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Beautiful, firm and healthy breasts regardless of size is the dream of every woman, so that it can come true, you need to remember about proper daily breast care. Forgotten and neglected, they age much faster, their skin wrinkles, loses firmness and elasticity. They also feel on their skin the changes that occur in the body during puberty, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, lactation and during menopause. Their shape also changes over time, which is inevitably influenced by the law of gravity.

Your breasts must endure a lot at every stage of life. Therefore, to be healthy and beautiful they need a little bit of care and attention every day.

Today, how to care for them, remembering that proper care is also a concern for health.

Watch, touch, examine ...

Self-examination for each woman should be the most important element of breast care. It is thanks to it that it is very often possible to detect cancer changes before the disease develops for good. The test should be performed after the end of menstruation between the 6th and 10th day of the cycle, then the breasts are usually soft and less sensitive to touch. Menopausal women and those who have already passed this stage of life can choose any day of the month. It is best if you will perform breast self-examination always on the same day, then you will be able to notice any changes. Start by looking closely at your bust, pay attention to the appearance of the skin, breast shape and condition of the nipples. Then go to the stage where your hands will become the basic diagnostic tool. Don't be afraid, not every change you notice or feel has to mean cancer, but you need to show each doctor. Even if it turns out that you are dealing with cancer, remember that the chances of curing early disease are really great. As usual, so time counts, so much depends on you. If you do not know how to properly examine your breasts or are afraid that you are doing it the wrong way, consult your gynecologist as soon as possible or look for information on the Internet, you will easily find there a detailed instruction that will show you step by step how to perform such examination.

In the shower or bath tub

First of all, you must remember that the skin does not like hot water, which destroys its protective lipid function, which causes the effects that it becomes less elastic and dry. Choose cosmetics that must contain moisturizing oils, e.g. almond argan, wheat germ or macadamia. Those with cream are also great.

A wonderful massage

Brest massage can not last too long, and to finish it, cool the stream of water. Your bust will also like a massage with a special sponge, glove or ice cubes wrapped in a cotton towel. In this way, you will stimulate circulation and the skin will be dripped and nourished, it will gain flexibility and healthy beautiful packaging. If you do not like cold and are not able to convince yourself of this type of massage, use oils such as almonds, fenugreek, black cumin, coconut oil or olive oil. Apparently, the massage performed by a loved one also brings fantastic results. Taking care of your breasts can be a very pleasant way of spending your free time 🙂

The breasts also need scrubs

Breasts, like the rest of your body, should be cleaned of dead skin from time to time by peeling. If you want to improve their appearance, you should do this once or twice a week. Use delicate fine-grained peels for this purpose, and if your skin is dry and irritated choose enzymatic. You can make a nice peeling from pineapple, mix 2-3 slices of fresh fruit, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of fine-grained sugar or corn flour. Pineapple will provide your skin not only with the necessary vitamins, but also will deal with dead skin and cleanse the pores. Try the pear peeling, just peel, blend and add two teaspoons of honey to it. Such a cosmetic will perfectly moisturize and nourish your skin, and by neutralizing free radicals, it will also delay the effects of aging.

Moisturizing and firming

A very important element of proper breast care is also moisturizing. Ladies of all ages must remember this. It is best to moisturize your breasts twice a day in the morning and evening. Always dry it gently after bathing or showering, and apply a moisturizing moisturizer to the slightly moist. Ladies with large breasts must remember not to leave moisture under the breasts. This way you will avoid irritation and the development of bacterial or fungal infections.

Girls up to 20 years old just need a regular moisturizing lotion, then you should already stock up on special cosmetics that will not only moisturize and nourish, but also firm and smooth the skin of the breast. Creams intended for breast care should contain B vitamins, vitamins A, E and C, as well as hyaluronic acid or cocoa butter, which by binding water will help maintain proper skin hydration. Horsetail extract also has a good effect, which accelerates regeneration, firms and makes the collagen, elastin, sea algae, green tea and vegetable oils responsible for skin elasticity and youthful appearance.

It is also worth applying a monthly treatment using a special bust serum. Choose the right one for your age and needs. It contains active moisturizing ingredients or firming and tightening the skin, support the action of lotions and creams. As always, however, regularity counts. The serum should be applied to the breast twice a day for 3-4 weeks. When applying cosmetics, you can do a gentle massage at the same time, just remember to avoid warts.

Remember about masks

Nutrient-rich masks will help moisturize and firm your bust skin, so you should do them at least 2-3 times a week. You can buy ready-made products that suit your individual needs or make them yourself at home. Use for this: greasy cream, add to it two tablespoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of olive oil and the content of two capsules of vitamin A + E. Such a cosmetic will perfectly moisturize, nourish and make your breasts elastic. Astringent action will have a mask made of rigidly beaten egg white, while oiling and regenerating prepared from ¼ cup of greasy cottage cheese combined with mixed ripe avocado.

Bra not only for decorations

If you want your breasts to be firm and shapely as long as possible, you must remember about a properly selected bra. It should be perfectly adapted to the shape and size of your bust. It cannot be too small, because compressing and wiping the breasts will not only deform them, but may also cause health problems. Too big, in turn, will not properly support the bust, causing it to quickly deform. If you can't choose the perfect bra for yourself, you can ask the braffitter for help.

Straighten and exercise

Your posture has a great influence on how your breasts will look. Try not to slouch, and they will certainly stay in place longer, defending themselves against the forces of gravity. Remember to strengthen your chest and back muscles, just exercise a few minutes a day to lift and firm your breasts. Also, do not forget to maintain a proper, constant body weight. Quick weight loss or weight gain adversely affects the appearance of the bust, its skin loses its firmness and stretch marks appear.

Go to a specialist

It is also worth taking advantage of the benefits offered to you by modern aesthetic medicine at REVIVE CLINIC. If you want to restore your breasts firmness and gently lift them, I suggest treatment like Zaffiro or others. Energy, which reaches deeper layers of the skin during the treatment, increases collagen production and accelerates regenerative processes, making it younger and firmer. Good lifting effects are also achieved by injecting the breast with platelet rich plasma, which will make your bust skin smooth and elastic, as well as reduce the visibility of stretch marks.

Take care not only about the appearance of your breasts, but also about their health. Look after them carefully and do not forget about regular self-examination, doctor visits and ultrasound, and when the time comes, also mammograms.
