Oily hair causes us a lot of problems, looks unsightly, becomes a reason for shame, negatively affect our well-being, and worse can also contribute to the emergence of diseases that will negatively affect their condition.
Today on my blog a few home ways that will help you reduce greasy hair.
The scalp has a lot of sebum secreting glands, which, if it is present in the right amount, is very important not only for scalp but also for the hair. It protects our skin against harmful external factors and ensures that it is properly moisturized.
It is also necessary to maintain hair in proper condition, thanks to which it is properly moisturized, elastic and shiny.
The problem begins when the sebaceous glands produce too much of it, because then the scalp and hair just start to get sick. There can be a lot of reasons for producing too much sebum, sometimes this condition is "inherited" from our loved ones, other times this condition is affected by a poor diet, endocrine disorder, inadequate care or the state of our health.
Therefore, if the problem is really serious, it is worth reporting to a specialist who will help us know and possibly eliminate its cause. It is also worth knowing some home remedies that can help us deal with excessively greasy hair.
1. Lemon rinse
Lemon is great in the fight against excessively greasy hair, has slightly astringent and toning properties, restores the natural pH of the scalp, perfectly copes with the removal of impurities accumulated on the hair and skin (sebum, dust, dead skin and cosmetics residues), closes scales hair, refreshes and helps get rid of odor.
To prepare a rinse, you need juice squeezed from one lemon and 1-2 two glasses of water. Mix both ingredients together, and when you wash your head with a delicate shampoo and rinse it thoroughly, use a lemon rinse. Gently massage it into your hair and scalp and after about 3-5 minutes rinse with warm water. Remember that too often using such a lotion can irritate the skin and dry hair, so keep checking their condition and try to be moderate. Remember also to carefully protect your eyes when using lemon rinse.
2. Baking soda
Baking soda will thoroughly cleanse the scalp and hair of excess sebum, dust, dead skin and residues of cosmetics used for care and styling. Soda will help regulate the work of sebaceous glands so that the amount of sebum they produce decreases, and by acting anti-inflammatory, fighting bacteria and fungi, will help us deal with scalp infections.
Mix two tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of water and gently massage into hair and scalp, leave for a few minutes and rinse. If the hair is not very dirty, such a procedure can even replace washing it with shampoo. Remember, however, that after washing with soda, the hair is rough and dull, therefore it is necessary to make a rinse, e.g. lemon juice or spraying them with a pre-prepared apple cider vinegar mist (you should dilute it in half with water and pour it into the sprayer), such a procedure it will close hair cuticles and make them flexible, shiny and healthy.
3. Reliable aloe vera
Aloe has many wonderful properties, helps us stay healthy, improves immunity, supports the treatment of infection, cares for our beauty and accelerates wound healing.
Aloe is also an excellent ingredient in hair cosmetics that get excessively greasy. You need a few aloe leaves to get two heaped tablespoons of gel, a tablespoon of lemon juice and two tablespoons of honey. Mix all ingredients together and rub the resulting mask into the hair and scalp while doing a gentle massage. Leave your cosmetic on your hair for about 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water and wash your hair with a mild shampoo for oily hair.
4. Tomato SOS
Tomatoes can be a salvation for greasy hair. Tomatoes help restore our skin's natural pH, regulate sebaceous glands, nourish hair, help fight infections, cleanse and refresh, making them look healthy and beautiful.
To prepare such a mask we need 2 ripe tomatoes (of course those from the home garden or proven organic crops) and a tablespoon of honey. The peeled tomatoes need to prepare the puree and combine it with honey, rub the resulting mask into the hair, for a better effect we can wrap them with foil and a towel and leave it for about 20 minutes.
5. Oatmeal mask
Oatmeal will help you get rid of excess sebum and regulate the sebaceous glands, improve the condition of the scalp and hair, strengthen their structure, nourish the bulbs, accelerating the growth of new and strong hair.
Prepare yourself 2-3 tablespoons of finely ground oatmeal, cover them with warm water (1 cup), and when the pulp is formed, add a teaspoon of soda. Apply the mask to your hair and massage into your scalp, and after about 20 minutes rinse with water and wash your head with a mild shampoo.
When you prepare home cosmetics, don't forget that each of them, apart from being able to enrich your daily care, can also cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before trying them on yourself, always check first if you are allergic.
Also, never use anything on your own, if your scalp is irritated as a result of infection, then what is best for scalp should be decided by a specialist.
Also remember that oily hair can cause health problems, so if your problem is so great that home coping with it and proper daily hair and scalp care do not bring results, you should definitely use the help of a specialist.