Commonly called spider veins, less known as telangiectasias, are dilated tiny blood vessels that are shallow under the skin. That's why, when they appear, you can easily see them on its surface.
Where do they occur most often?
In fact, spiders can appear anywhere, but most often they appear on the legs and face. Initially, there are usually very few of them, which is why we often do not even pay attention to them, but over time the changes intensify, and the vessels begin to resemble a dense spider's web.
Capillaries appearing on the face may be a sign of allergy or a symptom of rosacea, on the legs, in turn, may be a sign of venous circulation disorders. As you can see, the problem can be much more serious, so if you have noticed dilated capillaries on your body, you should not underestimate them. It is best if you consult a specialist, especially if a lot of them appeared in a fairly short time.
Who is affected?
Spiders can form under the influence of various factors, both internal and external. When the mechanism of action of small blood vessels is disturbed for some reason, their permanent expansion occurs. It is then that we can easily see them on the surface of our skin. This condition affects both men and women, but the bad news for women is that they occur more often.
One of the main factors favoring the occurrence of spider veins is age. When the aging process accelerates, the skin becomes thinner and the vessels weak and inflexible. All this means that, unfortunately, they do not work as efficiently as in the case of young people and it is much easier for them to expand permanently.
The problem may also appear as a result of hormonal disorders. Therefore, telangiectasias are often the bane of women after pregnancy and childbirth, during puberty, menopause, or those using hormonal contraception.
Our lifestyle and diet are also important. The problem very often arises or intensifies if we are in favor of strong coffee, tea or spicy dishes, not to mention alcohol and cigarettes, which have a very adverse effect on the condition of our blood vessels. They are also not conducive to a sedentary lifestyle or standing too long in one position. It also happens that the predisposition to the formation of spiders we inherit from our loved ones. So if you noticed visible networks of dilated capillaries in someone close to you, you should especially take care of your skin and not expose it to harmful factors, both internal and external.
What does vascular skin dislike?
As I have already mentioned, vascular skin does not like spicy and hot dishes and drinks. It also does not tolerate cigarettes, coffee and alcohol. It also tolerates sudden changes in temperature very badly, so do not expose it to sunlight and try to avoid being in the cold.
Stress and other strong emotions also have an adverse effect on delicate skin with capillaries. All these factors cause the blood vessels to expand, which would normally return to their original size soon, but unfortunately this is disturbed in the case of vascular skin. Therefore, as a result, spiders appear on the skin.
How to care for capillaries?
Capillary skin is usually also sensitive skin, which requires special care and selection of appropriate cosmetics. It is very important that they do not cause additional irritation. Therefore, put aside soap, artificially colored, intensely fragrant and alcohol-containing cosmetics that not only dry, but also very often cause allergies and destroy the protective layer of the skin.
It is very important that the skin is thoroughly cleansed every day, dead epidermis, remains of colored cosmetics and dust will unfortunately irritate and weaken it. The best solution is micellar fluid instead of tap water.
Cosmetics for this type of skin should have a soothing effect, strengthen blood vessels and protect it against the effects of wind, frost and UV radiation. It is good if they contain, among others, vitamin C, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, decreasing and sealing capillaries, vitamin K, soothing and smoothing the vitamin E as well as allantoin, panthenol, aloe, chestnut extract and evening primrose oil.
We close the vessels
If spider veins has already appeared on your skin it's worth thinking about the possibilities that aesthetic medicine gives us. At REVIVE CLINIC ™, among a wide range of treatments, you will also find effective methods of closing blood vessels.
Forever Young BBL Phototherapy has very good effects. During the procedure, the BBL emits short pulses of intense light, which, penetrating through the skin, are absorbed by hemoglobin in the blood vessels. The energy transformed into heat, released from light, allows for precise elimination of dilated capillaries and restores the skin's natural color. Immediately after the procedure, we may feel a burning sensation, and the skin may be slightly pink, fortunately, these symptoms disappear quite quickly, and a large part of the small vessels without blood will cease to be visible almost immediately.
The number of treatments that will be needed is always decided by the specialist who, assessing the condition of the skin and observing the effects of the treatment, will adapt the therapy to your needs and the achievable effects. It is also very important to strictly follow the care recommendations that you receive after the BBL therapy.