persistent itching and burning. Lumps and blisters appear and the skin peels and breaks. Because hand ringworm is caused by the same fungi that attack our feet, people struggling with foot or nail mycosis are also exposed to it on their hands.

  • Onychomycosis - most commonly occurs on toenails. It usually starts with one nail. Mycosis most often "choose" the extreme ones, attacking the nail on the big or small finger. It usually occurs in people who are suffering from foot or hand mycosis, most often unfortunately not properly treated. The treatment of onychomycosis is very difficult and should take place under constant medical supervision. It is not worth using home methods here, which usually do not bring the expected results, and the disease develops and spreads to other nails. Nail affected by mycosis changes its color, initially it is a slight discoloration, but over time the whole plate changes its color. It becomes matte, white, yellow, brownish or greenish. Its shape also changes, the nails become thick and wrinkled, delaminate, peel and often smell bad. Ringworm is also noticeable around the nail, where swelling, pain, redness, peeling of the skin, as well as purulent discharge around the nail shafts may occur.
  • Mycosis of intimate places - it affects women more often than men and very often occurs when there are hormonal fluctuations in the woman's body and the vaginal pH changes. A large group of women complains of increased susceptibility to fungal infections during pregnancy, at the end of the menstrual cycle or during menopause. Unfortunately, mycosis of intimate places also has a tendency to relapse, so if we get sick once, we are more susceptible to further infections. Mycosis of intimate places is most often manifested by persistent itching, redness, swelling and dryness, there may also be pain and burning during urination and during intercourse. White, cheese-like or watery vaginal discharge is also very characteristic of intimate fungal infections. In men, the symptoms of intestinal mycosis are very similar, although often less severe. That is why men very often underestimate them, becoming a source of infection for their partners.

When does the risk increase?

A strong, healthy body can perfectly defend itself against pathogenic microorganisms, preventing infection even when in contact with dangerous fungi. However, if our immune system for some reason does not function properly or if other factors appear to promote the development of fungal infections, the risk increases significantly. This happens, for example, in people with diabetes, HIV, AIDS, autoimmune diseases, anemia, gastrointestinal or cardiovascular disorders. An increased risk of developing fungal infections is also found in people taking antibiotics, immunosuppressants, steroids, birth control pills and undergoing chemotherapy. The problem of ringworm is also common among people who are obese and struggle with excessive sweating, as well as those on the wrong diet and exposed to chronic stress. In the case of mycosis of intimate places, very often the cause is improper, often excessive hygiene, disrupting the natural bacterial flora.

How to protect yourself

Protecting yourself against mycosis is not easy, but we can greatly reduce the risk of it occurring by applying some basic hygiene rules. First of all, when leaving, we should always use our towels, we do not borrow shoes, clothes or hand and foot care devices. We always put slippers on the shower and pool to help protect our feet. Let's try to wear clothes adapted to the weather, and if we sweat damp as soon as possible change to dry and airy, we also avoid wearing tight underwear made of artificial fabrics. If our feet sweat intensively, we use special preparations to help keep them dry for as long as possible. After bathing, be sure to wipe carefully, paying special attention to the folds and bends of the skin.


Treatment of fungal infection is usually very time consuming and requires a lot of determination on the part of the patient. It is necessary to regularly use topical preparations, prescribed by a doctor, and if necessary also systemic drugs. Unfortunately, mycosis is often confused with other diseases, and therefore often neglected and improperly treated "on its own". Meanwhile, if left untreated, it develops very quickly and spreads to other parts of the body. Therefore, if you notice disturbing symptoms, be sure to contact a doctor who will help you choose the right treatment, and if necessary order tests that will help in making the correct diagnosis and selection of therapy.

Remember that not every contact with mycosis must end in an unpleasant infection, a fully healthy body has numerous defense mechanisms, thanks to which it is able to fight off a fungal infection. The problem arises when for some reason these mechanisms weaken. That is why it is very important to be vigilant, follow basic hygiene rules and carefully observe your body, and if necessary, react as soon as possible and start treatment.

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10 products that will help you to hydrate the body

Most of us already know how important water is in our daily diet. If we want our body to work properly, we must remember to drink the right amount during the day, adapted to our weight, height, physical activity and atmospheric conditions. It is worth knowing, however, that for our body to be well hydrated, other food products can also help us. Due to the high water content, they perform well in this role and are, next to water, a very important component of a proper diet.

