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A stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when our skin stretches or shrinks quickly

Like any scar, stretch marks are permanent, but treatment may make them less noticeable. The areas commonly treated with PRP for stretch marks include the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and upper arms.

Our unique combination of multiple modalities offers you a wide range of noninvasive treatment options. We’ll work with you to develop a customized treatment plan to turn back the clock, correct aesthetic abnormalities that may be weighing on you.

Based on Dr Chris Gojdz years of experience the best combination for strech marks is: Forever Young BBL Body Phototherapy + SkinPen Microneedling + PRP.

FOREVER YOUNG BBL PHOTOTHERAPY treatment is a light-based therapy that penetrates the deep layers of the skin to induce collagen production. It is also known as photo-rejuvenation.

SKINPEN MICRONEEDLING allows for controlled induction of the skin’s self-repair process by creating precise, micro-injuries in the skin, which automatically triggers new collagen synthesis without causing scar tissue formation. In addition, the mechanical creation of microscopic channels into the deep dermis allows for the temporary penetration of topical normally not absorbed by the skin.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) for stretch marks is based on the natural process called “healing cascade.” This involves a series of regeneration and remodeling steps in the body. When the external tissue injury occurs, the body triggers a response to increase the production of “signal proteins” that can be used at the trauma site.

These signal proteins consist of platelets, white blood cells, and adult stem cells. The signal proteins concentrated in PRP include growth factors that will help generate the production of fresh collagen and elastin, which will reduce stretch marks from the inside out in a natural looking way.