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Skin care and caring for beauty is not only the use of appropriate cosmetics and treatment. If we want our skin to remain beautiful and young longer, we must also ensure proper physical activity and a well-balanced diet. Today, I would like you to learn about products worth enriching your menu because of their wonderful impact on our beauty.

1. Pomegranate

Filled with delicious juice, the grains of this fruit contain huge amounts of antioxidants, thanks to which eating it supports our body in the fight against free radicals, which, as is known, also accelerate the aging process. 

Pomegranate contains vitamins C, E, K, B1, B3, B6, beta-carotene, which are very important for our skin, and significant amounts of folic acid. We also find zinc in it, which, thanks to its antibacterial properties, copes well with all kinds of skin lesions and infections; selenium which soothes irritations and allows us to maintain the firmness and elasticity of our skin and potassium, which is very important in the care of problematic and insufficiently moisturized skin. 

Among all these valuable nutrients for our body, we also find in pomegranate punicic acid, which is only characteristic for it, belonging to the group of omega 5 acids. As an extremely strong antioxidant, punicic acid accelerates skin regeneration processes and clearly has anti-inflammatory effects improving her condition. However, this is not all, pomegranate also contains linoleic acid and large amounts of polyphenols. Including these wonderful fruits in our diet, we slow down the aging process, help fight infections and take care of proper hydration and nutrition of our skin. Pomegranate can be a great addition to various types of salads and desserts, drinking a fresh pomegranate juice is also a good option. Pomegranate is also an excellent ingredient in homemade masks, thanks to it the skin will be smooth, firm and perfectly nourished.

2. Blueberries

Berries are not only very tasty, but also very healthy fruit, they also have a wonderful effect on our beauty and this is probably why they are increasingly used in cosmetics. The berries have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which is why they are very helpful for various types of infections, including those affecting our skin. 

Blueberries have strong antioxidant properties, which in turn allows them to eliminate the effects of free radicals and delay the effects of aging. They also care about the condition of our blood vessels, strengthening, sealing and making them elastic, great for people who are struggling with the problems of delicate skin capillaries. They should also be remembered by those whose skin tends to oily, these fruits perfectly regulate the sebaceous glands, reducing sebum production. Blueberries are very often a component of cosmetics both at home and those found in stores and pharmacies, have anti-wrinkle, firming, moisturizing and skin tone properties.

3. Kale

Kale is a valuable source of vitamin K affecting the blood clotting process and improving the condition of blood vessels. Therefore, it should be in the diet of people with delicate capillaries and rosacea. Kale reduces skin redness caused by external factors and the visibility of dilated capillaries. 

Vitamin K also soothes skin irritations and accelerates its regeneration. Reduces the visibility of bruises under the eyes and accelerates the healing of skin damage. Kale will also provide us with large doses of vitamins A and C and carotenoids, which by fighting free radicals, take care of the young appearance of our skin, healthy color, firmness and proper hydration. However, it is worth knowing that kale among its numerous advantages also has disadvantages, the oxalates contained in it can cause kidney stones, arrhythmias or arthritis. That is why it is very important to be moderate and not eating excess kale, especially if our kidneys are not working properly.

4. Eggs

Eggs are a source of easily absorbed by our body protein and vitamins, among others A, E, D, K, B2, B9, B12. There is also a lack of minerals: calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, potassium and iodine. We will also find in them large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids. 

The wealth of nutrients hidden in the egg has a huge impact on our health and the appearance of the skin. By stimulating the immune system, eggs support our body in the fight against diseases also those that directly or indirectly affect the appearance of our skin and hair. In turn, by delaying the aging process, they keep our skin firm, smooth, properly moisturized and nourished, protect it from the harmful effects of UV rays, and strengthen our hair and improve the condition of nails. 

Eggs are also a popular ingredient in homemade masks, both those improving skin and hair. Protein has astringent properties, acting as a cosmetic that tightens the skin, prevents it from slacking and reduces the visibility of fine wrinkles. 

Protein also copes well with oily skin problems, helping to get rid of sebum accumulated on its surface. In turn, the yolk perfectly nourishes, tones, maintains proper hydration and accelerates skin renewal. 

Used on hair, it regains a healthy shine, becomes strong, less susceptible to harmful external factors and pleasant to the touch.

5. Nuts

Nuts are primarily a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids, we will also find in them a substantial dose of vitamins E, C, A, K, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. 

Nuts eliminate the action of free radicals, maintain proper hydration of the skin, support its regeneration, protect against harmful effects of external factors and give it a healthy color. 

