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After winter, our body is tired, weakened, deprived of energy, immunity decreases, the skin turns gray and the hair is weak and dull. All because during the winter our diet was low in nutrients that we need to be able to function properly. Our body during this time tried to supplement the emerging deficiencies previously accumulated reserves. Now that they are running out, we have no strength and we look exhausted.

That is why today I want to introduce you to several recipes for healthy and delicious cocktails, which will firstly cleanse your body of deposits accumulated by the winter, and secondly will be for you a real vitamin-mineral bomb, supporting the work of the body and helping to get back in shape after winter.

At the beginning of cleansing

If we want to prepare our body for the adoption of nutrients, the deficiencies of which are noticeable practically to the naked eye after winter, we must first get rid of harmful toxins, which unfortunately we have accumulated, using a heavy diet low in fruit and vegetables.

Here are 2 great cocktails that will help you in this, and you can easily prepare everyone at home.

1. Spinach, melon, ginger, kiwi and coconut water

A handful of fresh spinach, a small melon, about 1 cm of grated ginger root (can be cut into thin slices), two ripe kiwi fruit and about ½ cup of coconut water. That's all it takes to create a cleansing healthy cocktail.

  • Spinach - will provide us with a large portion of fiber, thus supporting the work of the digestive system and facilitating its cleansing. We also find in it a lot of vitamins and minerals, including B group vitamins, vitamin K, C, E as well as iron, calcium, potassium and lutein. So, spinach is a wealth of strong antioxidants, which is why it is great at neutralizing the harmful effects of free radicals, strengthens the body, improves heart function, supports the nervous system, supports the body in the fight against diseases and perfectly nourishes.
  • Melon - is a source of beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C, B6, E and calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. It protects our body against the effects of free radicals, supports the work of the heart and kidneys, takes care of vision, improves brain function and helps to improve our mood. Melon has a diuretic effect, facilitating cleansing of the body and helping to get rid of excess water. In turn, thanks to its fat-burning citrulline, it is perfect for people who want to lose a few extra pounds. Unfortunately, melons due to their high sugar content and high glycemic index should not be consumed by diabetics and those struggling with insulin resistance.
  • Ginger- perfectly supports digestion, has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to fight colds and flu, relieves headaches and cares for our oral health. Ginger also improves circulation, speeds up fat burning and helps fight cellulite. In turn, thanks to its diuretic and circulation-improving effects, it helps get rid of toxins from our body and has anti-edema effects.
  • Kiwi - provides our body with a lot of nutrients, we find in it, among others, vitamin C, A, E, K and B vitamins also does not lack minerals, e.g. iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium or zinc. Kiwi supports the fight against free radicals, facilitates digestion, and thanks to the content of lutein improves the condition of our eyes. In turn, the high content of fiber makes it prevents constipation and facilitates cleansing the body.
  • Coconut water - a drink obtained from green coconuts is a rich source of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and kinetin - a plant hormone responsible for cell growth and division as well as stimulating fibroblasts producing collagen and elastin. Coconut water perfectly complements electrolyte deficiencies, reduces free radicals, improves the condition of skin, hair and nails, improves the work of the circulatory system, supports the work of the intestine, helping to get rid of deposits in it, maintains proper hydration, nourishes and slows down the aging process.

2. Kale, pineapple, parsley, apple, celery and orange

A handful of kale leaves, 3 slices of fresh pineapple, ½ bunch of parsley, 1 apple, 2 celery stalks and 1 orange. To make a cocktail, of course, all products must be thoroughly washed and blended and fresh juice squeezed from the oranges.