Meet the 10 most hydrated

1. Watermelon

It consists of 91% water, which is why it is a great snack especially on hot summer days, when our body needs really solid hydration. It is also a rich source of antioxidants, so it protects us against the harmful effects of free radicals and delays the effects of aging. Watermelon is perfect for all kinds of salads and desserts, but it is also a delicious snack in itself.

2. Cucumber

It contains even more water than watermelon, it consists of as much as 96.5% and in this respect is number one among all solid food products, which is why it should certainly not be missing in our summer menu. Cucumber is also a rich source of antioxidants and substances that protect our body against cancer. Therefore, be sure to include cucumbers in your diet, add them to salads, salads and cocktails, they are not only tasty, but also can perfectly refresh, refresh and quench your thirst.

3. Celery

It is up to 95% water and a wealth of nutrients valuable for our body. We find in it B vitamins, vitamins E, C, A and phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium and iron. Celery is great as a snack and as an addition to salads and cocktails. It perfectly regulates water management, prevents excessive water accumulation, supports the heart, nervous system, strengthens bones, and thanks to high fiber content improves digestive system function. It also works very well as part of the diet of people wanting to lose a few kilograms, is low in calories, but can saturate and reduce hunger. Celery also contains furanocoumarins, which have a diuretic and antispasmodic effect, unfortunately they can also cause allergy to sun rays, so it's better to give up celery if you go to the beach.

4. Radishes

We find in them as much as 95% water and a lot of vitamins and minerals, among others: B vitamins, vitamin A, C potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, zinc, fluorine and copper. Radish not only hydrates, but also speeds up metabolism, reduces appetite, regulates blood pressure, helps cleanse the body of toxins and improves brain function. However, people with hepatitis, pancreatic disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and stomach or duodenal ulcer should look after her.

5. Strawberries

It's 91% water, which is why they are great as a fruit that helps us care for proper hydration. They are delicious, light and very healthy, contain little sugar, so they can be a great snack even among people for whom the increase in blood glucose is particularly harmful. Strawberries support the work of the kidneys, heart and liver, lower cholesterol and help maintain a healthy body weight. They are excellent as a snack, an addition to desserts, salads and cocktails, they are also great as an ingredient in home cosmetics.

6. Broccoli

They consist of 90% water, which is why they perfectly hydrate our body, and thanks to the high fiber content, they support the digestive system and help you lose weight. Broccoli is also a valuable source of vitamins and minerals, in them we find vitamin A, C, K and B vitamins, omega-3, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and iron. Broccoli helps us to care for the condition of our eyes, supports the work of the heart, reduces cholesterol, cleanses the body of toxins, supports the treatment of anemia and reduces the risk of certain cancers. If you want broccoli to retain as much of their properties as possible, you should not cook, bake or fry them for too long, al dente is best to eat, i.e. slightly hard.

7. Cantaloupe

The sugar melon variety consists of 90% water, is delicious and low in calories and additionally contains a lot of nutrients necessary for our body. It is one of the best sources of beta-carotene, it contains large amounts of vitamin C and potassium, which is why it perfectly regulates the body's water management, supports the work of the heart, reduces the action of free radicals and sensationally cares for our eyesight. However, it contains large amounts of sugar and should be taken care of by people struggling with insulin resistance and diabetes. You can eat melon alone or as an addition to salads, desserts, dinner dishes and cocktails.

8. Iceberg lettuce

It's nearly 96% water and a lot of fiber, which is why it not only regulates our body's water management, but also improves digestion. So it is a great element on the menu of people who want to lose a few extra pounds. We will also find minerals including potassium, iron and magnesium; vitamins e.g. A, D and E, as well as folic acid and beta-carotene. Iceberg lettuce also supports the work of our heart, nervous and immune systems, is a rich source of antioxidants, which is why it helps us to care not only about our health, but also about our beauty.

9. Zucchini

Zucchini is up to 96% of water is a vegetable that should not be missing on our tables, especially now in summer, when high temperatures outside make our body need really solid hydration. Zucchini can replace traditional pasta, it tastes great grilled, stuffed or in the form of a raw snack with the addition of yogurt dips. Zucchini is a low-calorie vegetable, which is why it often appears in the diet of people who care about the line.

10. Pumpkin

It contains 88% water and a whole lot of antioxidants, which is why, in addition to irrigation, it perfectly protects our body against free radicals. It is a very good addition to vegetable and meat dishes, it can also be used to make delicious soup. Unfortunately, pumpkin has a fairly high glycemic index and causes a rapid increase in glucose in the body. So people with insulin resistance and diabetes must watch out for her.

