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CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR is a CryoSlimming and CryoSculpting technology uses heat and cold temperatures to reduce fat.

This non-invasive, innovative and award winning technology and machine uses state-of-the-art thermography and cryotherapy (thermal shock) to reshape the body. Treatments are divided evenly across the treated areas. The destroyed cells then pass naturally through your body’s lymphatic system over the next two weeks


CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR is a non-surgical approach which doesn’t use any suction and is painless.


The CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR machine is capable of causing thermal shock due to its ability to alternate rapidly between periods of skin warming and cooling. First the heat is applied for 2 minutes on the treatment area. Heating allows for the fat cells to rise to the surface which are then quickly targeted during the 12 minute cold treatment of each area.
By using alternating heat and cold in varying times and frequency, the CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR can be used to reduce fat deposits, the appearance of cellulite and tighten loose or creepy skin.


  • For most customers results are seen immediately
  • Patients usually lose over one half inch in their first 28-40 minute session.
  • Treatment plans vary in duration dependent upon the desired results and the area being treated.
  • 3-6 sessions are recommended for best results


It has been shown that, under carefully controlled conditions, the subcutaneous fat cells are naturally much more vulnerable to the effects of cold than the surrounding tissue. Exposure to cooling by energy extraction causes apoptosis of fat cells, a natural process, which leads to controlled cell death and gradual elimination.
This process lowers the temperature of fat cells targeted at between 12 and 17° C. It is a safe, painless and non-surgical alternative to liposuction.
Basal Metabolism is influenced by temperature variations induced by the CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR results in an increase in the BM of 13% per degree centigrade. Dynamic and controlled thermal shock of CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR is a form of energy with proven biological effectiveness, which, when administered and subtracted in a controlled and combined manner, becomes the most advanced non-surgical answer to body shaping, fat reduction and younger looking skin.
Smashing and melting of hardened connective tissue with the consequent metabolic block of subcutaneous fat does not occur through the administration of medicines, but thanks to the natural energy and micro-massage, which concentrates on the first 2/4 cm of depth, where fat is located. The results that the CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR achieves also applies to the skin. It immediately improves appearance by tightening skin and causing a healthy glow.


Studies show 85-98% of women have cellulite. First of all, cellulite it's not excess of fat; cellulite has nothing to do with weight. Dimple appearance is the result of fat cells pushing up against the skin over the fibrous connective tissue bands.
Pregnancy and an inactive lifestyle may increase the risk of developing cellulite.
Many people dislike the appearance of cellulite and prefer to have skin as smooth as possible.
Fat deposits that push and distort the connective tissues beneath skin cause the appearance of lumpiness, leading to the characteristic "cottage cheese" or “orange peel” changes in the appearance of the skin. Physicians refer to cellulite as edematous fibrosclerotic panniculopathy (EFP). So, practically, cellulite is made by different components such as inflammation, liquid retention and fat deposit.

This is why, the usual cryotherapy while it may reduce fat deposits, it does not reduce the appearance of cellulite. CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR is made by alternating cryo and warming steps into the same session for improving drainage, reducing edema removing fat deposit, stimulating connective tissue.

So, CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR is performing a more complex action for getting in touch with the different tissue layers for increasing collagen production, improving the appearance, texture, and elasticity of the skin and meanwhile reducing edema, liquid retention and removing fat.

CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR is favoring the elimination of liquids in excess and metabolic wastes occurs through a natural re-absorption of the lymphatic system. Alternation of cold and warm is causing an increase of hyperemia, drainage and oxygen plus improvement in skin permeability.


Almost all the signs of skin aging can be attributed to a reduction in collagen and elastin. CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR improves the general condition of the skin by increasing oxygen and nutrient supply to the skin.
Regular CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR tightens the skin and prevents wrinkles. The intense exchanges between cold and warm activate collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, leaving your skin firm and tight. After few applications, clients have noticed the skin becoming smoother and more even toned with regained elasticity and improved overall “youthful” feeling. Provoking a shock by cooling and/or shocking the skin with CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR around the face and neck, the following actions will be performed:

  • Appearance of wrinkles and fine lines shall be highly reduced.
  • Production of collagen resulting in fuller, more youthful and beautiful rejuvenated skin.
  • Puffiness around the eyes shall be significantly reduced or totally eliminated.
  • Pores on the face and neck shall be reduced in size, limiting the intake of toxins, dirt and grime.
  • Benefits over lymphatic system, flushing away built up toxins, removing puffiness, and redness.
  • Metabolic rate increases, Endorphin levels shall be stimulated. After the first session you can clearly see the reduction of lines, puffiness and clearing of skin color. CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR Face Lift safely is performed with high benefits and without any special collateral effects and contraindications by using not so hard temperature for respecting comfort of each client without any limit into the age. The result is a long lasting return of a more youthful skin tonality.


    Cold and warm may grant a very useful involuntary exercise made by contraction and relaxation
    Cold is particularly effective in reducing localized edema thanks to the strong vasocontriction.
    Vasoconstriction and vasodilatation provoke anti-inflammatory cytokines.
    Cold and warm could reduce pain and pain signals coming from nervous system become slower.

Price List

Abdomen $350 $1500
Love Handles $350 $1500
Thighs $350 $1200
Arms $350 $350
Buttocks $350 $350
Double chin reduction $200 $900

The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program.