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Acne scars belong to the so-called atrophic scars. Most often they are just round hollows and although those who are not affected by the problem may seem to be an unnoticeable ailment, for those who have to face them, sometimes they are a really big problem not only of aesthetic, but also psychological nature. 

Some of them are really very difficult to hide even under intense makeup, and home methods unfortunately do not bring the expected results. Today on my blog about how thanks to aesthetic medicine we can get rid of them effectively.

Atrophic scars arise when as a result of interference, too little collagen, which plays a key role in the healing process, is produced. Most often they are a residue from acne lesions. They can be small or large, shallow or deep, round or linear, sometimes they occur one at a time, and sometimes there are a lot of them, when they are where they are easy to see, they often cause shame and take away our confidence.

Are acne scars always formed?

Not all acne-like skin lesions have to leave scars in the form of scars, but unfortunately it happens so often. A lot depends on both our genetic predisposition and the severity of skin lesions. Hygiene, care and treatment of the resulting changes are also significant. 

Scars very often arise in people who do not use any therapy or the treatment used is not appropriate. There is also a very high risk of "squeezing", which, unfortunately, some can not refrain from, and - what is worse - very often do not keep the basic rules of hygiene. Such treatment of purulent eruptions formed on the skin, usually ends with superinfection, which, unfortunately, significantly aggravates the case and contributes to the formation of acne scars.

Prevention is better than cure

That is why proper care for acne prone skin is very important, if you make sure that the eruptions heal faster and support skin regeneration, certainly acne scars will be much less visible and in some cases will not appear at all. 

It is very important to clean the skin every day, you can use special anti-bacterial cosmetics, they should not only be thoroughly cleansed, but also have soothing properties. 

Instead, avoid soap, perfumed cosmetics and cosmetics that dry the skin excessively. It is also very important to be moderate, cleaning the skin too often may irritate it, and this will only aggravate the problem and increase the risk of scars. 

Be sure to also maintain the proper pH of your skin, so after washing, be sure to use a tonic that will work perfectly in this role. 

Also remember that even acne prone skin, which is usually oily, needs proper hydration. Use light creams for this purpose, especially for problem skin. It is also good to perform a peeling exfoliating dead skin 1-2 times a week, the best for skin with purulent lesions will be an enzyme peeling, thanks to which you will gently remove impurities, unclog pores and accelerate the regeneration process.

However, avoid peels containing abrasive particles, they can violate purulent skin lesions and cause worsening of symptoms. Finally, probably one of the most important rules for caring for skin with acne lesions - never squeeze them, thus avoiding their superinfection, spreading and significantly reducing the risk of scarring.

What if the scars appear anyway?

Unfortunately, if scars, despite careful care and refraining from scratching and squeezing the skin lesions, appear anyway, you will certainly not remove them at home. Therefore, if you want to get rid of them, you should use the help of a specialist. 

At REVIVE CLINIC™ based on Dr Chris Gojdz years of experience the best combination for reducing acne scars: Forever Young BBL Phototherapy + SkinPen Microneedling + PRP + LED Therapy

FOREVER YOUNG BBL treatment is a light-based therapy that penetrates the deep layers of the skin to induce collagen production. It is also known as photo-rejuvenation.

SKINPEN MICRONEEDLING for acne scars allows for controlled induction of the skin’s self-repair process by creating precise, micro-injuries in the skin, which automatically triggers new collagen synthesis without causing scar tissue formation. In addition, the mechanical creation of microscopic channels into the deep dermis allows for the temporary penetration of topical normally not absorbed by the skin.

PRP (Platelet Reich Plasma) for acne scars is based on the natural process called “healing cascade.” This involves a series of regeneration and remodeling steps in the body. When the external tissue injury occurs, the body triggers a response to increase the production of “signal proteins” that can be used at the trauma site.

These signal proteins consist of platelets, white blood cells, and adult stem cells. The signal proteins concentrated in PRP include growth factors that will help generate the production of fresh collagen and elastin, which will reduce stretch marks from the inside out in a natural looking way.

LED Therapy target and treat scars using red light to heal skin, reduce inflammation and redness.

Remember, however, that this procedure can only be performed when the acne lesions are already cured, and active inflammation is, unfortunately, a contraindication to it. That is why it is so important to consult a specialist who will thoroughly examine your skin, conduct a detailed interview about your health condition and propose a scar treatment plan appropriate for you.
