Most of us cannot function normally without morning coffee. It helps us to wake up, and when our day unnaturally lengthens and the multitude of duties begins to overwhelm us, helps to stimulate our brain and improve concentration. Coffee is also a very "sociable" drink, we can talk after a long hour, meeting "just for coffee".
The aroma of coffee stimulates our senses and triggers positive emotions in us.
However, I would like us to look at coffee from a slightly different angle. Today on our blog, coffee as a wonderful home cosmetic.
Meet 5 home cosmetics in which coffee plays the main role
Cosmetic properties of coffee
Coffee reduces the effects of free radicals and thus has strong anti-aging properties, it can also perfectly stimulate the skin to regenerate, also activates the process of fat breakdown and reduces its formation. So it is a component not only anti-aging cosmetics, but also works well in peels and masks supporting the prevention and fight against cellulite.
It is thanks to coffee that our skin becomes firm, more tense and smoother. Coffee improves microcirculation, which significantly improves the color of our skin, swelling and bruises under the eyes disappear. It also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, helping to fight infections and skin imperfections.
However, the polyphenol compounds contained in it do not delay the decomposition process of vitamin C, thus helping to smooth our skin and reduce the appearance of discoloration. Coffee is also a natural protection against UV radiation, and by activating hair growth factors and stimulating bulbs, it also reduces hair loss and accelerates hair growth.
1. A mask that rejuvenates and brightens our skin
Prepare yourself 2 table spoons of freshly ground coffee, 2 table spoons of cocoa, 3 table spoons of thick yogurt and one table spoon of honey. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, and the resulting mask, apply to the face avoiding the eye area and leave it for 10-15 minutes. After this time, wash your face thoroughly.
Cocoa and coffee are a rich source of antioxidants, which is why the mask prepared in this way is perfect as a rejuvenating cosmetic. Thanks to it, our skin will be firm, smooth, and will acquire beautiful healthy color and glow. In turn, yogurt gently exfoliates and moisturizes the skin, it also perfectly copes with skin imperfections, and by showing a gently chasing effect, reduces the appearance of pores. Honey, however, perfectly nourishes, has anti-inflammatory properties and accelerates skin regeneration.
2. Refreshing peeling
Coffee peeling will not only help you get rid of dead epidermis and sebum on the skin, but will also be great as a detoxifying cosmetic, thanks to which you will get rid of toxins harmful to the skin.
However, this is not the end of such a peeling, it will also help firm and smooth your skin, and stimulate its cells to intensively regenerate.
To prepare it, of course, you need coffee, prepare about 6 tablespoons of freshly ground beans, 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil and 2 teaspoons of brown sugar. As usual, mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to the skin, while performing a gentle massage for about 5 minutes, then rinse the body with lukewarm water and apply moisturizing lotion
3. Hair mask
Works best for dark hair, because light ones can unfortunately change color because of the darkening properties of the coffee. However, in the case of dark hair, coffee will perfectly enliven their color, stimulate the growth of new strong hair, reduce hair loss, give them shine, elasticity, cleanse the scalp of toxins, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
To make a homemade mask you will need 2 table spoons of freshly ground coffee, 2 egg yolks and olive oil. Mix all ingredients together and thoroughly massage into hair and scalp. For a better effect, you can wrap your head with foil and a towel. After 20 minutes, rinse your head thoroughly and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
4. Coffee fight against cellulite
A coffee-based scrub is a great way to prevent and help fight cellulite. Coffee supports the reduction of adipose tissue and reduces the formation of new ones, firms, tightens and smoothes the skin, improves circulation and speeds up metabolism, as well as perfectly oxygenates.
If you want to improve the condition of your skin, prepare a firming peeling. You will need 4 table spoons of coffee, 2 table spoons of brown sugar, 2 table spoons of olive oil and two table spoons of fresh lemon juice. The coffee should be brewed in a small amount of water, and when it cools down add the other ingredients to it and gently massage into the skin. Olive oil will help regeneration and moisturize the skin, and the lemon will perfectly even out its color cleanse from toxins and help get rid of excess sebum.
5. We get rid of bags under the eyes
Coffee is great in the fight against bags and bruises under the eyes, so if we had a hard night, it is worth taking advantage of the benefits of coffee and quickly get rid of the unsightly signs of fatigue, located under our eyes.
Prepare for yourself two table spoons of freshly ground coffee, there may also be coffee grounds (although their effect will be slightly weaker) and egg white. Both ingredients should be combined and whipped until foam is formed. Spread the resulting mask under the eyes and wait about 10 minutes, after this time, wash the mask off the skin with a cotton swab moistened in warm water. Egg protein additionally tightens the skin under the eyes, thanks to which we also get a subtle lifting effect.
Coffee is also great as a bath additive, so you can use its detoxifying properties. It also works great as a cosmetic that strengthens protection against sunlight, while gently emphasizing the tan. Homemade cosmetics with coffee not only smell wonderful, but also perfectly care for our skin.
Remember, however, that before you use them to check that they are not allergic.