Every week we usually start a new super diet that will help us eliminate the "tire" and restore the firmness of our body. Sometimes, however, despite the strong will, "something" goes wrong and it turns out that neither diet nor exercise have no effect. Read about how to properly go about slimming and get to know the treatment that will help you reduce body fat and take care of your body.
Everyone is different
Very often, we find a new "miracle diet" by searching websites, slimming groups, newspapers or other sources of information. Unfortunately, we must realize that each of us is different and very often a diet that has brought excellent results to our friend, despite great determination, it will not help us. There are many factors that determine whether it will be effective. Therefore, a good dietitian, before presenting us with a ready menu for the next few weeks or months, will first give us a substantial list of tests that we should do.
First of all research
As I have already mentioned, the dietitian should first ask us to do very important research when composing the diet. Such a list will certainly include as basic as morphology and urine testing, which will allow the specialist to make an initial assessment of the state of our body. It is also very important to determine the level of cholesterol and triglycerides, i.e. lipid profile, assessment of the state of our liver by assessing the activity of aspartate aminotransferase enzymes - AST and alanine aminotransferase - ALT and the exclusion or confirmation of inflammation developing in our body using the OB test - Biernacki's test. The specialist should also have the TSH level determined. If the result is outside or above the upper limits, further assessment of thyroid function will be required. You must also check your blood glucose level before composing your diet. Incorrect indications should be the beginning of further diagnostics for insulin resistance or diabetes. However, this is not all, it's just a few basic studies, you have to remember that in order to have a clear picture of our body, a dietitian usually orders much more. You may also find that you will need to implement pharmacological treatment in addition to following a proper diet.
Tailor-made diet
In addition to the tests that the dietitian will order, it is very important to analyze the needs of our body. We must remember that a person who leads an active lifestyle has a completely different energy demand than a person who has very little movement during the day. This need should also be adapted to our age, sex, height, weight, type of work performed and our individual metabolic rate.
By losing weight, we usually reduce the amount of calories our body needs. It is very important to do this reasonably too large restrictions can not only contribute to the formation of so-called yo-yo effect, but also seriously threaten our health.
It is also important to remember about products that will help us to meet the body's demand for nutrients necessary for proper functioning. Therefore, the choice of a diet suitable for us should be handed over to a dietitian.
Intensive exercises are not for everyone
Very often, wanting to quickly lose excess weight, we suddenly replace a sedentary lifestyle with intense physical exercise. However, it is worth remembering that training should be adapted to our capabilities and health. Too intensive exercise is a lot of stress for the body, which is why, unfortunately, very often they bring more harm than good.
It's also good to think about the variety of workouts. A properly composed plan should include both exercises that will help you burn fat as well as those that will shape your figure. Try to change exercises every few weeks and increase their intensity gradually. It will be best if a specialist will help you in choosing the right form of activity and creating your individual exercise plan. Remember also that regularity and successive pursuit of a goal is very important. Only then will the planned exercises bring the expected results.
A good sleep for everything
For slimming too. During sleep, our body regenerates, so if we do not sleep, we will disturb its normal functioning - we will simply disrupt it. In a sleepless body, hormonal management is disturbed.
It is then that too much cortisol is released, which slows down our metabolism, while increasing our body's need for calories. The level of ghrelin, the hormone that makes us hunger, and the level of appetite-inhibiting leptin called satiety hormone increases. Therefore, when we are sleepy, we usually have a huge appetite. Most often, then, we eat calories, quickly satisfying the energy needs of our body, high-processed food products, and unfortunately we gain weight.
Body Slimming treatments
A perfect complement to a properly selected diet and individually composed training plan is a procedure that will help us eliminate body fat, reduce cellulite visibility, and clearly smooth and firm our body.
ICOONE Laser is the most modern technology combining the work of massage heads, LED light energy and diode laser. During the procedure, the laser penetrates deep into the tissues and reaches fat cells, heats them and breaks them down. In turn, LED light stimulates fibroblasts, causing the production of collagen and elastin to increase, improves microcirculation, accelerates cell metabolism and affects the opening of pores, located in the cell membrane, enabling the release of released fat into the lymphatic system. The therapy perfectly shapes the figure and clearly improves the appearance of the skin, but in order for the effects to be most satisfactory, a series of treatments is needed.
A specialist should always decide how many sessions you need them. That is why at REVIVE CLINIC ™
we make sure that every patient is treated individually and all treatments are tailored to his needs and health.
REVIVE CLINIC™ offers the best body slimming programs, based on Dr Chris Gojdz years of experience in aesthetic medicine, which can transform your body, ridding it of unwanted stubborn fat and achieve visibly improvement in skin elasticity.
To address reduction of fat tissue, patients have a choice of non-invasive treatments such as combination of CRYO T SHOCK + ICOONE Laser + Body Wrap which gives you the best results. It’s gradually reduce fat tissue. These treatments are very comfortable and have no downtime.
This can sound overwhelming however, not all this is done in one visit. This is a gradual process that takes time but at REVIVE CLINIC™ we will be here to help guide you every step of the way with your own personalized treatment plan!