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Sensual, seductive, alluring, beautiful and kissable ... Lips, because we talk about them, seduce, tempt, help us communicate and express emotions. If they are neat, they can delight with their charm and make our face look much younger. Unfortunately, our lips as well as the rest of our body are exposed to harmful external factors and aging processes that occur throughout our body and unfortunately leave their mark on them. Today on our blog about what to do to restore their beautiful and young appearance.

The lips can delight with their appearance. Firm, red female lips can easily seduce many a man. They give a woman a special charm and extraordinary mystery, becoming one of her most important attributes. Unfortunately, as we often forget, lips are also extremely delicate, which is why very quickly the effects of the passing time and the effects of harmful external factors are visible.

Completely defenseless

The skin of our lips is almost as unique as they are :). First of all, it is extremely thin, does not have a stratum corneum and is almost completely free of sebaceous glands, which form a lipid layer protecting against moisture loss and irritation. However, this is not the end of the skin of our lips also does not have melanin, a dye that naturally protects the rest of our body from the sun. This is why the lips are extremely sensitive, they dry out very quickly, crack, and the passing time makes them lose their shape (their volume decreases), firmness and elasticity. Their color also changes, with age they become brighter and less and less delimited from the rest of the skin. Wrinkles begin to appear around them, and their corners fall down, giving our face a sad expression.

You have to care for them

Unprotected lips require special treatment from us, which is why their daily careful care should be our responsibility, if, of course, we want to enjoy their beautiful appearance. 

Remember that lips react very quickly to temperature changes, they are also adversely affected by dry air, wind and UV radiation. That is why constant moisturizing and sun protection is very important. Read about how to help chapped lips.

When care is not enough

Unfortunately, even on the most well-groomed lips, you can finally see signs left by the passage of time. Then the best cosmetics and proven home care methods will not cope and will not reverse the effects of aging on our body. Do not worry, however, in such a situation, aesthetic medicine comes to our aid, thanks to which we can effectively restore the lips to their beautiful and alluring appearance.

A way to rejuvenate

The best way to restore lips to their youthful appearance is by using hyaluronic acid. That's why I usually recommend it to patients who report to my REVIVE CLINIC ™, wanting to improve the appearance of their lips.

Called very often the "elixir of youth", hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in our body in quite large quantities, but it is most common in our skin. 

Thanks to hyaluronic acid skin is moisturized, smooth and firm. Unfortunately, with age, its amount in our body decreases and after 40 birthdays we can have it up to half as much as a person 20 years younger than us. 

His decreasing are also easy to notice on our lips. Therefore, a great solution is a safe and effective treatment based on injecting lips with hyaluronic acid. 

Hyaluronic acid injected by the specialist, swelling water swells and highlights the lips, giving them a beautiful shape. In turn, thanks to its moisturizing properties, acting from the inside it makes them firm and elastic. It is very important to gently massage the lumps under your fingers after the procedure, thanks to which the hyaluronic acid will be evenly distributed and the lips will be naturally beautiful. Such a gentle massage must also be performed at home, strictly following the specialist's instructions.

By modeling lips with hyaluronic acid, we can also lift their corners and restore our face with a cheerful radiant look. To this end, the specialist also injects hyaluronic acid over the corners of the mouth, causing them to "hang" on the subcutaneous ball formed from it.

Lips in good hands

Filling lips with hyaluronic acid is one of the more known and commonly used treatments. Remember, however, that how your lips will look depends primarily on the specialist who will perform it. 

A good specialist is also an artist, he has an extraordinary imagination and an extraordinary sense of aesthetics. Therefore, if you want to be sure that your lips will decorate your face after the procedure, when choosing to do it, choose the clinics where experienced specialist works. If you want to change or improve the appearance of your lips, I encourage you to consult at REVIVE CLINIC ™, where outstanding specialists will take care of you, who will not only provide you with their advice and perfectly prepare you for the procedure, but also carry it out in such a way that the final effect surprised with its naturalness.
