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With age, our skin regenerates more and more slowly, loses its density, is less tense and sometimes begins to fall attracted by the law of gravity. The cause of this condition is, among others, muscle weakness and a decrease in the amount and efficiency of collagen fibers and elastin. The problem of drooping, flabby skin is visible primarily in areas that are poor in subcutaneous tissue, e.g. eyelids.

Today, a little about whether drooping eyelids is just an aesthetic problem and whether only surgery can be a salvation.

Not only age

Drooping eyelids are associated primarily with the passage of time, but we are not always aware of the fact that this problem can also affect young people and even children. It also happens that the drooping eyelid is a problem with which we were born. There are many causes of eyelid drooping, the ailment may be the result of improper innervation, disorders in the development of muscles responsible for eyelid raising or the effect of injury. Sometimes it is also a symptom of serious diseases, including diabetes; stroke, muscular dystrophy. Drooping eyelids can also be associated with excess skin, face shape, ill-chosen lighting in the workplace, or simply the aging of our body.

Is it just the look?

Of course, drooping eyelids do not look nice and there is nothing to cheat, so they are an aesthetic problem. They make us look tired and constantly depressed, and worse older than we are in reality. Unfortunately, drooping eyelids can also be a health problem, and not only when they occur as a symptom accompanying serious diseases, but also when sagging skin and weakening muscles begin to limit our field of vision. This situation can already seriously hinder your daily functioning and even prevent you from performing certain activities.

What can we do to prevent eyelids from falling down?

If the problem of drooping eyelids is the result of the aging of our body, the best method is the proper care of the skin around the eyes, which will help us slightly delay the effect of passing time. This should also be remembered by very young people, the aging process of the skin goes on even when it is not yet noticeable to the naked eye. Initially, changes in appearance occur very slowly and are practically invisible, but over time, there are more and more, and worse they become clearer. It should be remembered that not everyone is aging the same and at the same time. Our appearance is affected by many factors, but a large part of them can be eliminated and thus slow down the impact of passing time on our skin. The sooner we take care of ourselves, the better the effects will be.

Less stress, more sleep

Remember to have enough sleep and reduce stress. Our skin regenerates most intensively at night. It cleanses the toxins accumulated during the day and absorbs the nutrients it provides best. Let us try not to take skin precious time away and let us ensure a good and adequate sleep. It is best if you go to bed before 12PM, then the skin works most intensively. Stress also affects the condition of our skin. The cortisol secreted in excess, among other things, called the stress hormone, has a very adverse effect on our entire body, including the skin, which under the influence of its action ages much faster. If possible, try to ensure yourself time for proper relaxation and, what is very important, avoid stressful situations just before bedtime.

Health locked in food

Our diet also affects the condition of the skin, so if you want it to be in good shape for longer, try to eat healthy so that it provides it with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Avoid stimulants, sugar, salt and highly processed foods. More about the importance for our beauty of what we eat read on my blog.

Watch out for the light

Make sure you choose the right light in the workplace. It is very important that the lighting of e.g. a computer does not force us to squint constantly. The light cannot be too sharp so that it does not hurt the eyes, nor should it be reflected in the monitor screen. Then we will avoid excessive wrinkling and stretching of the skin, which will not only allow us to reduce the risk of wrinkles, but also protect ourselves for longer from the symptom of a drooping eyelid. Also remember that for your eyes and the skin around them, rest is also very important, so you try to take breaks at work and allow your eyes to relax.

Dangerous radiation

The delicate skin around the eyes also needs careful sun protection. It is therefore necessary not only to use creams with a high filter, but also to avoid direct sun exposure. A very important element of skin care around the eyes, helping to delay the effects of aging is also wearing sunglasses, which must necessarily be equipped with protective filters, otherwise they can seriously harm your eyes.

To care before it's too late

The best form of fighting drooping eyelids, which are the result of aging of our body, is prevention, which is careful care of the eye area. Thin and delicate skin around them, has few sebaceous glands, so it dries much faster, it becomes flaccid, wrinkles appear and begins to fall. Well-groomed will age slower and much nicer. Young 18-25-year-old women should take care primarily of careful hydration of the eye area, but after 25th

 birthday, a gentle anti-wrinkle cream should already be included. In the following years, taking care of proper tension, moisturizing, nourishing and firming the skin is a necessary element of its care. To strengthen the effects, from time to time it is also worth using a serum, choose the one that will suit your needs. The cosmetic can intensively nourish, moisturize, but also tighten and firm your skin. Careful makeup removal is also very important. Make sure you do it carefully, but very gently. Use special cosmetics designed for sensitive skin around the eyes. Remember, leftovers of makeup left overnight will not allow your skin to regenerate, so they will accelerate the appearance of wrinkles and make the skin around the eyes look swollen and tired. The effect of accelerated aging may also be the appearance of drooping eyelids.

Do not forget to choose cosmetics to the individual needs of your skin.

What to do when eyelids begin to drop?

If, despite careful care, over time the eylids naturally begin to fall, it is worth taking advantage of the benefits of aesthetic medicine. It is very important, however, that you go to a specialist immediately when the problem starts to be visible, without waiting for the eyelids to fall down, they really start to consolidate your life. The sooner, the effects of the treatments require better. Today, many imperfections can be eliminated even without using a scalpel.

A helpful Microneedling

An effective method that allows you to restore the firmness of the skin around the eyes and help deal with the first signs of aging, e.g. in the form of a drooping eyelid, is a treatment using SkinPen Microneedling. The SkinPen causing the skin change, activate healing processes and intensive regeneration, as well as turn on new models of collagen fibers, thanks to which the skin regains its content and firmness, reduces the visibility of wrinkles and skin flaccidity. The treatment will make it look younger, and its content must contain raised eyelids.

PRP - Platelet Rich Plasma

Injecting the skin with platelet rich plasma obtained from the patient's blood brings very good results. Active platelets in the plasma secrete the growth factors necessary for cell regeneration. They activate the multiplication and maturation of epidermal cells, stimulate DNA synthesis, improve microcirculation and stimulate fibroblasts to work. The use of several such treatments at appropriately selected time intervals will make the skin visibly rejuvenated, its density will improve and it will become more tense.

Of course, you must remember that the choice of the procedure should always be decided by the specialist, especially if the problem of the drooping eyelid is large, appeared suddenly or is a symptom of the disease. 

Aesthetic medicine is not able to help everyone, in some cases it may be necessary to perform surgery - blepharoplasty.
