We probably all know about the existence of vitamin C, we've heard about it countless times, we perfectly remember that it works great when we start to feel that "something undresses us" and we must quickly get back into shape. However, we do not all know that it also protects our beauty and helps us to remain young for a long time. Today on the blog with unusual properties, ordinary vitamin, that is, whether thanks to vitamin C you can improve your appearance and delay aging.
Vitamin C is probably the most known and the most popular vitamin today. It was first extracted from paprika, and it was done in 1928 by Albert Szent -Görgyi, a Hungarian biochemist, for which he later received the Nobel Prize.
Vitamin C is necessary for us to live, thanks to her our body can function properly, it helps us stay healthy, supports the fight against many diseases and cares about our beauty.
The skin needs support
The skin is our largest organ, whose basic role is to protect internal tissues and organs against harmful external factors. It is a kind of shield that protects us against threats coming from the external environment.
That is why it is the most visible signs of fatigue, diseases and the first effects of aging. After all, nothing lasts forever, unfortunately our skin loses its "extraordinary power" over time and it is becoming increasingly difficult to play its protective role.
So it needs support and provide the necessary ingredients so that it can still function properly. One of them is the heroine of today's entry - vitamin C.
Reduces the visibility of discoloration
Discoloration, i.e. deposits of melanin - the dark pigment of our skin, appear as a result of UV radiation, hormonal disorders, progressing aging processes, or as a side effect of using certain drugs. They look unsightly and unfortunately make us look older.
Vitamin C not only has a positive effect on skin regeneration, clearly rejuvenating it, but also reduces the production of melanin, due to which discoloration becomes less visible, and the skin acquires an even healthy color.
Accelerates wound healing and reduces inflammation
Vitamin C reduces inflammation, soothes irritations and taking part in collagen production also has a very important role in wound healing. That is why problems related to wound healing are the most characteristic symptom of vitamin C deficiency.
It also improves the protective functions of the skin, which allows it to cope with various infections faster and reduce discomfort, e.g. itching, burning, excessive dryness and redness of the epidermis.
Strengthens blood vessels
Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, which is particularly important for people struggling with the so-called skin capillaries. The redness of the skin or the spider veins visible on its surface appears when the blood vessels expand under the influence of a stimulus, e.g. a sudden change in temperature, spicy dishes or strong emotions and are unable to return to their original size. The problem may appear as a result of hormonal disorders, poor diet, chronic stress, the use of certain drugs, as an effect of aging or a predisposition recorded in our genes.
How to supply the right amount of vitamin C?
The demand for vitamin C is the highest among all vitamins, while our body cannot synthesize it by itself, which is why it is important to provide vitamin C in the right amount and quality.
Of course, the best way is a proper diet rich in vegetables and fruits. Vitamin C can be found, among others, in rosehips, blackcurrant, kiwi, strawberries, oranges, lemons, peppers, parsley, brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach and green beans. However, not always using a well-balanced diet, we are able to provide as much vitamin C as our body needs it, then support is needed.
The choice of supplements with vitamin C is really big and although it may seem very simple to buy the right one, it is worth knowing that not every form of vitamin C guarantees its proper absorption in our body. For this to happen, you need liposomes, or microscopic bubbles formed from phospholipids.
Thanks to advanced liposomal technology, precisely designed liposomes have become the highest quality carriers with high stability. The vitamin C enclosed in them is protected against the harmful effects of external factors such as low pH, which occurs in the digestive tract, gastric juice or digestive enzymes. The structural similarity of liposomes to biological membranes found in the human body enables high bioavailability and effective penetration of active substances, e.g. vitamin C, into the cells, i.e. the destination. The use of liposomal vitamin C also allows you to maintain its appropriate, high concentration much longer than in the case of vitamin C administered in a traditional form.
At REVIVE CLINIC ™ we propose the intravenous route therapy with Vit. C as the fastest way to deliver vital fluids, vitamins, electrolytes, and medications to the body, to restore optimum hydration and support the immune system.
IV fluid is absorbed directly into the bloodstream with 100% absorption compared with approximately 50-60% or less for oral intake.