Today a bit about "bags", shadows and tired eyes. What to do to restore their shine so that every look in the mirror does not have to remind us of another sleepless night?
The easiest way is simply to sleep. However, we know well that this is not always possible. So how do you deal with signs of fatigue and where do these awful "bags" and shadows come from?
Watch what you eat and drink
Give up or minimize salt consumption, it retains water in the body and makes us swell. Avoid salty, fatty and spicy foods especially in the evening. Prepare a light dinner rich in vegetables containing antioxidants to fight free radicals harmful to the skin. A diet that will help fight signs of fatigue should provide vitamins C, E, K as well as iron and folic acid. The reason for the appearance of swelling and dark circles under the eyes can also be excessive alcohol consumption.
Take care of your health
Puffy and dark circles under the eyes can also be a sign of health problems. They are often one of the symptoms of allergies, anemia, hypertension or hormonal disorders. This problem also affects people with diabetes, thyroid or kidneys. So if your "bags" and shadows are accompanied by other disturbing symptoms, it is worth visiting a doctor and checking your health.
Quit smoking
I hope everyone knows that smoking is harmful to the skin. It is also responsible for bruising and swelling under the eyes. Toxins contained in cigarette smoke destroy collagen fibers, making the skin lose its firmness and age faster.
Days when you need exceptional care
Signs of fatigue may also get worse before you expect your period. Changes in the hormonal economy cause, among others, water retention. This is the time when you need to take care of yourself exceptionally. So try to get some sleep and relax. Enrich your diet with natural remedies to get rid of excess water. Delicious green tea will work great here.
Compress SOS
After a hard night, swollen and blue skin around the eyes, it will do very well for 5 minutes of a cold compress. The easiest way to do this is to use teaspoons or special gel glasses. Just cool them and apply them on your eyelids. Green tea compresses have a great effect, which narrows the blood vessels and reduces swelling.
It is worth brewing it earlier and cooling it in the fridge. Swelling is also reduced by compresses of cool milk, which, like green tea, narrows blood vessels. Strawberry wraps also give excellent results. They have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. The best results will be achieved if you cut them into thick slices and cool well.
Remember water
If you do not supply your body with enough fluid, and you allow yourself salty and heavy snacks, you may find that bags and dark circles under the eyes are a sign of dehydration. Then the blood vessels dilate and swelling occurs. It's best if you drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.
Watch out for the sun
Before going out into the sun do not forget about cream with a high filter, preferably 30 SPF and sunglasses. Thanks to this, you minimize the risk of discoloration, delay the effects of aging and avoid eye irritation.
The most important makeup remover
Remains of mascara, powder and shadows irritate, make the skin not breathe, regenerate and become excessively dry and prone to wrinkles, bruises and swelling. That's why you should wash your makeup thoroughly before going to bed.
Appropriate care
Thin skin under the eyes needs special attention, start to care for it after 20 years of age. Proper care will also help fight the effects of fatigue. During the day, take care of moisturizing and sun protection. The cream, which is supposed to help fight discoloration, should contain brightening vitamin C or B3. Swelling cosmetics will cope best with swelling. However, cell regeneration is stimulated by retinol, but remember that it sensitizes the skin to sunlight, so it will be best if it is included in the composition of nourishing night creams.
When more is needed ...
If home remedies do not help or bags under the eyes are genetic, aesthetic medicine comes to the rescue. Laser therapy gives great effects, stimulates the skin to produce collagen, thanks to which it becomes more tense and thicker. Complementing the procedure may be injecting with platelet rich plasma obtained from the patient's blood, which will regenerate tired skin. The effects after such treatments persist for several months.