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Our body consists mostly of water, it accounts for about 60-70 percent of the body weight of an adult human and up to 85 percent of the body of a newborn baby. However, with the passage of time and the aging process, these values are gradually decreasing. Water is necessary for us to live at every stage, without it we would not be able to function, every cell of our body needs it.

However, we are not able to produce it ourselves in sufficient quantities, so every day we should drink about 1.5-2 liters of water, while remembering that when it gets hot outside or if we lose more fluid, drinking it e.g. during intense exercise , the demand for water is increasing. Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and the elderly also need more water. It is best to drink it in small portions so that our body is constantly properly hydrated.

Today on my blog about why water is so important for both our health and beauty.

1. Cleanses the body of toxins

Drinking the right amount of water helps remove from our body by-products of metabolism, some of them are really very toxic compounds, which if not for water could lead to serious diseases and even be life-threatening, poisoning our body and destroying its organs. Blood and lymph are mostly made of water, thanks to which they can freely circulate inside our body and cleanse it of toxins. It is thanks to water that harmful metabolic products are captured even from the remotest corners of our body and later excreted out with the help of the lungs, liver, skin and kidneys. All these organs would not be able to function efficiently without proper hydration.

2. Regulates body temperature

The normal body temperature for a healthy adult is 36.6 ° C. For our health, both hypothermia and overheating of the body are dangerous, which in extreme cases can even be life threatening to us. That is why our body tries to maintain it at a constant optimal level for itself. Thermoregulation processes could not have happened if it were not for water. Water absorbs heat and for a long time can keep it evenly spreading throughout the body. In steaming, it protects us from overheating. Thanks to it, our body does not experience violent temperature jumps.

3. Supports body nutrition

Although water alone does not provide us with all the building components necessary for life, it is, however, an extremely important element of proper nutrition. It is thanks to her that all the necessary nutrients and oxygen are distributed to every cell of our body. What's more, water, by cleansing the body of toxins and deposits, also facilitates their absorption.

4. Reduces hunger and promotes weight loss

If you happen to feel hunger between meals, instead of reaching for various, often unfortunately not very healthy and calorie snacks, try to drink water. A glass of clean water will definitely reduce the feeling of hunger. Very often, we confuse desire with the desire to "bite through something", so when soon after eating a meal we start to feel hungry, it can simply be a mistakenly received signal that informs us about the need to replenish our body's missing water.

So instead of reaching for "something to eat", drink a glass of clean unsweetened water. In turn, nutritionists often advise to drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before a meal, it will give us a feeling of satiety and reduce the amount of food consumed.

5. Makes digestion easier

Water is necessary in the digestion process, thanks to which it is possible to crush food and transport, dissolve and absorb nutrients. It facilitates metabolism and helps to excrete by-products formed in this process. It also improves intestinal peristalsis, thanks to which deposits that are dangerous to our health are not deposited in them and it makes us suffer from constipation much less often.

6. Improves brain function

Our brain mostly consists of water, thanks to which it works better, is nourished and oxygenated, it also supports the conduction of nerve impulses. Water improves our concentration and clarity of thinking, we learn faster and we remember more. The lack of it, however, very quickly "lazifies" the brain, makes it difficult for us to concentrate and absorb knowledge, we are unable to focus on the activity. Our mental performance drops significantly.

7. Protects

Water, found in all body fluids, protects our digestive tract, spinal cord and eyeball, provides joint mobility and supports muscle work, improves their elasticity and reduces the risk of injury and at the same time increases their efficiency.

8. Improves skin condition

Providing our body with the right amount of water every day has a very beneficial effect on our skin. It makes the regenerative processes run more efficiently and the skin is more nourished, oxygenated and moisturized. It becomes flexible and smooth, and thanks to the efficient cleansing of the body of toxins, it also acquires a healthy color, radiant appearance and is easier to deal with acne and other such changes. Unfortunately, water will not replace skin care cosmetics, but it will definitely support their operation and improve the condition of our skin, enabling it to provide nutrients it needs from within.

9. Supports hair care

The right amount of water is also very important for our hair, it also needs moisturizing, nourishing and cleansing both from the inside and the outside. If they are dehydrated, they begin to break, crumble become dull and weak, they will also be more susceptible to damage arising during stylization or adverse weather conditions. Water alone will not solve our hair problems and will not cause us to suddenly enjoy lush hair, but it can support our daily care and be its important element.
