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Beetroot ... although some people associate it neither with modern cuisine nor with modern lifestyles, today with some step it returns to favors and guests even at very dry parties. In elegant restaurants beetroot carpaccio is often served, they are added to various salads, meats and even desserts. Of course, not everyone likes beets, there are probably people among us that even the best chef will not be able to taste beets. Beetroot, whatever it may be, will always be a beetroot for them :).

Therefore, today I will not convince you to its taste or give you great recipes that could change your view of beetroot. Instead, I will tell you about the health properties of this ordinary juice, but how you will see the extraordinary beetroot yourself.

Here are 8 reasons to drink beetroot juice

1. Supports the treatment of anemia

Not once have you heard from your grandmothers or mothers that beetroot is the best for "weak" blood. All this, of course, true beetroot thanks to the high content of vitamins and minerals will not only strengthen your body, but also significantly affect the hematopoietic processes, among other things due to the content of cobalt and copper regulating the formation of red blood cells, which will also help iron absorption.

2. Lowers blood pressure

Beet juice, thanks to the content of nitrates, which increase the concentration of pressure regulating nitric oxide, can be helpful in the treatment of hypertension. By lowering blood pressure, beet juice also reduces the risk of threats directly related to hypertension, e.g. heart attack, stroke or atherosclerosis.

3. Increases physical performance

Regular drinking of beetroot juice means that we have more energy, and our physical performance also increases. Thanks to this, we stay in good shape longer and get tired more slowly. Here, in addition to the vitamins and minerals that beet provides us, the abovementioned nitrates and nitric oxide play a role. By expanding the blood vessels, they improve the efficiency of the heart, at the same time making our muscles need much less oxygen during exercise. It all makes the body's endurance increase. This is probably why beetroot juice is very popular among people who train intensively and regularly, to whom such a healthy "kick" and "natural doping" are useful every day.

4. Purifies the liver

The liver performs a lot of extremely important functions in our body, including a filter that protects us from the harmful effects of toxins, neutralizing them and facilitating their excretion. Unfortunately, overloaded ceases to work properly, which unpleasant effects are felt by our entire body. So let's know that from time to time she also needs cleansing. Beetroot juice, rich in antioxidants and fiber, supports it, effectively neutralizing the effects of free radicals and improving body cleansing. Betaine in beetroot, which helps our liver get rid of dangerous toxins, also plays a role here, thus facilitating its daily work.

5. Helps to overcome diseases

The betanine dye contained in beet helps our body deal with bacteria and, together with other antioxidants, supports the immune system and helps to avoid so-called oxidative stress. Thanks to this, beetroot juice can also reduce the risk of civilization diseases (e.g. diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, allergies, cancer)

6. Slows down skin aging

Beet juice is a natural anti-aging product, it is a wealth of strong antioxidants that protect our skin against free radicals, allowing us to enjoy its beautiful and healthy appearance for longer. What's more, beets improve the flow of oxygen in our body, counteract anemia and provide us with numerous nutrients, thus also improving the condition of our skin. The beets also contain lycopene, which improves skin firmness and elasticity, and protects it from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

7. Improves brain function

Beets improve blood flow in our body and along with it also oxygen and nutrients. Thanks to this, our brain also works better. Our concentration and learning ability improve, we become more creative and our brain stays fully functional for longer.

8. Takes care of our eyesight

Lutein contained in beets protects our eyes against the harmful effects of free radicals and UV radiation, thus avoiding dangerous photodamage, infection, dryness or excessive watering of the eyes. Lutein also improves visual acuity and reduces the risk of glaucoma and cataracts. It also works well for people who spend hours at the computer and their eyes are clearly tired.

Well, we pull out juicers and blenders and make fresh beetroot juice. You can enrich it with any vegetables and fruits. It is delicious with apple, carrot, celery, pineapple and even ginger. So everything depends on your imagination and taste preferences. 