Beloved, it is very important to take care of your diet especially in summer, which will help you survive hot summer days, providing the body with plenty of valuable nutrients and water. Most of the products I mention today fit into this healthy summer menu. Remember that when it is hot, we lose a lot of water and we must remember to regularly fill these deficiencies.

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Dangerous heat

Today on my blog about how dangerous it is to stay in high temperatures and sunny places for a long time. Read about what heat stroke is, how to recognize it and how to give first aid that can save someone's life.

Heat stroke is a very serious condition that threatens our health and in some cases even ends in death. Therefore, do not underestimate any of the slightest symptoms that could signal its arrival. It can occur as a result of overheating when we are exposed to high temperatures indoors or outdoors for too long, especially if the air is humid and heavy. Its special type is sunstroke, i.e. overheating that occurs as a result of strong sunlight. If we stay in the sun for a long time without protecting our head and neck from it, we must take into account the risks to which our body is exposed. Direct sunlight of these body parts can cause very serious consequences and can also be life threatening.

Overheating first

It all starts with overheating, which occurs, for example, during prolonged stay in heated rooms, a car, on a sunny beach, during intense physical effort on a hot day, improper use of the sauna, and even as a result of wearing clothes that are not adapted to the weather conditions making it difficult to free air flow. It is already dangerous when the temperature in the shade begins to exceed 30⁰C and it is even worse when we are dealing with humid, stuffy, "stormy" weather. When overheating occurs, our body launches defensive reactions, trying to give away as much heat accumulated in it as possible outside. Therefore, when we are hot we begin to sweat intensively - thermoregulation works. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, our body's ability to cool begins to decline, we become dehydrated, sweat gland activity decreases, and thermoregulatory processes are disturbed. The situation is additionally hindered by high humidity, which prevents sweat from evaporating from the skin surface, reducing the effectiveness of the cooling mechanism.

The last link

When as a result of overheating the body thermoregulation processes are disturbed, the deep temperature reaches 41⁰C, there are dangerous changes at the cellular level, then there is very little time for a proper response. If we are dealing with sun stroke, there is congestion of the meninges and the brain, and even swelling and hemorrhage.

Stroke is the result of prolonged overheating of the body and occurs as the last element of its reaction to excessively accumulated heat. That is why it is very important to start cooling the body as soon as we recognize the first symptoms, only then it is possible to stop the destructive effect of heat, as well as save the patient's life.

Is this really fatigue?

One of the first signs of overheating may be cramps, which occur as a result of intense sweating, progressive dehydration and loss of electrolytes. Very often, we associate these symptoms with fatigue, too much physical activity and even excessive stress. However, if such ailments occur on a hot day, they can be directly related to overheating. Then it is necessary to hydrate it and replenish lost electrolytes. Remember, however, if the contractions do not subside within an hour, you should seek medical attention, because the case can be much more serious.

Or maybe it's not poisoning?

We are weak, we feel dizzy, we have nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, fast and shallow breathing, we sweat intensively, body temperature increases, our skin turns red and in severe cases pale, speech disorders and even fainting occur. We often associate such symptoms with food poisoning and its weakness, which is not so difficult in the summer. However, it is worth knowing that this is how our body signals us overheating and this is its next stage. If we do not help ourselves or someone around us now, the next stage may be life-threatening stroke.

How do you recognize a stroke?

Heat stroke, like solar heat manifests itself with high body temperature exceeding 40⁰C, we are still dealing with dizziness, severe pain, vomiting and nausea. However, there are also symptoms from the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the patient is clearly "entangled", convulsions, disturbances of consciousness, problems with coordination, hallucinations, accelerated and uneven pulse and loss of consciousness may appear. Very often the patient stops sweating, which is why his skin is dry and hot. Symptoms of sunstroke can appear even several hours after overheating caused by excessive sunlight and gradually begin to increase. Heat stroke can start suddenly and immediately very sharply, although most often you can see that it is approaching.

When does the risk increase?

