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Almost all the signs of skin aging can be attributed to a reduction in collagen and elastin.
The newest CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR is a technology that improves the general condition of the face skin by increasing oxygen and nutrient supply to the skin.
CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR is FDA approved device that tightens the skin and prevents wrinkles. The intense exchanges in CRYO T SHOCK between cold and warm activate collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, leaving your skin firm and tight. After few applications, patients have noticed the skin becoming smoother and even more toned with regained elasticity and improved overall “youthful” feeling.
Provoking a shock by cooling the skin with CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR around the face and neck, the following actions will be performed:

  • Appearance of wrinkles and fine lines shall be highly reduced
  • Production of collagen resulting in fuller, more youthful and beautiful rejuvenated skin
  • Puffiness around the eyes shall be significantly reduced or totally eliminated
  • Pores on the face and neck shall be reduced in size, limiting the intake of toxins, dirt and grime
  • Benefits over lymphatic system, flushing away built up toxins, removes puffiness, and redness
  • Metabolic rate increases, Endorphin levels shall be stimulated

After the first session you can clearly see the reduction of lines, puffiness and clearing of skin color. CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR FACE LIFT is safely performed with high benefits and without any special collateral effects and contraindications by using not so hard temperature for respecting comfort of each client at any age. The result is a long lasting return of a more youthful skin tonality.

CRYO T SHOCK™ STAR is also performed for a double chin reduction.

Price List

Face $250 $800
Face + neck $300 $1000
Face + neck + decolette $350 $1200
Double chin reduction $200 $700

The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program.