Nuts also have a very large impact on the condition of the hair, strengthen it, preventing it from breaking and crumbling, and acting anti-inflammatory, help treat infection. 

Just eat a small handful of nuts each day to improve the condition of both your hair and nails. Remember, however, that nuts are hard to digest and consumed in excess can cause digestive problems. As always, it is important to be healthy in moderation. If you want to improve the condition of your skin and hair from the outside, also try cosmetics containing nut extracts.

6. Avocados

Avocados are a source of monounsaturated fatty acids, thanks to which it becomes possible to maintain proper hydration of the skin and protect against irritation. Avocados should be a mandatory component of the diet of people whose skin is dry and sensitive. 

Thanks to the content of B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E and K, avocados perfectly neutralize the effects of free radicals, make the skin elastic and firm and help fight various types of infections. However, the most beneficial ingredients will be found in the fruit stone, it contains up to 70% of all antioxidants found in avocados. Therefore, instead of throwing it away, ground or grated, you can add it to salads, cocktails and even sprinkle sandwiches on it. 

Avocados are also great as an ingredient in homemade masks, significantly improving the condition of the skin. In turn, finely ground stone can be an ideal component of peels. It will help get rid of dead epidermis, improve skin hydration and activate regenerative processes, keeping it soft, flexible and healthy.

7. Salmon

Salmon contains a lot of omega 3 fatty acids, thanks to which it maintains proper hydration of the skin, reducing irritation and unpleasant symptoms associated with drying (such as itching, cracking and flaking). In turn, the content of group B vitamins helps protect the skin against the harmful effects of UV radiation and accelerates the healing of irritation resulting from excessive exposure to the sun.

8. Green tea

In green tea, we find, above all, polyphenols that show strong antioxidant activity, protecting our body against the harmful effects of free radicals. Drinking green tea helps to keep the skin looking young, reduces inflammation, maintains elasticity and proper hydration. Green tea also works against swelling and brightens, which effectively reduces the visibility of "bags" under the eyes and discoloration. 

Green tea helps get rid of dangerous deposits and toxins, which in turn reduces the risk of purulent skin lesions. The condition of the skin is very well influenced by daily drinking green tea and adding it in the form of infusion to masks or using it directly, e.g. as a natural cosmetic replacing tonic.

9. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain large amounts of vitamins, including A, B, C and E, we also find copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese. Tomatoes are also the main source of lycopene, a red dye that not only gives them a beautiful color, but is also a very strong antioxidant, protects our body against free radicals and slows down the aging process. However, we absorb it best from processed vegetables, e.g. purees or tomato juices. Vitamins contained in tomatoes improve the condition of our blood vessels, favorably affect the circulatory system, while increasing oxygenation and nutrition of the skin. Thanks to them, it becomes smooth, radiant and perfectly moisturized. Potassium, in turn, helps to remove excess water from the body, making, for example, after a sleepless night less visible "bags" under the eyes. Tomatoes work very well as an addition to home cosmetics. The masks or peels in which they will find themselves perfectly clean and refresh the skin, narrow pores, brighten and even out the color, and thanks to the content of malic and citric acid, they remove dead skin.

10. Red pepper

Red pepper contains a lot of vitamin C, just eat one to cover the entire daily requirement of our body for this vitamin. Peppers are also a wealth of fiber, B vitamins and valuable minerals: magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium. Thanks to it, our body cleans toxins much easier, blood vessels are more elastic and the skin is nourished and moisturized. In turn, the large amount of beta-carotene contained in the pepper gives it a healthy color. On the other hand, strong antioxidant properties mean that wrinkles and discoloration accompanying the aging process appear on our skin much later. Red pepper is a vegetable that should be an indispensable element of the diet of people struggling with problems associated with vascular skin. Peppers contain a routine that strengthens and seals capillaries, preventing the formation of spider veins visible on the skin.

11. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes, thanks to the high content of, among others, vitamins C, E, B6 and folic acid and minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium and sodium, but primarily as a wealth of carotenoids, have a very beneficial effect on the condition of our skin. Thanks to them, it not only acquires a beautiful healthy appearance, but is also perfectly nourished. Nutrients contained in sweet potatoes stimulate skin cells to produce collagen, which is why it becomes more elastic and firm. Eating sweet potatoes will also provide our skin with better hydration, and their antioxidant properties will delay aging.

If you want your skin to look young and radiant, it is also worth taking care of it from the inside. Every organism needs the right dose of nutrients for proper functioning, fighting against harmful external factors and starting regenerative processes. That is why it is worth enriching your diet with healthy natural products that will help you supply them as much as possible every day.