Of course, the greatest risk of heat stroke is associated with older people, whose thermoregulation ability decreases with age, and infants and young children, in whom this system is not yet fully educated. The risk also increases in obese and sick people, e.g. those struggling with diabetes, renal failure, hyperthyroidism, asthma, heart disease and those taking certain medications, e.g. diuretics, antiallergics, beta blockers, some drugs used in the treatment of mental disorders, some preparations used during the treatment of Parkinson's disease, asthma, insomnia or gastrointestinal disorders. This does not mean, however, that the risk of stroke does not occur among young and healthy people, on the contrary, they are most often exposed to heat stroke as a result of overheating during intense physical activity.

Cold drink... 

A cold drink or a cool beer that is successful on hot days is unfortunately only apparent and short-term cooling of the body. Consuming such drinks when the outdoor temperatures are really high can be really dangerous and increase the risk of stroke. Alcohol accelerates the loss of water from the body and causes blood pressure to increase, which in turn causes the body temperature to rise, and in combination with summer heat is a real threat to us.

Help needed

If you notice symptoms that may suggest dangerous overheating or stroke in you or someone around you, be sure to find such a shaded, cool place. The next step is, of course, cooling the body, be sure to loosen or take off some of the clothes and apply cool compresses on the head, neck, armpits and groin. Let's also remember about irrigation (of course, if such a person is conscious), it's best to let it be cool water. Served drinks and compresses must not be too cold so as not to cause a thermal shock that will worsen the situation.

A conscious person is best placed in a semi-sitting position, unconscious in the so-called fixed side position. It is also very important to constantly monitor your body temperature and breath. If the patient stops breathing, give artificial respiration immediately. In any case, you must call a doctor, even if you think that the patient's condition is good and does not get worse, it is worth using professional help and advice. Until the doctor arrives, do not give the patient any painkillers and fever lowering medications on their own. They will not bring the expected effect and unfortunately I can do more harm than good.

Remember to avoid a stroke, you must use the sun wisely, remember to wear a protective headgear, and plan your physical activity for the coldest time of day. It is best to keep the elderly, babies, toddlers and the sick in the hottest heat at home. You also remember to hydrate, drinking the right amount of water will help your body survive hot days.

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Positive … beautiful and healthy

Everyone sometimes has a worse day, failures at work, illness of a loved one, quarrel with a partner, financial problems, a few extra kilos, and even a bus that left 2 minutes too early again can contribute to the fact that even our inborn optimism will suddenly disappear somewhere . It is even worse when we are dealing with a series of unfortunate events that follow one after the other, then it is really difficult to get positive thoughts. It is true that not everything in life goes as we would like it to be, and although it is said that we are masters of our fate, we do not really influence everything. healthy distance and try to think positive.

Read about how positive thinking affects our body.

1. Improves body immunity

If we want to strengthen our body's resistance, we should of course carefully compose our daily diet so as to provide it with all the necessary nutrients. You also need a proper amount of movement, preferably in the open air. It is worth knowing, however, that positive thinking also has a positive effect on our immune system. It encourages our body to act, stimulates the immune system and helps overcome the disease. When we think positively and smile more often, we are also less exposed to stress. Less stress is, among other things, less cortisol released into our body, which, when it is in excess, can seriously harm us, e.g. by weakening our ability to defend against diseases.

2. Favorably affects the work of the heart

The heart is a very sensitive and "emotional" organ, which is why it responds quickly to our emotions. Each of us has probably noticed changes in the work of the heart, which are felt when we get angry, we are in love, sad or very happy. When we are well-disposed towards life and try to get the best of it, our heart works much better, it balances blood pressure and pulse. Thanks to the efficiently flowing blood in our body, all its organs are properly oxygenated and nourished. Positive thinking also helps reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease such as hypertension and atherosclerosis. What's more, people who have less negative emotions are less likely to die from a heart attack or stroke.

3. Improves brain function

The "happy" brain works better, is perfectly nourished and oxygenated, and the happiness hormones released into the body give us energy, self-confidence and propel us to act. That is why, when we think positively, it is much easier for us to focus on work, study or even ordinary everyday activities. When we are positive about the world and people, we are also better perceived not only by others, but also by ourselves. We gain value, which in turn increases our motivation and ability to think creatively. Thanks to this, we achieve our goals more easily and develop our skills, which is very important, thus reducing the risk of dementia or Alzeheimer's disease.

4. Has a positive effect on beauty

People who think positively are less stressed, thanks to which their skin ages more slowly, and wrinkles that appear on the face with age, testify to their positive attitude to life and instead of disfiguring, they add charm. The condition of our skin is significantly influenced by the hormones of happiness, limiting the formation of free radicals and neutralizing their negative effects. Thanks to them, our skin is better supplied with blood and nourished, and the greater resistance of the body makes it better cope with all kinds of lesions and is less susceptible to irritation and infections.

