It is worth knowing that the intensely shining summer sun not only promotes the formation of new birthmarks, but also can lead to dangerous changes in those that have been with us for a long time.
Moles are pigmented lesions that occur when melanocytes multiply excessively in one place. Almost everyone has moles, some accompany us from the moment we are born, others appear on our skin with the passage of time, some have several and others a few dozen. Mostly they are benign changes that do not threaten our health and life, but sometimes, e.g. under the influence of external factors, they can turn into a cancerous change. That is why it is very important to check them regularly.
Genes and the sun
These are the most frequently mentioned reasons for the appearance of pigmented lesions. It also happens, however, that hormonal disorders or the action of certain chemicals are responsible for their formation.
How do they look?
Pigmented marks - moles are usually round, have even edges clearly demarcating them from the rest of the skin and a uniform color, they can be blue, take different shades of brown, and even have a color very similar to black. Moles are often flat, although of course there are also skin protruding lesions. Such birthmarks are benign and although they may develop into melanoma that is dangerous to us, it happens very rarely. However, those whose diameter exceeds 5 mm are dangerous, have uneven edges, an asymmetrical shape, very dark almost black color with an uneven distribution. We call these birthmarks atypical, and because of the much higher risk of their transformation into benign melanomas, we must have them under constant control. I wrote more about melanoma in the article "Protect skin against melanoma"
Mandatory review
UV radiation, which is abundant in summer, is mentioned as one of the main factors increasing the risk of melanoma.
Therefore, it is very important to carefully examine your body several times a year, and it's best to do this self-examination once a month. After the holidays, however, we should obligatorily come to the "review" with a dermatologist who will carefully examine our birthmarks using a dermatoscope. There is nothing to be afraid of, this examination does not hurt, and carried out regularly can save our lives. If the doctor thinks that any change on our body seems dangerous, the suspect will direct us to further diagnostics. Then you will definitely need to perform a histopathological examination, because only thanks to it we can 100% diagnose a disturbing change.
Delete or not?
If the birthmark does not arouse suspicion, there is no reason for concern and there is no indication to remove them. It is different in the case of birthmarks, even those that are not dangerous, located in places where they are exposed to frequent irritation or to which we have difficult access and observing them is practically impossible. Remember, however, that before you decide to remove a mole, you should first be seen by a doctor who will exclude or help you plan the procedure so that it is as safe as possible for you.
There is nothing to wait for
When you notice that your birthmark has changed its size, color, structure or shape, it has become painful, itchy or there is redness around it, do not wait for the scheduled check-up once a year, it does not matter whether summer has just ended or is midwinter. Such changes are very dangerous and should be immediately shown to the specialist. Remember that melanoma can develop without any obvious symptoms, and if it is detected early, it is completely curable.
Remember that, unfortunately, the sun that we love so much can also be a real threat to us, so try to protect your skin against it not only in summer and not only during holidays. After the holidays, however, do not forget to look closely at your body and make an appointment with a dermatologist. Examination with a dermatoscope is painless and will not take you much time, and it may turn out to allow you a lot of time to gain. So let's take a moment and do a post-vacation "review".