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Sagging shoulder skin, i.e. "butterflies" are, unfortunately, the effect of our body's aging. Over time, collagen and elastin decrease, the skin loses its firmness, density and elasticity. Our muscles also age, which is why their strength and mass decrease. With age, the content of water in our body also decreases and the skeleton decreases. All this makes the slack skin begin to fall, and unsightly "butterflies" form on the arms.

Today on my blog about how to slow down and alleviate aging processes at home, firm the skin of the arms and prevent the formation of unwanted "butterflies"

1. Try coconut water

Coconut water comes from young green coconuts, is a rich source of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, we also find in it a large amount of B vitamins and vitamin C, which as a strong antioxidant reduces the effects of free radicals and keeps our skin in excellent condition. 

Coconut water perfectly hydrates our body and quickly replenishes electrolyte deficiencies, protects us from dangerous dehydration. It also affects our skin very well, moisturizing and nourishing it from the inside. Coconut water is also a rich source of natural plant hormones, growth regulators belonging to cytokinins. It is primarily kinetin, which is also found in human DNA. It is responsible, among others, for cell division, thanks to which plant leaves are resistant to aging, and collagen and elastin producing fibroblasts come to life and become more active. Kinetin can repair damage caused to our skin by UV radiation, delays the effects of aging, smoothes the skin, makes it elastic and takes on a healthy, young look. 

You can drink coconut water as an independent drink or add it to cocktails, thanks to which you will enrich their taste and nutritional value. Try to use it also as an addition to the bath or your favorite lotion.

2. Reliable peeling

A very important skin care treatment, also on the shoulders, is peeling. Thanks to it, you will not only get rid of impurities accumulating on it and dead epidermis, but also stimulate its cells to regenerate. Your skin will become more tense, gain firmness and softness. It will also improve circulation, and thus it will be more nourished and oxygenated. Remember, however, that to notice the effects, you should do this regularly 2-3 times a week. Try to prepare such a peeling yourself, choosing the ingredients so that your skin condition clearly improves. 

A peeling made of sea salt and coconut oil will work very well here. Sea salt perfectly exfoliates the epidermis and improves blood circulation, leaving the skin smooth, taut and elastic. 

Coconut oil, in turn, cares for its proper hydration, strengthens the protective barrier, soothes irritations and reduces free radicals. Coconut oil can also be replaced with macadamia oil, which perfectly tightens and firms flabby skin, helps fight cellulite, reduces the risk of stretch marks, nourishes and protects it, making it look young and healthy.

Peeling prepared from coffee beans also has excellent firming properties. Finely ground grains should be combined with the selected oil, e.g. olive oil, coconut oil, linseed oil or macadamia oil. Coffee quickly stimulates circulation, helps break down accumulated fat, cleanses the skin and mobilizes its cells to regenerate. Thanks to this, it becomes firm, smooth and pleasant to the touch. You can also add 1-2 teaspoons of cinnamon to this peeling, which will strengthen the firming effect of the cosmetic.

3. Remember about masks

The skin on the shoulders, just like the skin of your face, also needs intensive nutrition, so in addition to daily care with the use of moisturizing, moisturizing, firming and nourishing creams, 2-3 times a week you should devote a little more time and prepare a mask. 

You can use figs rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. Mix the pulp of 2-3 figs with two teaspoons of honey and a teaspoon of lemon, in this way you will create a cosmetic that will nourish, regenerate and smooth your skin, and thanks to the huge content of antioxidants will also help it deal with free radicals and delay the effects of aging. 

Figs can also be replaced with melon, 2-3 slices should be blended first so as to form a mass, and then combined with honey and a little lemon juice. Melon perfectly nourishes, refreshes, moisturizes and supports skin renewal processes, and as a powerful antioxidant added to cosmetics, it also works well as a firming and delaying aging agent. 

Leave such a mask on the skin for about 20 minutes, then wash off with water. 

You can prepare a very simple and inexpensive skin tightening mask from chicken egg protein, just separate them to stiff foam and it's ready. The cosmetic so prepared should be applied to the shoulders, left for about 15 minutes and then rinsed with lwarm water.

4. Massage will improve the condition of the skin

Massage is a very important element of skin care, but to obtain satisfactory results it should be done several times a week. Thanks to it, circulation will improve, the skin will be oxygenated, nourished, it will also become more tense and elastic, and the cells stimulated in this way will allow its faster regeneration. For massage, you can use oils that will further enhance its effects. It can be, for example, linseed oil, which works great as a natural cosmetic that makes the skin elastic; almond, which strengthens and nourishes the flabby shoulder skin or the well-known coconut oil and olive oil. 

Massage with the use of aloe vera gel, which not only takes care of proper hydration and nourishment of the skin, but also alleviates irritations, deals with discoloration, firms and smoothes, also brings very good results.

At REVIVE CLINIC we recommend ICOONE Laser lymphatic massage which firm and tight the skin.

Also other skin tightening treatment are recommended: Cryo T Shock and Zaffiro. Check reviveclinic.com for more information.

5. Always exercise

If you want your arms to look beautiful and young for many years, and unsightly "butterflies" are something that will be completely foreign to you, you need to make sure that in your everyday life there is time for exercises, especially those that strengthen the muscles of the hands . 

It doesn't have to be hours spent in the gym right away, all you have to do is do a dozen push-ups or exercises with weights in your hands. You really need 15 minutes a day to notice the first results after a few weeks.

The fight against "butterflies" is not easy and requires a lot of perseverance and regularity. However, I am convinced that by following my advice, you will definitely improve the condition of your skin. However, you must remember that prophylaxis brings the best results, so it is good to take care of the skin of your shoulders before the passing time begins to leave its marks on it.