I know that there are situations in life that make positive thinking seem completely impossible. Nevertheless, let's try to limit negative emotions, if we learn to find every day in what happened to us even a bit of luck, our lives will change for the better. Smile more often and think positively, and instead of looking for an enemy in another person, find a friend in him. Remember that you can always take fate in your hand and the good you give to others will surely come back to you one day, because good like a magnet attracts good to itself.

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Brain diet

Almost everyone knows that the diet affects our well-being, helps maintain an impeccable figure, take care of the skin and hair, as well as take care of our health. A properly composed menu also helps us slow down the aging processes a little, which with the passing time are inevitably visible on our body. Diet is also very important for our brain. It is worth paying attention to the products we consume and enrich our menu with those that are especially useful to him, thanks to which we will be able to keep it functional for a long time.

Meet 10 products that should be included in your diet to improve brain function

1. Fish

Salmon, sardines, mackerel and trout are fish that are for us a rich source of omega-3 acids, used by our body, among others, to build brain cell membranes. Omega-3 acids affect the formation and functioning of the brain from the very beginning of our existence, that is, already in utero. Thanks to them, circulation also improves and the flow of nerve stimuli becomes more efficient, and our brain ages more slowly and maintains its efficiency for longer. Fish is also a source of amino acids, which in this case play a significant role in the production of neurotransmitters.

2. Nuts

They contain large amounts of essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that perfectly nourish and protect our brain from aging, allowing us to maintain perfect memory and concentration, as well as clarity of thinking and learning ability. Walnuts are the best, we will find in them by far the most antioxidants, thanks to which our brain will remain young for longer, and thus reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and dementia. The nuts also contain choline, or vitamin B4, which perfectly supports our memory. That is why choline is successfully used, among others, in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

3. Eggs

Choline mentioned on the occasion of nuts can also be found in eggs, which should also be an important element of the diet supporting our brain. Eggs are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and protein recognized by the World Health Organization as standard. Their rich composition allows us to perfectly nourish our brain and help us to remain young. Eggs also provide the ingredients necessary for building processes, affecting, inter alia, learning ability and significantly improving our memory.

4. Spinach

Is a very good source of folic acid, necessary for the proper functioning of our brain. It is thanks to him that we absorb new information better and can think logically.

5. Turmeric

One of the main ingredients of the popular curry and by the way a very important element of the diet improving our brain. Turmeric slows down the aging process, improves blood supply to the brain and supports its regeneration, among others by stimulating the growth of nerve cells. Turmeric not only strengthens our brain and improves its functioning, but can also reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease

6. Blueberries and blueberries

Blueberries and blueberries contain, among others, polyphenols that eliminate the action of free radicals and improve the work of our brain. Berries also help cleanse the brain of toxins harmful to it, so it can work much more efficiently.

7. Green tea

Green tea contains very important antioxidants for the brain, which not only protect it from the harmful effects of free radicals and delay aging, but also support its repair processes and purify it of toxins and harmful metabolism. Thanks to them, we also learn faster and the ability to remember and logical thinking improves significantly.

8. Chocolate

Of course, only the one with a high content of natural cocoa has a very beneficial effect on the work of our brain. Thanks to it he is perfectly supplied with blood and oxygenated, which significantly improves his functioning. Chocolate also gives us energy and reduces not only physical but also mental fatigue. Therefore, by consuming moderate amounts of dark chocolate (minimum 70%) we will make the oxygenated and nourished brain work more efficiently. Dark chocolate also contains phenylethylamine, which has a positive effect on our concentration, among others; stimulating the brain and accelerating thinking, theobromine and large amounts of anti-oxidant retarding aging processes.

9. Whole grain products

Whole-grain bread, pasta, bran and wild rice are products that provide energy necessary for the brain, without causing a dangerous increase in glucose suddenly for our body. Thanks to them, our brain can work efficiently for a long time.

10. Water

Water is necessary for all biochemical processes in our body, moisturizes, protects and improves the work of all organs including the brain. It has a huge impact on its functioning and allows us to maintain intellectual performance.

Remember that a healthy diet is one that provides our body with all the nutrients necessary for proper functioning, what counts here is not only the proper composition, but also the proper planning of meals consumed, and of course, as always, maintaining moderation is not without importance.

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