  • Kale - contains very large amounts of vitamin C, as well as B vitamins, vitamin A, K, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium and zinc, and you'll also find amino acids, proteins and fiber in it. It has antioxidant properties, cleanses and protects the body against toxins, supports the work of the heart, strengthens and seals blood vessels, and also regulates cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Pineapple - contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, PP, C and folic acid, it also contains minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese. We also find in it a large amount of fiber and the most characteristic enzyme for this fruit - bromelain. Pineapple facilitates digestion, improves circulation, accelerates cleansing of the body, and also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  • Parsley leaf - has very strong toxin cleansing properties. It supports the work of the kidneys and liver, has a diuretic effect, prevents swelling, facilitates the absorption of nutrients, strengthens the heart, supports the immune system and has an analgesic effect. Parsley leaves provides us with very large amounts of vitamin C and A, as well as B vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium and fiber.
  • Apple - is a source of fiber, vitamins C, A, E, K, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc and iron. Apples regulate bowel function and cleanse the body of toxins, supporting its detoxification, protect against digestive system diseases, support the work of the heart and brain, regulate cholesterol and improve the condition of blood vessels.
  • Celery - contains a lot of vitamins C, E and B vitamins, it is also a rich source of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Celery has strong cleansing properties, stimulates metabolism, facilitates digestion, prevents constipation and supports weight loss. It has a diuretic effect, thus supporting the work of the kidneys and preventing excessive accumulation of water in the body, supports the nervous system, improves blood circulation and protects against the harmful effects of free radicals.
  • Orange - is a fruit that will provide us with large amounts of vitamin C, we will also find vitamin A, B1, B6, B12, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, iron and fiber. Orange therefore has an antioxidant effect, supports the work of the immune, nervous and digestive systems. Accelerates metabolism, allows you to get rid of accumulated deposits in the body, regulates cholesterol levels, supports liver function and prevents constipation.

We fill in the deficiencies after winter

The body, which has been cleared of deposits, now needs nutrition. To feel better and look more beautiful, we should fill in the deficiencies necessary for the proper functioning of nutrients. Cocktails are the best and fastest way to do this. Try two extremely nutritious cocktails that will quickly strengthen your body and put you on your feet.

1. Avocado, pear, banana, chia seeds, coconut milk

One avocado, pear, banana, a tablespoon of chia seeds and a glass of coconut milk are mixed, if the cocktail is too thick, we can add some water, it obviously depends on individual preferences.

  • Avocado - is a rich source of essential unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, K, PP, folic acid, pantothenic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, protein and phytosterols. Avocado regulates cholesterol, supports heart and brain function, nourishes the body, improves skin and hair, reduces free radicals, has anti-inflammatory properties, regulates blood sugar levels and supports digestive processes.
  • Pear - contains vitamins K, C, B vitamins, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and boron and iodine which make it stand out from many fruits. Pear has strong antioxidant properties, supports the thyroid and brain, protects bones, regulates blood pressure, supports digestion, strengthens immunity and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Banana - provides us with a large amount of potassium and other vitamins and minerals very important for our body, including magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins A, C, E, K and B vitamins, and it also contains fiber which is very important for us. Bananas support the heart, protect the digestive system, regulate cholesterol levels, eliminate free radicals, lower blood pressure and help treat diarrhea.
  • Chia - these small seeds are primarily a rich source of omega 3 acids, we also find in them large amounts of calcium as well as potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, zinc and vitamins A, C and E, they also lack fiber and protein. Chia seeds have antioxidant properties, support the work of the heart and brain, protect our digestive system, accelerate metabolism, strengthen bones, improve immunity and mood, and care for our eyes.
  • Coconut milk - is known primarily from the lauric acid contained in it, which, among other things, supports the immune system, has anti-inflammatory properties, protects the digestive system and cares for the condition of our hair and skin.

2. Beetroot, banana, pineapple, turmeric and water

Two raw beets, 1-2 bananas, 2-3 slices of pineapple, 1 teaspoon of turmeric and water added depending on individual needs. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly and then only drink health.

  • Beetroot - contains a lot of nutrients necessary for our body, you will find in it a lot of vitamins, among others, A, C, E, K, B6, folic acid and minerals: iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and calcium. Beets perfectly strengthen our immune system, help fight diseases, strengthen the body, protect us against anemia, help regulate cholesterol levels, cleanse the blood, support the liver, facilitate digestion and accelerate fat burning.
  • Turmeric has a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, strengthens immunity, cleanses the blood, facilitates digestion, supports the work of the pancreas and liver, and also lowers cholesterol and prevents fat accumulation.

Cocktails provide us with a huge amount of nutrients, strengthen our body and quickly help us get back in shape. Thanks to them, we not only look but also feel much better, so it is worth including them in our daily menu, they can be, e.g. a way to a healthy lunch. Give it a try and you'll soon find that they are not only delicious, but also very healthy.
